I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1662: Seems okay

This game, in the eyes of the great gods, is their battle for revenge.

The mistake in the previous game led to regretful defeat.

This one, I have to call back whatever I said!

When everyone thought that the 4AM side must have a serious atmosphere, the 4AM player seats still talked and talked daily.

"I will spare time next month. I have something to announce to you at that time." Jiang Siming told the three with a smile.

"What's the matter?" The Great Gods suddenly became curious.

Jiang Siming didn't say anything, just smiled and said, "I will tell you after the World Championship."

What do you have to say after finishing the World Championship? Such a mystery, it makes people appetite...

The three of them had no choice but to keep asking, they were all planning to free up time next month.

Kite glanced at Jiang Siming, and the woman's sixth sense told her that it must be a great thing.

Because Jiang Siming is happy, he has never seen Jiang Siming express his emotions so easily.

"Brother Jiang, are you... getting married?"

The kite came to Jiang Siming's ear and asked quietly.

"Hmm!" Jiang Siming turned his head, his two faces were no more than five centimeters apart.

"How did you know?" Jiang Siming didn't have time to care about this, and was surprised at her guess. Could it be that 100 billion told her?

That's also possible. After all, Qianyi and Kite have always been good friends, and both of them have commented on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds before.

"Guess, I see you are so happy, and let us make time to announce something, plus your age has arrived, I guess if you are getting married."

After listening to Jiang Siming, he admired the women's instincts.

"It's fine if you know it, don't make any announcements, I'm afraid these guys like Great Gods will all be told out."

Jiang Siming whispered to the ear of the kite, and the heat made the kite's heart beat.

"Hey hey hey, what's the matter with you two, pay attention to the influence, this is the game, we are the losers of the superior, but you are showing affection, is it appropriate?"

"That's right, Jiang Brother, consider how I feel as a single dog."

Weishen and Eternal see the two whispering, and immediately became angry.

But they said Jiang Siming and Kite ignored them at all and continued to talk about them.

"I know, I will be tight-lipped Brother Jiang, but can I ask, who are you going to marry..."

Kite thought to herself, the girl chosen to marry Jiang Ge is really the happiest girl in the world, she must have saved the galaxy in her last life~

But... who would it be? ? ?

Yoona? Reba? It’s the princess, or hundreds of billions...

Which one will Jiang choose? It must be very troublesome.

After all, each of Jiang's girlfriends are so good and perfect. Whoever chooses must be Jiang's decision after a huge psychological struggle and entanglement.

At this moment, Jiang Siming replied lightly in her ear: "I'm married for one piece."

"Huh?" Kite's innocent eyes were stunned at that moment.

"Really?" Kite thought Jiang Siming was joking with her.

"It's true," Jiang Siming replied.

"That's... it won't work... there will be a lot of people scolding you at that time, Brother Jiang..."

What Kite thought for the first time was not whether this wedding was reasonable or not. What she thought was that Jiang Siming would definitely be scolded.

Jiang Siming smiled, but said relaxedly: "Just scold me. Anyway, I have taken such a big advantage, so I should be scolded."

The kite is speechless for a moment, what this says... seems to be fine...

"Well, don't worry about me. Now that I have decided, I am not afraid of any difficulties. Concentrate on the game. It's about to start, slowly."

"Oh oh oh..."

The kite had to adjust its condition first.

It’s just that I’m still thinking about it, is Brother Jiang getting married...

I heard that married men will settle down, so there is no hope for me and Jiang brother...

But it seems... there is still a month left, and it does not conflict with my own plan.

She had thought about it before, and after this world game, she would be bold once.

It now appears that her boldness is very necessary!

In the fantasies of the kite, the competition finally began!

The fourth game of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds matchup, game map, Eastern map!

As the Eastern Map to give back to Chinese players, this time it has also become one of the game maps of the World Championship.

Eastern maps are actually very popular, both at home and abroad.

The beautiful Chinese architecture and scenery inside have always firmly attracted the audience, which is much better than Snow Map and Sano.

The eastern map also has special firearms and equipment, such as M700 sniper rifles, G145 rifles, gas bombs, Tai swords and riot shields.

These are exclusive equipment for Eastern Map.

Seeing this map, the audience said they felt comfortable!

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally saw this map in the World Championship.

The scene of God's lens began to travel across various scenic spots on the Eastern Map.

Phoenix Ancient City, Inner Mongolia Prairie, Oriental Pearl Tower, Leshan Giant Buddha, Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Great Wall and the Forbidden City.

A total of eight big cities, combined with large and small surrounding wild spots, form this masterpiece-level Eastern map.

Running in every place inside is also considered to be traveling around the country in China.

The map was announced to all professional players before, so the players had already prepared for it.

The flight took off, 64 professional players, all assembled.

For the last two games remaining, every team was very serious.

Of course, in addition to the teams with high scores, the teams with low scores have begun to choose to be meticulous.

Because they knew that Gou had no hope, it was better than Gangbo Gun.

On the stage of this world game, play a bright eye operation to pull some popularity and fans.

So in general, everyone played steadily in the first three games at the beginning of the game, but afterwards, the level of blood will rise sharply.

This is also true, the more the next game, the greater the number of viewers.

The Forbidden City is still the most central location, and the other seven major cities are scattered around the map.

The Forbidden City on the map of the East and the Autistic City of Pisano are still violent.

This is a paradise for gun lovers.

But the game, everyone feels that no one will fall.

But when the plane passes by the Forbidden City, swah swah! A lot of umbrella bags flew down!

A whole group of three people descended to the Forbidden City.

The audience counted, a total of 13 umbrella bags.

Damn, wait, why are there 13?

The three teams, G2, AG, and OMG, are right.

Looking at the name of the only umbrella bag, everyone suddenly showed a clear expression, it turned out to be Ming, that's all right.

It's just that Jiang Siming's appearance is inconspicuous in the entire 12 umbrella bags.

When opening the parachute, the sky is full of parachutes.

Jiang Siming is in the crowd, so there is no need to worry about them guessing their identity and running away.

For this one, it is estimated that these three teams must pay attention to shooting, and will not choose to run.


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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