I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1675: Still suffocated

Because of the need to go to class, Jiang Siming specially summarized the national martial arts system after dinner in the past two days.

This practice is commonly known as lesson preparation.

No way, Jiang Siming was still very concerned when he became a teacher for the first time.

You can't start playing as soon as class is in session.

Theory is also very important in Chinese martial arts class.

The night before class, Jiang Siming slept very early.

The wives thought that Jiang Siming was very nervous when he was a teacher for the first time, and they didn't bother him, and they even went to bed early.

However, this guy Jiang Siming was nervous. It was obvious that he hadn't been to the dungeon for many days. He ran to see his dungeon harems today, quack.

Jiang Siming didn't run into the One Piece at the beginning, but went back to the three previous copies first.

The small copy roulette will get better in three days, and Jiang Siming may not have time to look at the previous copy.

Jiang Siming was the first to arrive, and it was the copy of Yitian.

As the first copy of his life, Jiang Siming has always had special feelings for Yitian.

Zhao Min, Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao, Yang Buhui, A Zhu, Ding Minjun.

They are all the girls who Jiang Siming misfortune in the copy for the first time.

Because the time of the archived copy is static, when Jiang Siming entered, he went back to the time he left last time.

As for when he left, of course it was late at night.

Every time he had to make these little nizis unable to walk and sleep exhaustedly before he was willing to withdraw from the instance.

No, so every time they return to the dungeon, they are still dreaming sweet dreams.

Jiang Siming looked at the scenery of the Jade Arm Fragrant Mountain, and his heart was a little bit ready.

"Stop, stop, people have just been harmed by you in the copy."

Jiang Siming can only warn himself so that he can withstand the anger in his heart.

Not long before dawn, Jiang Siming simply walked out of his harem and walked around Mount Emei.

At this time, many young sisters from Mount Emei also woke up one after another, all busy preparing for morning exercises.

Today's Emei school has been trained by Jiang Siming to become the No. 1 school of martial arts. He will pass all the Jiuyin Scriptures he obtained from the Yitian Sword and Tulong Sword and the Jade Girl Sword Technique he previously obtained to Emei disciples.

Coupled with Jiang Siming's occasional guidance, the strength of Emei's disciples improved by leaps and bounds.

Zhiruo and the others have already become peerless masters.

The name of the top martial arts school is completely established.

"Hello, Lord!"

"I have seen the leader!"

"Good morning, Lord Lord!"


These energetic little sisters of Emei were very sweet when they saw Jiang Siming, and they called them very kind.

"Hey, it's Softhearted. I haven't seen it for a few days, how can I feel a lot of growth."

"Ah, it's Sufang, don't look at the leader of the league as a idiot when practicing sword today."

"Oh, Qing, how do you feel that your **** has become warped, sexy."

Jiang Siming responded one by one, with a few words from time to time, and he was satisfied only when they made them leave blushing.

This Mount Emei is all female disciples except him. He shouldn't interact with female disciples much, lest they have no experience with men in the future.

He is doing (shua) good (liu) things (mang)~

Walking all the way to the gate of Mount Emei, I happened to see that Extinction brought a group of female disciples back with a lot of clothes, firewood, rice, oil, salt and other daily necessities.

In general, Mount Emei will go down the mountain every month to purchase and buy what it needs for life.

Except for the extinct Xiu base high okay person, the other female disciples were tired and sweating.

"Leader wakes up so early today?"

Extinction saw Jiang Siming and said hello with a smile.

Jiang Siming nodded and asked, "Aren't there many industries and shops under Mount Emei? It's not enough for them to send them up the mountain, so why bother to go by themselves."

Extinction smiled bitterly: "How can Mount Emei come up so easily? The main peak lies in the middle, and you have to take a trail. But how can ordinary people dare to walk on that trail? It's easy to fall off the cliff without a little effort."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Siming looked out of the mountain gate.

It really is.

At the bottom of Mount Emei, a main peak lies in the middle, blocking the road up and down.

Except for the steep cliff paths on both sides, there is no way to go.

Although this also makes Mount Emei very safe, if there is an enemy attack, one man will be the one who is in charge.

But now the dungeons have been cleared by Jiang Siming, and the enemies in Yitianli have been cleaned up.

Don’t worry about being attacked again.

Even if someone dared to attack, with Emei's current strength, the whole Wulin would not be afraid to attack together.

What's more, there is Jiang Siming who is in charge. Who dares to mess around instead of looking for death?

"Let's make a road, it will be convenient for everyone to go up and down in the future, saving a lot of time."

Jiang Siming said.

Extinction heard sneered and said: "It is not easy to open the road, especially in Emei. I don't think any road repairers are willing to come to Emei to make a road."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Don't be so troublesome, I'll take care of it."

After speaking, Jiang Siming has disappeared in place.

The female disciples of Extinction and Emei looked around, and saw their leader flew to the main peak, holding a simple sword in his hand.

Take a sword! Cut your head on this main peak!

For a while, the violent sound made the earth tremble a bit.

When everyone looked at it, their jaws almost fell off.

I saw that main peak was cut in half by Jiang Siming's sword!

A cut was cut in the middle, forming a natural mountain road from the inside.

Jiang Siming swung his sword and flew around in it again, and a straight mountain road was formed.

Those stones were as fragile as tofu under Jiang Siming's sword aura.

Jiang Siming had to obediently do what they wanted.

After some tossing, the mountain road was formed.

All the Emei disciples were attracted by the loud noise, and even Zhiruo and the others were woken up.

When everyone saw Jiang Siming drove a mountain road with a sword, their admiration for Jiang Siming increased to a higher level.

"Huh, I'm done. In the future, as long as there are more disciples on guard at the gate of the mountain, Mount Emei is absolutely as strict as before. In the future, you can directly send the daily needs from the shops under the mountain, and you will have to make a special trip without prison fees."

Jiang Siming seemed to have done a very ordinary little thing, dusting the dust off the scared salamander's sword, secretly passing the addiction.

In fact, this guy deliberately found an excuse to open the mountain road, mainly because he hadn't practiced for a long time.

The strength has been sealed in One Piece, making Jiang Siming suffocated.

In Yitian, he can use his true strength, and is even more able to use this surprise sword.

It feels much more enjoyable than in One Piece.

After the addiction, Jiang Siming, as usual, instructed the female disciples to practice swordsmanship, **** these little girls, and of course the show is still on at night (the old driver laughs).

After spending two or three days in Yitian, Jiang Siming ran to the other two instances.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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