I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1666: Domineering experience book

The people inside finally couldn't hold back.

They probably didn't expect Jiang Siming to be so boring, and it's okay to ‘castrate’ his car.

Only Xiao Tuantuan likes to hit people's tires because she can't hit people.

Did Jiang Siming have known Xiao Tuantuan for a long time and was taken away?

In any case, they would never let Jiang Siming continue hitting tires.

Because the only car left in the city is here. If there is no car, they will have to run through the first wave of drug circles.

"Stop it, bastard!"

Seeing that Jiang Siming was planning to get out of the car and raise his gun, the GG team in Turtle City couldn't bear it.

They had guessed that someone who dared to come here with a big fanfare must be Jiang Siming who didn't run away.

The Korean player who was abused by Jiang Siming didn't even want to fight him.

They have made up their minds to be the best, choose to operate, and stay in the finals.

But after enduring it for so long, he didn't expect Jiang Siming to make such a ruthless move.

Their operation team needs vehicles too much. Without a vehicle, they may be cut off when they walk halfway.

The unbearable GG team finally chose to shoot.

Jiang Si had expected it tomorrow, and he smiled: "This team of old **** is finally willing to expose the bastard."

"Batou? Isn't it a G-head?" The Great God drove the car from the side.

"Yes, it's G head." Jiang Siming took the conversation without thinking.

The kite on the side is blushing, please, there is a girl here~ Do you want to talk so dirty...

But everyone didn't really go to chat with Jiang Siming, for fear of affecting his operation.

In the game, Jiang Siming predicted in advance and escaped the surprise attack by two guns in the city.

Jiang Siming immediately knew the location of the two, one in the Chinese restaurant and the other in the window of the three-story mall.

The original G145 was retracted at the speed of light and switched to the familiar 98K.

However, when he leaned out again, the other party chose to hide again.

"Nima, it's really a tortoise. Korean e-sports really doesn't have any meaning right now, it's all ten thousand year old bastards."

Jiang Siming is angry, isn't it?

South Korea can play a LOL game, and it can take 20 minutes without a head burst, and then all of them will develop to the end of the game.

Watching Korean games can show you falling asleep.

Which is like our Huaxia Division, from start to finish, all kinds of fairy fights, wonderful, watching Europe and the United States are so addicted and exciting.

Now they don't know that MOBA games are so awkward, even playing an FPS game starts Nima as the sixth child.

Hey, no wonder Korean e-sports is already at sunset.

If you don't even have the courage to show, then victory will always be far away from you.

For this kind of counseling, it is estimated that many people are particularly annoying.

Blue Hole even added the C4 bomb in the game version that will be updated recently.

It is to deal with these ‘house slaves’ and ‘old bastards’.

The power of the C4 bomb is quite terrifying, within 15 meters, no matter whether it is a house or a wild land, there is no life!

No matter where you hide, even in armored vehicles can blow you up.

This thing is the deadly killer of the'house slaves', but unfortunately it has not been updated yet.

But in the last game, everyone seems to be able to see the C4 bomb.

Jiang Siming is also looking forward to it, but now he doesn't have that stuff.

Since they retracted again, Jiang Siming simply crossed the road and came to their bunker feet alone.

Without C4, he will act as C4, anyway, it is a purpose, to solve the group of unmoving elders.

The two of GG also heard Jiang Siming's footsteps.

In fact, if they choose to attack at the same time when Jiang Siming is crossing the road, there may be a glimmer of hope.

But they dare not fight at all, and can only call their teammates who are coming from the other side.

They will have the courage to fight Jiang Siming after the personnel arrive.

But how can Jiang Siming do as they want?

Others had already arrived at the door of the Chinese restaurant, and Jiang Siming hid away as soon as he opened the door.

Sure enough, a string of bullets shot from the door!

This guy was stuck inside and pointed at the door, with a ‘heroic’ attitude that you would come in, I would sweep you when I came in, and I would not go out if you didn’t come in.

"Okay, please have a secret small burger... Oh no, it's a secret beef ball."

As Jiang Siming said, a chubby grenade in his hand was thrown through the window.

When the people inside heard the sound, they got up from the ground quickly and wanted to hide in the side hall.

However, Jiang Siming didn't want to wait for the grenade to explode. After throwing it in, he immediately chose to appear at the door again.

This time the guy inside didn't have the time to set up a gun again, and was patronizing the escape to avoid lightning.

His entire back was exposed to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming knocked him down without any pressure, and then closed the door intimately.

Following the grenade inside, it exploded, killing and making up for it, all in one go.

After the death of this person, there were no fragments, but to Jiang Siming's surprise, the pirate bounty was brushed up again!

[Pirate Bounty Level 11: Reward Pirates · Armed Color Domineering Experience Book x1]

[Experience Book of Armed Color Domineering]: Allows one to learn the first generation of armed color domineering in a very short time.

It's the pirate's stuff again, not bad, not bad, better than treasure antiques.

The most important thing he lacks now is treasure, and the treasure house in his family can be piled up into mountains.

With this thing, Jiang Siming obviously loves it even more.

At least he has more self-protection ability than the woman among the pirates.

Armed domineering is a special ability in One Piece, covering armor or body skin, can greatly enhance defense capabilities.

If it covers the damage of weapons and attack methods, it can greatly improve attack power and combat ability.

It can be said to be one of the necessary skills for masters in One Piece.

Jiang Siming really didn't expect the pirate bounty to reach level 11 in this game.

I've encountered it once before, and never encountered it again.

It seems that he is quite European today.

With level 11, Jiang Siming would like to know if there is still level 12.

Thinking of this, he hit his idea on the GG member who was still ‘sightseeing’ on the third floor.

Jiang Siming rushed into the mall, scanned the third floor, and he found a sneaky figure looking around.

Jiang Siming passed by with a shuttle, and although he missed it, he was very frightened.

Don't think about guns or anything, this man turned over and jumped directly from the third floor!

I'm going, it's so kind.

Jiang Siming was speechless, and it was better to be like Tuantuan and dumbfounded.

The rabbit bites when they are in a hurry, and everyone dares to fight when they are in a hurry.

But for GG's people, Jiang Siming just swept his shuttle casually and jumped off the building in shock.

The audience all over the world laughed, and only the Korean audience appreciated this behavior.

Well done, this is called patience and humiliation.

If you want it to perish, you must make it crazy.

They believe that the people of GG are deliberately letting Jiang Siming relax their vigilance, waiting for a fatal blow to him!


Ah ah ah~ The store is busy again today, it is still the same, one chapter is owed, tomorrow will be made up, tomorrow, four more will be the base! If there is nothing to live tomorrow, five shifts!

[Author's digression]: Second more~~

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