I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1677: Go to Justice Island!

The speed of the ghost warship is much faster than the sea train.

At a speed of 280 kilometers per hour, we are almost catching up with our China High Speed ​​Rail.

Apart from its smaller size, this battleship has no place to live, and it has almost no shortcomings.

Jiang Siming boarded the ghost warship and quickly disappeared in the Water Capital, heading to Judicial Island.

As soon as the battleship set sail, Jiang Siming triggered a mission.

"The random task has been released, please check it yourself."

[Six-Star Mission]: Raise the Judicial Island and rescue Robin.

[Task Reward]: Reward a random fine transparent fragment

[Mission failed]: deduct a random fine transparent fragment

Jiang Siming smiled knowingly when he saw this mission. This is the advantage of being in the dungeon.

There is no game, you can get fragments.

This is one of Jiang Siming's important sources of debris.

Robin is facing life threats on Judicial Island.

After being taken away by the cp9 agency, the chief of cp9, Spandham, pressed Robin about the record on the plan of the Hades.

Robin refused to answer and was beaten and bullied by Spandham.

The strange thing is that even if Spandham beats and kicks, he can't touch Robin.

In front of Robin's body, a simple and unpretentious body armor appeared. This precious armor completely resisted all attacks in front of Robin.

Even Spandam used his elephant knife, and he couldn't shake the treasure.

Even this treasure has resisted the bombardment of several cp9 masters!

Not to mention the shock of the cp9s, even Robin looked at his treasure armor in surprise.

Her hands were handcuffed in Shanghai Lou Shi handcuffs, and she could not use the fruit power at all.

But where did this treasure come from? Why did she never know, and this treasure has been protecting herself.

"Damn damn! Fight me! Let's go! Beat me this armor sparsely!" Spandam roared fiercely, and he showed disgusting fangs impatiently.

The subordinates obeyed and began to attack the treasure armor more ferociously.

Gradually, under their repeated bombing, the Baojia began to crack.

When Spandam saw this, he grinned and said: "Wait for this shattered armor to break, I see what you can do to resist me, wait to be tortured and defiled by me, what a beauty, Jie Jie..."

Robin was shivering with anger, clenching his silver teeth.

But she was still unable to resist. After this kind armor was broken, she must not escape the clutches of Spandham.

"Forget it, I should have died in Alabastan anyway, even if I die again now, what can I do."

"I just hope that Nami Luffy and the others can forgive me for leaving the team, and hope that the man who saved me will not think me too badly. In fact, I don't want to leave at all..."

Having figured this out, Robin calmed down, as if waiting quietly for death.

Jiang Siming's warship sailed on the sea at high speed, crushing any ships and sea trains.

Originally, all sea trains needed a day's route, but Jiang Siming arrived at Judicial Island in just half a day.

On the front island of Judicial Island, a huge main entrance is horizontally in front of Jiang Siming, which is the gate of justice on Judicial Island.

The flag of the world government is also engraved on the door.

I heard that this banner represents absolute justice.

However, Jiang Siming only hates the world government in the Pirate.

This hypocritical world government, especially the five old stars and the Tianlong people who control the world government, is 10,000 times more sinister and disgusting than any pirate!

Jiang Siming saw that the Judicial Island was quiet, guessing that Luffy and the others hadn't arrived yet, otherwise the island couldn't be so quiet.

This huge front door was closed tightly, and even a mosquito could not fly in.

If you want to go in, you must open this door.

The original Luffy used the rubber elastic force to fly directly in.

Jiang Siming doesn't have the rubber elasticity of his. At the same time, although he can use the control technique during the foundation construction, he still can't fly with the sword.

Therefore, if Jiang Siming wants to pass this door, he must open it.

Jiang Siming, who had originally wanted to cut it open with a sword, had a whim, why not let the Ghost Warship try.

So Jiang Siming ran to the cockpit, aimed all the guns and weapons on the battleship at the main entrance, and pressed the launch button.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a time, the naval guns on the battleship blasted out powerful shells.

After several rounds of shells came down, a clear crack appeared in the gate of justice.

"It really works."

Upon seeing this, Jiang Siming bombarded the gate even more unscrupulously.

On the Judicial Island, a piece of land shook, and the huge movement on the former island shocked the entire Judicial Island.

"What happened?"

"Report! The big event is not good! Someone attacked Judicial Island!"

"Go and report to Chief Spandham!"


The navy on Judicial Island immediately went to the Gate of Justice to support, but not long after they arrived, the Gate of Justice, comparable to Optimus Prime, collapsed!

All Navy eyes are about to fall out.

The main entrance collapsed, and a figure gradually emerged from the ruins.

"Stop! This is the Judicial Island, trespassing and killing without mercy!"

The navy immediately aimed its gun at Jiang Siming.

Seeing the other side and walking forward, the navy disconnected the gun!

However, hundreds of guns hit the air, and Jiang Siming's figure did not know when he appeared in the navy.

Before the navy could react, Jiang Siming grabbed one of the larger navy and threw him out like a javelin.

No one can stand where the ‘javelin’ passes, all of which fall in pieces like a car rolling over a wheat field.

Hundreds of navies were knocked down so easily.

Just as Jiang Siming was about to leave, more navy drove over from Judicial Island.

Jiang Siming grabbed the fallen navy, threw one of them in one hand, and threw them out.

It's like playing bowling, wherever they go, the navy is like a domino effect, and they all fall down!

Jiang Siming clapped his hands intently, and felt that Xian Xian's deputy armor had been hurting. He didn't have time to play with these little guys and disappeared in place.

On the other side, in the Judicial Tower located in the middle of the Judicial Island, Spandham's patience has been completely consumed.

The cp9 elites next to them were all panting. They bombarded this treasure for nearly half an hour, but they still couldn't crush it.

Spandham has no patience.

He directly asked the navy to push the heavy artillery out, and the four heavy artillery aimed at the helpless Robin.

"Boom me!" Spandham completely exposed his extremely cruel character.

Although the navy could not bear to treat a woman like this, they could only follow orders.

At this time, the loud noise from Maejima slightly attracted the idea of ​​cp9s.

"Sir, it looks like someone is coming. It should be the Straw Hats to rescue Robin."

Spandam ignored him completely, and said grimly: "Whatever comes, they will all have to die when they come, let me shoot!"

Spandham gave an order, and the navy launched heavy artillery.

Four heavy guns, four shells came out, blasting Robin!

[Author's digression]: First more~

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