I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1676: Robin is in distress!

Jiang Siming stayed in the other two copies for a few days, especially the Three Kingdoms copy. He stayed for seven days.

There is no other reason, the Guishuang Empire was defeated by his Ming army!

All the territories and subjects of Guishuang were forced to surrender.

The entire Guishuang territory has become the territory of Daming.

For Jiang Siming, this was as expected.

Regardless of their military strength, weapons, materials, and personal strength, they have far surpassed this era. If you can't win, you don't have to play.

As soon as the news came back to Daming, hundreds of people were proud of it.

Jiang Siming specially celebrated three days for the triumphant soldiers and rewarded them for their merits and awards.

At the same time, because the Three Kingdoms copy is not suspended, time has been passing by.

During this time, Yueying finally became an adult.

Jiang Siming finally accepted him as his beloved concubine in the past few days and admitted to the harem.

For this reason, Jiang Siming specially stayed in the three countries for several days.

But Daming Jiangshan was not completely safe because of this.

When the Guishuang Empire fell, the other two empires were all sitting on pins and needles.

The Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire did not want to be the next lamb to be slaughtered by Emperor Ming.

They have begun to send troops and are ready to move.

Regarding them, Jiang Siming didn't worry about it. With Guo Jia, a great army division, and so many Wang Zuozhi talents.

His Ming Dynasty is very stable.

It's just that the war may have to continue, and his goal of the Three Kingdoms can be completely accomplished until Rome and Rest are defeated.

After waiting between the three copies, Jiang Siming returned to the One Piece copy.

Fortunately, he went to bed early today, otherwise there may not be enough time.

When he was about to enter, Jiang Siming was shocked!

There was a shattering sound from the Wanlongjia on his body.

Jiang Siming quickly learned that it wasn't his Wanlongjia that had an accident, but that one of the auxiliary armors derived from Wanlongjia was under attack.

And the owner of this second armor was quickly found by him, Nicole Robin!

Robin is in danger!

Jiang Siming recalled that after he had left for a few days, his Straw Hat Pirate Group should have arrived in the Water Capital.

The chapter in the city of water is that Robin was captured by cp9, a secret spy agency directly under the world government, and forced Robin to reveal the ancient weapon Pluto design.

Originally, Jiang Siming planned to return to the straw hat group before everyone arrived in the city of water.

But obviously he was wrong in timing.

Back in Pirate World, Jiang Siming could still see the Meili docked in a magnificent city port.

There was no one on board, and the Merley was scarred.

Jiang Siming boarded the ship and took a look. The Meili was about to collapse and the keel was damaged.

While on the sky island, Jiang Siming felt that the Meili was about to be scrapped.

They need a new ship, which will be the Wanli Sunshine.

Fortunately, because the Meri was not given to Usopp by Keya as in the original book, Usopp did not quarrel with Luffy and the others.

Now he is replaced by Jiang Siming. Although he is a little reluctant to bear this ship, Jiang Siming is not so old-fashioned.

The Merley has completed its mission. The new world is full of crises. It will certainly not be able to continue sailing. Here is its final destination.

Jiang Siming got off the Meili and went to find Robin and them first.

Sky Island is a city built on the sky, and the Water City is a city built on the sea.

You have to admire the unconstrained imagination of the author of this comic. It is not without reason that "One Piece" has been popular for so many years.

The prototype of the water city is Venice on the water. The traffic inside is basically all waterways without cars, but there is a very unique creature, Bulu.

This kind of creature is the transportation of the Water City, which is more convenient than a car, because you don't need to drive by yourself.

More than that, the city of water has also built sea tracks, which can be directly connected to trains, and trains can reach many places.

Jiang Siming spent a thousand Baileys renting a blue from the store owner, and sat on it all the way into the city of water.

"Sir, be careful, you can't go to the end of the city today, because today is the day when the'Gods of Water' attacked here." The boss kindly reminded.

Jiang Siming nodded and thanked him, but he drove towards the end of the city.

The gods of water are the tsunami, which is the tsunami that is hit by the water capital once a year.

According to the plot, everyone should still be in the city before the tsunami.

However, Jiang Siming looked around, but did not find any one of Luffy.

Jiang Siming simply came to the mayor's office in the city of water.

This is the office of Chang Bingshan, the city of water. Bingshan is a very important character. He is the owner of the ancient weapon Pluto design.

It is also the focus of cp9's capture.

When Jiang Siming came to the mayor’s office, the building was in a mess, and many workers were busy repairing the building.

A middle-aged blue-haired man with a bandage on his shoulder was looking at the building in a daze, sighing from time to time.

"Hello, may I ask, is Mayor Bingshan here?"

A voice came from behind, and the middle-aged man looked back. He was a handsome young man who was so handsome.

"I am, are you?"

"I came to ask you if you have met my partner, Straw Hat Group."

Bingshan was taken aback, then looked at Jiang Siming, and immediately confirmed his identity.

"Are you the one who is higher than Luffy in the straw hat group offering a bounty of 200 million Baileys?"

Jiang Siming smiled and nodded without denying.

Bingshan looked at Jiang Siming in surprise, and then replied: "It's true that the straw hat group has caused a lot of trouble in the city of water, but the truth has become clear, but your internal staff seems to have split."

"What do you mean?"

"Your Nicole Robin has betrayed you, joined cp9, and participated in the snatching of the Pluto design. I hope you can prepare yourself. I know that being betrayed by your partner is definitely not the taste."

"I don't need to prepare, because Robin can't betray us." Jiang Siming smiled confidently.

Bingshan shook his head and smiled: "Your friends all say so, but that's the truth. The injuries on my body are also from her hands. She is a demon."

Jiang Siming looked at him and replied domineeringly: "I don't care what she is, even if it is a devil, I will bring her back. Please tell me where he is."

Bingberg had no choice but to tell Jiang Siming: "Robin had left from Water Capital the day before and went to Judicial Island with the cp9 members. Your partner Luffy and them, just not long ago, got on the last bus and chased him. Passed, you are late."

"Thank you, please tell me the location of Judicial Island, I will go to meet them now." Jiang Siming said.

Bingshan explained: "It's useless, you are late, and the trains in Water City have already left. If you go by boat, it will take at least half a month to arrive."

"You don't have to worry about it, I just want the position."

After getting the position given by Bingshan, Jiang Siming returned to the Meili, boarded his ghost warship, and headed to Judicial Island!


The second update~ The shop is busy again today, two changes first, one chapter is missing, and we will make up tomorrow~

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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