I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1665: Luck Charm

Outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, Jiang Siming recovered his blood.

The three of OMG inside have also been in full play, ready to fight Jiang Siming's life and death.

This may be OMG's only chance to stand up right now.

If they can kill Jiang Siming like TL, no matter how bad their ranking is, OMG fans will feel better.

Since PCI won a world championship the previous year, OMG has had no other honors.

Each time, he entered the finals in thrills, played a round of soy sauce and returned to China.

Although the same is true for other teams, after all, it has been 4AM for more than a year.

But compared to other teams, OMG was at least a world champion and a champion with high gold content.

The generation of Tianjiao has fallen to the top three in every world game, which is a bit disappointing.

Both the smile and the little lion know that this wave of opportunities must be grasped, otherwise the fans will not be able to accept it. They themselves will not be able to accept the current results.

The three of them also wanted to stand by in the hall, but the sound of the grenade pulling the bolt outside made them have to move.

Jiang Siming's grenade is not a joke, the second burst of thunder does not give you any chance to react.

"Go to the left and right doors. I go through the middle door. If I don't believe it, I can't kill him!"

For this kind of close combat, the little lion obviously has a little more say, he let Smile and Xiaohai touch out from the left and right doors, and he puts the greatest pressure on himself, and kills through the middle door!

Just after Jiang Siming pulled out the bolt, he heard the scattered footsteps in the hall, and immediately changed the position he originally wanted to lose.

After squeezing it in his hand for three seconds, he threw it toward the left door.


The thunder shook the floor of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but it was a pity that this grenade was detected in advance by a smile, and it managed to avoid it after seeing the track.

Just after the grenade was thrown, Jiang Siming ushered in a surprise attack by the little lion!

Before coming over, a flash bomb was thrown under Jiang Siming's feet.

This changed other people, and I was already panicked.

The flash is under your feet, the enemy is right in front of you, no matter how hopeless you are.

However, Jiang Siming twisted his perspective to a strange angle, and his screen did not turn white when the flash rang.

Flash bomb dodge.

This little trick was used by Jiang Siming a long time ago, and even now, it still works well.

After dodge the flash bomb, Jiang Siming not only didn't want to set up a gun on the spot to defend, but took the initiative to attack!

At the gate of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the little lion and Jiang Siming had another encounter!

The little lion adjusts his concentration to the highest level and lifts the AKM at the fastest speed.

It seems that the gun has reached the fastest speed. If you slow down ten times, you can still find that you can't surpass Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming's reaction seems to be grasping the tail of time, abruptly that is much faster than you.

This reaction, as if the brain does not need any delay, blends with the game characters.

This gap is as if they are playing games with a normal computer, which requires their brains to give operating instructions, and then use the keyboard and mouse with both hands to feed back to the game from the computer, allowing the characters in the game to make actions.

And Jiang Siming seems to have no keyboard, mouse and computer feedback at all.

He seems to have skipped these two links, saying that by raising the gun, he can immediately raise the gun.

This is not a technology development, it is purely a personal response.

The little lion fell to the ground with several blood holes on his head, helpless and helpless.

The smiles rushing out of the left and right doors and Xiao Hai wanted to pinch, but the grenade that Jiang Siming had just thrown delayed his smile.

Let him go out about a second later than Xiaohai.

However, because of this time difference, Jiang Siming firmly grasped it, turning around to kill after a wave, and harvesting the two without pressure!

OMG regretted the destruction, and Jiang Siming survived to the end.


[Pirate Bounty Level 8: Reward Treasure·Gold Bar x3000]

[Pirate Bounty Level 9: Reward Antiques·Cloison Enamel Lotus Pattern Dragon Bottle x1]

[Pirate Bounty Level 10: Reward Pirates·Natural Devil Fruit x1]

Both Emperor Tu and the pirates have reached level 10, which means that Jiang Siming has taken down 10 heads. Until now, the power grid in the lower right corner of the map has not been cleaned.

The level 10 pirate bounty gave him another devil fruit, and Jiang Siming accepted it unceremoniously.

What he cares more about is fragments.

The three of them at OMG, like the Thai players, only exploded.

"Pick up [Unlucky Talisman] Cyan Fragment*1 (1/6), the number of fragments is not full, it is temporarily unavailable."

[Unlucky Charm]: Have three chances to release extreme bad luck to anyone. Those who suffer from this bad luck curse will experience all the worst things in the world within three days and become possessed by the gods.

Used: 3/3

And this thing?

Jiang Siming wanted to know how unlucky it was to be extremely unlucky, but he didn't have a goal for the time being, and he couldn't just find someone to experiment.

This thing sounds pretty scary. I felt the worst things in the world in three days, and after three days it won’t go crazy.

This thing looks like a small spell, but it may be more terrifying than a poisonous spell.

Put it away, Jiang Siming took some medicine and throwing objects from the little lion box, and left the Forbidden City.

With this one, he has to make up for the fragments of the previous one.

Fortunately, the map of the East is very large, even if many teams want to have a gun, it is difficult to touch each other.

The number of people in this hand dropped quite slowly.

When Jiang Siming walked out of the Forbidden City, there were several vehicles outside. Jiang Siming picked up a jeep and left the Forbidden City without looking back.

The city closest to the Forbidden City is the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Here is a modern and full-bodied map, and the oriental pearl towering into the clouds is in sight.

Just suddenly moved here from the quaint Forbidden City, giving people the illusion of temporary change of pictures.

But this is the charm of the map of the East, where the cities with N styles of scenery are integrated.

The Blue Hole didn't spend much time at that time, and invested a lot of energy to make the map successful.

Below the Oriental Pearl Tower are bustling shops and busy roads.

There is a huge garden and artificial lake in the center.

Jiang Siming drove a circle around the Oriental Pearl Tower, but he had no time to enjoy the scenery.

He has been in Shanghai for so many years. The Oriental Pearl Tower has been there a long time ago. Do you still need to watch it in the game?

He went around just looking for someone.

But when he drove around without seeing a person, Jiang Siming began to wonder if there was no one inside.

But the taillights of the vehicle at the entrance of the city were on.

Jiang Siming got out of the car and chose to unload the tire of that vehicle.

The tire burst, but no one came out.

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, and started driving one by one to blow up all the vehicles in and out of the city.

With vehicle perception skills, no nearby car can run.

Until Jiang Siming drove to the vicinity of the city park, he was planning to perform a'castration' operation on the last jeep.

[Author's digression]: First more~~

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