I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1679: Eight-star mission!

"Let's do it together!"

The pigeon man realized that Jiang Siming was powerful, and the man in front of him was definitely not a general.

The pigeon man shouted, all cp9 members all shot, including the strongest pigeon man.

The two sides began to fight, six to one, and various devil fruit abilities frequently appeared, but they still did not shake Jiang Siming a bit.

Instead, after a few rounds, cp9 members continued to fall.

In the end, only pigeon males remained.

The pigeon man saw Jiang Siming's horror clearly, and tried his best to make a killing move, trying to break the net with Jiang Siming.

But the result is... the pigeon man's neck was firmly pinched in the air by Jiang Siming.

"Our mission failed, you kill us."

The pigeon men knew that they had lost, they had lost thoroughly and had the backbone, so they no longer resisted.

It was his backbone that made Jiang Siming take a high look at him.

In fact, these guys are not bad guys. They are just spy killers trained by the world government since they were young, and they have no choice but to take orders from their superiors.

"From now on, your lives are mine, do you admit that?" Jiang Siming asked.

"I admit, you take it away, just begging you, if one day you return to the city of water, tell Bally, we have been with him for many years, we are very happy, we lied to him, sorry."

At the last moment, the pigeon man remembered the good friends that he had known as a boatman lurking in the city of water. Although the other party did not know their identities, they lurked for a few years and made them good friends.

Jiang Siming did not agree, but said with a chuckle: "If you want to say this, you can say it yourself."

"Huh?" The pigeon man was puzzled, obviously he didn't understand.

"Since your lives are gone, and you are no longer considered members of the world government, now I want you to choose, whether to leave this world with regrets and all the skills, or to start from scratch, take orders from me, you choose yourself ."

Jiang Siming's question made them all stunned.

Jiang Siming actually...want to subdue them?

This sounds ridiculous. The other party is a pirate, but wants to subdue them, government personnel?

"You want us to betray the government?" The pigeon man sneered.

Jiang Siming also laughed, and said, "You were under the government, have you ever been happy one day? All the tasks you have done, dare you say that you did it against your will?"

This made them dumb.

Yes, they have been trained to be killers since they were young. How have they ever been happy and have done what they want to do.

The only joy is the days lurking as an ordinary boatman in the capital of water.

To be honest, in their hearts, they all desire to escape the control of the world government and live the life they want to live.

The pigeon man hesitated, but inadvertently saw Spandham next to him.

"Asshole! Don't listen to him, do you want to be an enemy of the world government!"

Spandam yelled hurriedly, trying to reawaken their obedience.

"Think about the tasks you have done under the hands of this kind of people, the shameful things you have done, you have already worked again, and you still want to do your job?"

Jiang Siming continued to bewitched, and at the same time used mind-reading techniques to steal their inner thoughts, and began to follow their innermost desires and arouse their emotions.

Finally, the pigeon man gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I promised!"

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Where are your subordinates?"

"Lu Qi is our boss. We will only follow whatever the boss says." The subordinates said one after another.

When Jiang Siming asked, they knew that they were actually a family. Their family was destroyed by the world government since they were young, and they brought their children back to receive devil training for use by the world government.

So from the depths of their hearts, they have blood and deep hatred with the world government.

"Very well, you made the wisest choice."

Jiang Siming released his hand and put down the pigeon male Lu Qi.

As soon as Lu Qi landed, it was too late to take care of his injuries, so he immediately knelt down in front of Jiang Siming.

"From now on, our eight brothers and sisters will be driven by you, but if you and the world government have the same virtue and have no following value and ability, then sorry, we will still kill you!"

Jiang Siming smiled with satisfaction and said: "A word is a deal."

Other cp9's men also knelt down one after another, and Feng Jiang Siming took the lead.

Spandam was trembling with anger, and pointed his finger at Lu Qi and the others.

"You guys dare to betray the world government. I want to report to the navy headquarters and chase you to the end of the world!"

After Spandam finished speaking, he took out a little phone worm and just wanted to contact the navy headquarters.

Lu Qi started, squeezing Spandham's worm in his hand.

"I tell you, we have tolerated you as a scumbag for a long time!"

Lu Qi vented all the anger he had endured under Spandam over the years.

Spandam couldn't resist at all, and hurriedly took out a phone worm from his pocket again. This phone worm was different from the previous one, it was a golden phone worm.

Robin's face changed suddenly when he saw the golden phone bug in Spandham's hand.

"Quick! Stop him!"

However, it was still a step too late, and Spandam pressed the phone worm.

Lu Qi and the others also changed their faces transiently, and even before they had time to kill Spandam, they hurriedly grabbed the golden phone bug and wanted to cancel the operation just now.

Spandam Jiejie, who was lying on the ground breathing heavily, laughed and said, "It's useless. Once the Demon Slayer Order is issued, it cannot be withdrawn. Now the Navy Headquarters must have been dispatched."

The Order of Killing Demons is a military operation in "One Piece", authorized by the world government to establish the naval headquarters.

An indiscriminate and devastating attack on the area where the signal is sent is used to completely wipe out things and people in an area that threatens the rule of the world government.

To put it simply, the naval headquarters and the world government will immediately destroy the area as soon as the order to kill demons is issued.

Regardless of whether it is people or things, even if it is one's own people, they are all cleaned up.

As soon as the killing order was issued, at least ten naval warships, five or more lieutenants and tens of thousands of naval elites would be present.

Under this scale of strength, no place can escape the end of extinction.

Twenty years ago, Robin's hometown, O'Hara, was destroyed by the Demon Slayer Order.

Everyone in O'Hara died from this slaughter order, only Robin escaped.

So to this day Tu Mo Ling is Robin's nightmare.

Lu Qi and the others, as the original government personnel, naturally knew the power of the Demon Slayer Order.

"The task is completed, a random fine transparent fragment will be awarded."

"Pick up [One Piece Air Luck+1000] Transparent Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

"The random task has been released, please check it yourself."

As soon as the six-star mission was completed, Jiang Siming immediately received the second mission.

[Eight-Star Mission]: Waiting for the arrival of the navy on the Judicial Island, and defeating all the naval forces!

[Task Reward]: Reward 2 random boutique fragments!

[Mission failed]: deduct 2 random boutique fragments!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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