I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1680: Challenge the magic order!

Eight-star mission!

Jiang Siming did not expect that because of Spandham's hand, the Eight-Star mission would be triggered.

This is also the first eight-star mission.

He hadn't even seen seven stars, and the highest was only six stars, but this time he jumped directly to eight stars.

It seems that this task is very difficult. There are only two rewards.

Although he didn't say what color it was, Jiang Siming wouldn't have any spicy chicken pieces if he wanted to.

But it's definitely not easy to do.

After all, the basic configuration of the Tumo Ling is already very scary, with ten naval warships and more than 10,000 naval elites.

More importantly, at least five lieutenants will come.

The lieutenant admiral, although the strength is as uneven as Qiwuhai, but each one is at least not weaker than the weakest Qiwuhai Moonlight Moria.

The top lieutenants, such as Luffy Grandpa Karp and Crane Staff, are all faintly powerful.

This is still the most basic configuration. If it is a little higher, the general may also be there.

With such a huge force, Jiang Siming, who is currently at the stage of foundation building, may be difficult to handle.

But the greater the difficulty, the more interested Jiang Siming.

He has been stuck in the peak period for a long time, and has not been able to go up.

Jiang Siming knew that his combat comprehension was still lacking.

After challenging Father Luffy in Rogue Town before, his bottleneck has a faint breakthrough momentum.

But then it disappeared. Without this hearty battle, Jiang Siming's realm can only be stuck in Yuan Ying.

Now that the eight-star mission came, it just sharpened Jiang Siming's fighting will.

Jiang Siming took this task!

"Lord, we must leave the Judicial Island immediately. Once the navy arrives here, the Demon Slayer Order will quickly destroy the island." Lu Qi immediately walked to Jiang Siming to persuade.

Tu Moling is not a joke. For them, this is the power of the sky and the earth, and mortals have no power to resist.

Jiang Siming stared at the far end of the Judiciary Tower with piercing eyes. He even said expectantly: "You go first, I want to stay."

"What?" Lu Qi almost thought he had misheard.

"Brother, you consider him the master, I think it is a ridiculous and wrong decision."

In Cp9, a **** woman spoke.

This woman is full of femininity, her top is a black tight-fitting hip-fitting shirt with black silk mesh underwear.

A pair of proudly long legs that are longer than Nami Robin, he is also wearing black silk fishnet one-piece stockings and black pointed high heels on his feet.

The facial features are charming, and he wore a pair of black-framed glasses, falling from the top, exuding femininity all over.

Just looking at it can make a man linger.

Kalifa, a well-known beauty and popular character on the One Piece list.

It’s just that Jiang Siming didn’t care about her. He just said to Lu Qi: “If I just let me be the master, then it counts, now take your people away from Judicial Island.”

"After that? What is our task?" Lu Qi asked dubiously.

"Continue to be your cp9, lurking in the world government, there are tasks, I will contact you." Jiang Siming said.

"With him, our identity will be exposed." Lu Qi looked at Spandam.

"I will deal with him." Jiang Siming said simply.

When Spandam heard this, he immediately turned his head and wanted to leave.

Jiang Siming didn't need to do anything, Robin used the ability of flowers and fruits to control Spandham on the spot.

Lu Qi didn't say anything, just left a sentence to take care of yourself, and then quickly fled with his men.

"Jiang, let's go too, there is no remnant soul under the order of the slaughter, and we will all die if we stay."

Robin persuaded, she thought Jiang Siming had just said that he was staying just to hide Lu Qi from them.

But Jiang Siming's words made her even more confused.

"I said I want to stay, you go first, Luffy and the others should be coming soon, and you will leave Judicial Island after your turn."

Jiang Siming said calmly as he watched the sirens sounded frantically and was everywhere on the Judicial Island where the navy escaped.

"What are you talking about, since you want to stay, I will be with you." Robin made up his mind.

Jiang Siming saved her life twice, how could she abandon Jiang Siming and escape alone.

Even if Tu Moling was the nightmare of her life, Robin decided to stay.

Jiang Siming glanced at Robin's firm eyes, and all the words he had wanted to refuse were taken back.

"Okay, then you can fight with me against the slaying order army. By the way, before that, Spandam will take care of you. I also want to tell you that the slaying order in your hometown, O'Hara, came from him. His father, both father and son, are all the same."

Jiang Siming's words completely ignited Robin's anger.

Hua Hua Fruit is launched!

Then I heard the scream of broken bones in Spandham's body. This sound continued for ten minutes before it completely stopped.

Robin returned to Jiang Siming, feeling a lot better.

"He is dead."

Jiang Siming nodded: "Then let's go."

"Yeah." Robin followed.

Spandham, whose whole body was broken with bones, lay on the ground like a corpse. Hearing the footsteps of the two leaving, his corpse-like face suddenly resurfaced with a smile.

"Robin, Jiang Siming, wait for me. I will pay back this hatred a hundred times. I will not die in disaster, there must be..."

Before he finished speaking, a flying stone flew from outside the tower and directly penetrated his brain!

This time, Spandam stared at him, and finally reluctant to die.

"Playing dead in front of brother?"

Jiang Siming, who walked out of the tower, sneered.

The two went directly to the main entrance of Judicial Island. At this time, all the navy and residents on Judicial Island had already fled from Judicial Island by boat.

The two swayed unhindered on the Judiciary Island, walking all the way to the gate of justice that was smashed by Jiang Siming before, waiting for the arrival of the Demon Commander Navy.

The two didn't wait long, the navy hadn't waited, but it was Luffy.

"Big Brother Jiang! Robin! It's great that you are fine!"

The straw hats rushed here, and they were relieved to see Robin who was safe.

Robin briefly said that it was Jiang Siming who rescued her, as well as the matter of the killing order, and persuaded them to leave Judicial Island as soon as possible.

However, no one listened to Robin's advice.

"Robin, what are you kidding? Since Big Brother Jiang chooses to challenge the Demon Slayer Order, of course we won't leave! Hahaha, that sounds like fun!"

Luffy was very excited.

The others also stood firmly beside Jiang Siming, and even Qiao Ba chose to stand for Jiang Siming.

"You are really outrageous, haha, but I like it, I will go crazy with you once!"

It was a man with a robot appearance.

"Brother Jiang, let me introduce you, Frankie, the new member I like, he is a very powerful boatman." Luffy introduced.

Jiang Siming naturally knew that Frankie was a member of the straw hat group, so he was not surprised at all.

On the contrary, Ram and Rem's growth made him feel very surprised.


Today's fourth update ~ finished! Although it was late, at least the sake did not breach the contract~

[Author's digression]: Fourth more~

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