I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1681: Two fruits attribution

Although Ram and Rem have not changed much, they have faintly displayed their talents in fighting after one piece has experienced a lot of battles.

Just looking at their temperament, Jiang Siming knew that they were much stronger than before.

Ram's little arm was even hung with stipple, and Rem was bandaged.

"Why are you still injured?" Jiang Siming reproved softly.

Ram grinned, not at all hurt or pitiful.

"It doesn't matter that it hurts, Ram's wind power has become stronger, brother~"

"Yes, my sister is much better than me now." Rem added from the side.

Jiang Siming smiled, but didn't really care.

Both women have a derivative armor and will not suffer fatal injuries.

When encountering danger, Jiang Siming can feel it for the first time, because he and them are in a master-servant relationship, and they have mutual feelings.

This is why Jiang Siming assured them to stay here.

"Brother Jiang, give this back to you."

Nami approached a little cramped at this time, holding a windbreaker in her hand.

This is the last time Jiang Siming left. Seeing Nami drinking too much, he was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he took off her trench coat.

Nami: That's it~ Brother Jiang, you are not honest~

Well, Jiang Siming admitted that he accidentally tore the shoulder strap of the man's clothes while making love with Nami that night.

At the time in the restaurant, Nami was afraid to go out and be found out, so Jiang Siming took off her windbreaker and put it on.

"You keep it, it can keep out the cold occasionally." Jiang Siming said.

"Oh, all right." Nami accepted it happily after hearing the words, she already liked this trench coat very much.

She has been wearing Jiang Siming since he left because the clothes smelled good.

The two looked at each other, tacitly.

What happened in the restaurant that night is still vivid.

Others didn't pay attention to them, and they all ran to Robin to ask if she was injured.

Ram and Rem also went, and there were only two of them left.

Seeing that everyone's attention was not here at all, Nami smiled slyly, and sneaked up to Jiang Siming, blocking everyone's sight with Jiang Siming's back.

Then he sneaked up to Jiang Siming, wrapped his hands around Jiang Siming's abdomen, extending from the abdominal muscles to his back.

Surround tightly.

Nami's heart has been completely attached to Jiang Siming since she had a bold visit in the restaurant that night.

If Jiang Siming's favorability rating of the opposite **** is still there, Nami's favorability rating should be at least 100.

Stealing Jiang Siming was not enough. The ‘greedy’ little thief cat stood on tiptoe, head up, and slowly approached Jiang Siming.

The two of them touched their lips, and they couldn't bear to part.

Nami blushed into a peach, closed her eyes and was so addicted to Jiang Siming's wise kissing skills that she couldn't help herself.

Jiang Siming didn't forget what he was doing. Knowing that everyone would come soon afterwards, after a sweet and sweet kiss, he let go of Nami.

Nami's face was red at this time, and she had to rely on Jiang Siming to do it even standing.

Jiang Siming looked at this attractive little thief cat in his arms, and his thoughts about eating her became increasingly uncontrollable.

"NN's, if you continue to be tempted by this little thief cat like this, maybe you really didn't control yourself someday."

Jiang Siming thought to himself.

At this time everyone came back again, and Nami quickly separated from Jiang Siming, but the blush on her face had not completely dissipated.

This kind of excitement seems a bit addictive to both parties...

"Huh! When will the navy come, so slow, I really want to fight~"

Luffy can't wait to fight.

"The Demon Slayer Command Navy is very powerful. You can't mess around with Luffy while waiting." Sauron exhorted.

"I know, I'm also very good." Lu Fei agreed.

Jiang Siming suddenly remembered the two Devil Fruits he got in the fourth game.

Anyway, the Tumo Ling Hai hasn't arrived yet, so let's take it out for everyone to eat first.

It can also improve the team's combat effectiveness and help yourself a little more.

"By the way, I got two fruits when I practiced, do any of you want to eat them?"

Jiang Siming took out the two devil fruits after speaking.

One is the devil fruit of the animal-based Eudemons species, and the other is the natural devil fruit.

If the two fruits are placed in the underground trading market of One Piece, they are definitely priceless.

Because whether it is an Eudemons species or a natural type, it is one of the extremely strong devil fruit series.

To be honest, only Luffy, Robin, and Chopper have eaten Devil Fruit in Straw Hat.

And their devil fruit ability, to be honest, is very average.

Luffy is a rubber fruit, Robin is a flower fruit, and Chopper is a fruit for everyone.

There will be another Brook of Huangquan Fruit, but he has not joined it yet.

But Brook's fruit ability is also very general in terms of combat effectiveness.

The fruits of the four of them did not improve much in terms of combat effectiveness.

The powerful devil fruit is a plug-in in One Piece.

But the Devil Fruit of the Straw Hat Group was too weak and weak compared to other powerful Pirate Groups.

When everyone saw the two fruits in Jiang Siming's hands, they were all surprised, and more moved.

Jiang Siming gave them such a precious thing without reservation.

"Brother Jiang, don't you eat it yourself?" Luffy asked curiously.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "What I cultivate is far stronger than devil fruits, so I don't need to eat devil fruits."

"I'm the same as Big Brother Jiang. I only practice swordsmanship. I don't need the devil fruit ability." Sauron said with his sword in his arms.

"I don't need it either. I don't want my handsome face to be turned into a weird thing by the fruit. I want to pick a girl." Sanji also refused.

In fact, Jiang Siming knew that the two of them were deliberately modest.

After all, in the straw hat group, their strength is the main c, and Nami and Usopp are still weak.

These two fruits are for them.

"Nami, Usopp, choose your own."

Jiang Siming handed the fruit to them.

Both of them looked at the devil fruit in front of them, and their breathing became quicker.

Devil fruit, this is it!

In One Piece, who doesn't want to have a powerful devil fruit to dominate the ocean.

They also want to become strong and become the mainstay of the team.

To conquer the ocean with Luffy, they have to become stronger.

Therefore, both of them had their hearts beating faster when facing Devil Fruit.

The two hesitated for a while, Usopp picked up the Eudemons Devil Fruit, and Nami picked up the Natural Devil Fruit.

Then eat them separately.

"Usopp, Nami, what does your fruit taste like? I was too young when I ate the devil fruit, and I swallowed it in one bite. I didn't taste it at all."

Luffy asked curiously as a baby, and everyone else stared at them, expecting their change.

The first thing that changed was Usopp.

Usopp's body began to change, and a lizard-like animal loomed in his body.

"Wow! Usopp's fruit is a bug!" Luffy shouted fussly.

"Is this a lizard?" Sanji guessed.


First more~~

Someone can guess what kind of monsters Usopp is~

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