I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1667: Preface to the Collection of Lanting and the Book Spirit

Seeing the other party turned downstairs, Jiang Siming did not chase it out either.

At this time, the other two GG people must have already rushed over, and they are likely to be ambushed by the three of them.

Gameplay violence and brainlessness are completely two concepts.

Jiang Siming was not stupid enough to treat others as an idiot.

The lessons of the first two can still be vividly remembered, and he is here for revenge.

Since the opponent gave up such a good high-point shooting position, Jiang Siming accepted it bluntly and ran up to the third floor.

The three floors of this building are higher than the blue ground building on the desert map, and the sight line is open, allowing you to have a panoramic view of the artificial lake park below and a hundred meters away.

The people of GG obviously didn't know that Jiang Siming had gone upstairs, and the two people who were covering the retreat of his teammates were exposed to Jiang Siming's sight.


From the window on the third floor, a 7.62 bullet was shot, like a beast that had been locked in a cage for a long time!

As soon as the cage door opened, the beast blood boiled! Bite the neck of the prey in one bite!

"The player [4AM_Ming] used the Kar98 sniper rifle to knock down the player [GG_Ouze]"

This feeling of killing the enemy with a single lock made the audience's eyelids jump and energetic!

People who love to play with sniper rifles enjoy the fun of headshots. This feeling is completely different from killing enemies with a rifle.

Take people thousands of miles away, and a bullet determines the success or failure of a battle.

It is useless to hit a person with a sniper rifle. Only at the moment of headshot can the charm of sniping be demonstrated.

And Jiang Siming is undoubtedly the person who plays headshot art the most superbly.

His head burst in the arena is beyond the reach of all players.

In the headshot list in the game, Jiang Simingguang used a sniper rifle to kill as many as hundreds of people!

As long as the people he killed with a sniper gun, 95% were headshots.

The headshot rate of the rifle is also 80%.

Unless the other party has no blood, Jiang Siming doesn't bother to look for him, otherwise the rifle bullets are often directed at his head.

Many players are also learning Jiang Siming's unreasonable headshot style.

But no matter how you learn, the effect can't reach Jiang Siming's.

Seeing that one player had been knocked down, Jiang Siming bounced the bullet that he had hit out, planning to attack the second one!

Unexpectedly, another player was holding a shield larger than a human.

The shield blocked the front, blocked Jiang Siming's muzzle, and even protected the man who knocked it down.

Riot shield.

Exclusive for Eastern Map.

Jiang Siming smiled when he saw this. Is the anti-riot shield right?

He remembered that the riot shield had only 300 HP, so just knock it out!


98K gave a shot, -50.

Jiang Siming immediately cut out the G145 rifle and fired frantically in the direction of the shield below!


The bullet flew horizontally, like a new born calf like death, slammed into the strong shield!


The blood volume of the riot shield instantly drops to half!

The shield began to crack and was badly damaged.

However, the bullets on the third floor are still sweeping like money.

Hit a full shuttle.

In the end, the explosion-proof shield failed to hold up and broke to the ground!

The GG member holding the shield can only quickly evacuate, leaving behind the fallen teammate.

Damn, Jiang Siming is just like a lunatic, who can stand it.

Jiang Siming calmly replaced the magazine and replaced the man.

The anti-riot shield can't stop the person that brother wants to kill.

As soon as this person died, the level 12 bounty Jiang Siming was expecting also appeared!

[Pirate Bounty Level 12: Rewarding cultural relics·The original "Lanting Collection Preface" and the book spirit]

Jiang Siming was surprised!

I didn't expect to get this baby.

"Lanting Collection Preface", it is estimated that children who have read high school are familiar with this article, and the teacher should all be required to recite the full text.

This article, from the masterpiece of the book saint Wang Xizhi, has an unshakable position in Chinese calligraphy.

It is a pity that the original "Preface to the Lanting Pavilion" has not been known until now, and it has always been a mystery.

If it can be found, the value of this treasure will probably surpass any antique in Jiang Siming's treasure house.

And Jiang Siming also noticed that there is a book spirit behind the original "Lanting Collection Preface".

The book soul is not the soul, but the soul of the artistic conception of calligraphy.

Just like the swordsmanship of a Juggernaut, this is an artistic conception that can only be produced by a master who has truly reached the supreme and perfect level in a certain aspect.

As soon as I finished speaking, that calligraphy mood has been integrated into Jiang Siming's calligraphy skills.

Ling Jiang Siming immediately opened the mao, and he gave the initiation.

It's like when you think you are invincible when you reach the peak of your internal strength, someone takes you into the realm of cultivation.

That kind of gap, you feel that you used to be a frog from the bottom of the well.

Although Jiang Siming has [mastery in calligraphy], it only represents that his calligraphy is at the top level.

Sui Sui's current calligraphy world is more than enough, but if it is compared with the calligraphy sage level, it still has a lot of meaning.

Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has a soul.

A person who really understands calligraphy can see the picturesque scenery between the lines in his words.

But the current calligraphy has long lost the charm of that period, and even few people use brushes.

It is estimated that in another generation, the brush may really disappear.

Jiang Siming was able to get a hint of calligraphy mood of the calligraphy saint, which is really an unexpected joy. At least he will be able to give his calligraphy to his children in the future.

If it weren't for the competition, Jiang Siming would have liked to use his pen now to encourage the words!

GG lost a member again, and they lost the courage to continue playing.


The two thoughts were surprisingly tacit, and without looking back, they left here and ran to get the car that was left for them.

Jiang Siming smiled when he saw them running into the car.

Can you run?

The sniper rifle was reloaded, and the moment the two got into the car, the driver got a bullet!

Another GG person fell to the ground, GG was going crazy.

Jiang Siming doesn't leave them a way at all!

One person left is not easy to get into the car and drive away.

After all, there is no lone wolf left. It is estimated that he will easily disappear if he is poisoned.

The only remaining GG team jumped out of the car and immediately rescued their teammates across the car.

"It's okay, he is a little far away from us, enough to help him up and then get in the car and escape."

The people at GG think beautifully.

But in the next second, their expressions became very exciting.


This was the sound of a tire burst. Jiang Siming repaired the tire as well, completely cutting off the two people's idea of ​​running away.

"Damn you deceived so much! I went to look for his car after you pulled it, and slapped him! We can't leave, so don't think about it!"

GG was going crazy at this time, his fangs bared, and an enraged beast.

Even if they die, they will make Jiang Siming's life unhappy today! Oooh!

After pulling up his teammates, the GG player really ran to Jiang Siming's car.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming's car is parked in the corner, and they can only see the rear but not the tires.

This person had no choice but to rush to find him, but how could Jiang Siming make him do what he wanted.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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