I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1674: Professor Jiang!

There are nearly 50 bottles of this first batch of primary genetic medicine.

This was refined in the past three months.

It's not easy.

Mainly, the materials are hard to find, but a batch was finally made.

Primary genetic medicine: It can improve the genetic structure of the human body and improve various physical properties. The primary can reach 5% of the world's top physical fitness.

Genetic structure, physical performance, and self-cultivation have nothing to do.

This thing is able to achieve a nearly perfect ratio of bodily functions, which only genetic medicine can do.

Of course, the primary genetic medicine is also incomparable with cultivation, it can only bring changes in the human body's attributes.

It can't be compared with cultivation, drinking a bottle of elementary medicine at best will only make your physical fitness stronger.

It doesn't help much to increase in strength.

Even if it is a high-level potion, it only changes the human body's natural roots and allows you to practice at a rapid rate. It is not how powerful it becomes immediately after drinking.

So this potion is actually quite useful.

For these fifty bottles, only half of them were needed by family and girlfriends, and the remaining small part was kept by Jiang Siming.

He didn't plan to sell such a small amount, and he could still consider the production of detoxification and beauty pills without such trouble.

As for this, I will consider selling it after I have saved a thousand or eight hundred bottles.

The wives have all drunk this medicine, but they all feel that there is no change, but they feel that their physical fitness is much stronger, and their facial features are better overall.

This is also normal. Jiang Siming had just started picking up debris the first time he took the primary genetic medicine.

Drinking this potion as an ordinary person, of course, the reaction is the greatest. At that time, he was covered with black sticky substances, which made him sick.

And the appearance has also changed a lot.

But now girlfriends drink this medicine, but all of them are cultivators, and they will keep getting stronger.

Not only that.

They have also taken detoxification and beauty pill for a long time, and they have been reconciled by Jiang Siming's yin and yang for a long time.

There are no toxins in the body, so the change is so small.

But this is also a very important part, because if you want to drink advanced genetic potions to change your root talent in the future, you must drink primary and intermediate potions.

If you don't drink the elementary and intermediate, you can't hold the advanced genetic medicine.

This is also a necessary process.

In the future, if he has intermediate and advanced genetic medicine, he can gradually train his girlfriends into master cultivators.

The cultivation speed in the future will also be greatly improved, even surpassing Zhao Xiaoxiao.

So the probability of pregnancy will be greater soon, and the children will also drop more~

Knowing this, the wives drank the potion and made them happy, all of them raised their heads and did it, like drinking (covering their faces).

Seeing how they looked in the mirror after they finished drinking, Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, whether he was eating or not.

He gave them the medicine before eating, so they were all excited about the food on the table. It was all up to you, looking at me and looking at you, talking about changes.

Jiang Siming didn't care, and first ate up their favorite food.

After a few mouthfuls, the phone rang and Jiang Siming took it out to see that it was the principal of Fudan University.

Jiang Siming thought that something was wrong with Lu Yao and Xia Ran, and quickly put down the dishes and went out to pick them up.

After taking it back, Jiang Siming came back with a smile on his face and told his wives one thing... saying that it was a good thing is not a good thing, but it is definitely not bad news.

He...seems to be a teacher!


Many days have passed since the martial arts conference, although the heat has long since dissipated.

But many people still have deep memories.

Although it is still unknown whether Guoshu can be incorporated into the teaching of Guoxue, one school has made an amazing decision.

That is Fudan University, which announced today that the school will open additional classes on Chinese martial arts!

And the national martial arts results will be included in the important credit items.

This is the first school in China to offer Chinese martial arts classes.

More importantly, Fudan also announced that it will invite Jiang Siming to be a professor in the Chinese martial arts class and will come to the school to teach you martial arts skills from time to time.

Of course, because as the first school to offer Chinese martial arts classes, Fudan University cannot order all students to take Chinese martial arts classes.

Chinese martial arts class is still an optional subject, but as long as you choose the martial arts class, as long as you pass the grades, you can not take any other elective courses except your major.

That is to say, although the Chinese martial arts class has become an elective subject, the importance of its scores is the most important among the elective subjects.

As soon as this announcement was made, all schools across China were shocked.

Unexpectedly, Fudan University was so anxious that it really put the Chinese martial arts class in the school.

And the key is to invite Jiang Siming to be their guest professor.

Several other universities in Shanghai have regretted that they were late. Jiaotong University, Finance and Economics and other universities actually have this idea, but Jiang Siming has already "the master of the famous flower."

Besides, Fudan is his alma mater. They have nothing to envy. It is normal for people to teach at his alma mater.

But the news that Jiang Siming became a Fudan professor made everyone very surprised.

The happiest ones are the Fudan students.

Jiang Siming wants to be their teacher, can they be unhappy!

So many students enrolled in the martial arts class.

Both Xia Ran and Lu Yao also reported decisively. They can become the students of Brother Jiang and they can wake up in their dreams.

It is a pity that although everyone has signed up, the daily teacher is not Jiang Siming, but a master of Chinese martial arts, giving everyone the basic lessons of martial arts.

The school also said that Jiang Siming is only a visiting professor, and it is impossible for others to come to the school every day to teach everyone.

I can only take time to teach everyone.

The school also made it clear that Jiang Siming’s first class would be in the morning of the day after tomorrow.

The students waited eagerly, waiting for the day when Jiang Siming came to the school to teach them.

Jiang Siming himself did not expect that one day he would become a teacher.

But Fudan kindly invited him to be a professor, and it was also the courage to be the first to open a school of Chinese martial arts.

At this point, Jiang Siming felt obliged, so he readily accepted.

Moreover, the daily master of martial arts was personally selected by Jiang Siming. He is the real master of martial arts, not like those who are like cats and dogs.

He has good morals and integrity, making him a very good candidate to be a teacher.

Chinese martial arts teaches not only Chinese Kungfu, but also moral character.

Otherwise, no matter how talented a student is, his thinking will go wrong, and then he will learn from society, and it will be easy to go wrong.

So the teacher is very important.

Jiang Siming also used mind reading to understand the qualities of this master of national martial arts, so he was relieved to let Fudan hire him as a daily teacher.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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