I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1682: Qianchanglong and the fruit of thunder!

After Usopp fully adapted to this fruit, the Eudemons in his body were completely activated.

Everyone took a closer look, this...how does it look like a chameleon...

"Hey, Usopp, what kind of fruit are you?" Luffy poked Usopp.

Usopp also just digested the information of the Eudemons in his body, and replied embarrassedly: "My name is the Animal Department·Chameleon·Ephemeris Species·Chameleon."


Everyone is shocked, Dragon?

"Sri Lanka!!! Usopp, are you a dragon? I have never seen a dragon!" Luffy looked admiring.

Sanji murmured suspiciously, "Is the dragon so ugly?"

Usopp blushed and said, "I am not a dragon, but a chameleon, a kind of lizard."

"It's a lizard, that's pretty good too."

"What ability do you have, show it quickly."

The urge everyone is looking forward to.

Usopp had to show the most basic.

The greatest ability of the Chameleon is concealment, which is the life skill of the Chameleon.

With that, Usopp's body color became the color of the earth, blending perfectly with the surrounding ground.

Moreover, Usopp found that his eyesight became very good, and he could easily see the 360-degree field of vision around him.

The eyes of the chameleon can rotate 360 ​​degrees, which gives Usopp a very good support.

He was originally a sniper of the Straw Hat regiment, and his vision is naturally very important. If he cooperates with hiding, it is not too cool for him!

The ability of the Eudemons is far more than that, but Usopp has just eaten, unable to play the true potential of the fruit.

In fact, Devil Fruit is not weak, but some of its users are too weak.

The most envious of Sanji is that he hides his breath and integrates with all things. The skill... isn't that invisible!

And it is better than invisibility, because invisibility is only invisible to the naked eye, but after invisible, there is still a breath and smell that can be found.

But Usopp hides the breath and smell, and even Chopper can't smell Usopp.

Sauron couldn't detect the existence of Usopp.

That is, Jiang Siming could easily spot Usopp, no matter how concealed he was, he could not escape the divine consciousness.

He also didn't expect Usopp to get the chameleon phantom beast species, this fruit is not in the original book, it seems to be new, but it is not bad, very suitable for Usopp.

Sanji was drooling with envy. He was just about to eat. Wouldn't it be that he could enter the women's bathroom and the women's bath to peep...

"Gosh! Why don't I eat this fruit! Usopp, spit it out! Spit it out to me, ah..."

Ignore Sanji's madness.

When everyone was surprised by Usopp's ability, Usopp was also extremely satisfied with the fruit of his ability.

He didn't have any interest in peeping into women's baths. All he cared about was that with this skill, he could greatly improve his life-saving ability.

I can also contribute more to the team in the future!

"Are the fruits delicious?" Lu Fei didn't forget to ask this, revealing his food-eating attributes.

Usopp reacted when he thought of the taste, and then began to retching.

"It's terrible! This is the worst thing I have ever eaten!"

Luffy burst into laughter when he heard that, and said, "I thought so when I was a kid! I lied to you to swallow it. In fact, I ate it bite by bite. It's too unpalatable, hehe!"

"Asshole Luffy, you lied to me!" Usopp was angry, turned around to hide his breath, sneaked behind Luffy, and gave him a thousand-year kill!


"By the way, where is Nami?"

When you think of it, Nami is the one who eats the fruit.

Everyone hurriedly looked at Nami, and saw that Nami was the same as usual, nothing changed.

Of course, everyone would not think that the fruit Nami ate was fake.

"Nami, what kind of fruit are you eating? What power do you have?" Lu Fei asked hurriedly.

Nami smiled and didn't speak, but with a gesture, she shouted: "30 million volts Thunderbird!"

Suddenly, Nami was full of lightning, and a phoenix-like thunderbird flew above her head!

Everyone was dumbfounded, this...this is not Anilu’s skill! ! ! !

Jiang Siming smiled on the side and said, "Nami is lucky. What she eats is the natural thunder fruit."

The Thunder Fruit is Ainilu's. After being killed by Jiang Siming on the island before, his ability has become a new fruit again.

In fact, the first owner of Thunder Fruit was not Ainilu, but a naval admiral in the Locks era.

After the general's death, many years passed before his fruit of thunder was accidentally obtained by Ainilu.

Jiang Siming didn't expect that the natural fruit he got from the pirate bounty was the famous thunder fruit.

The Thunder Fruit is one of the strongest in the Nature Department. The Straw Hats of Anilu have also seen it before, and it is really outrageous.

Fortunately, Ainilu is just playing awe-inspiring on the sky island. If he runs down, not to mention how strong it is, at least it may be comparable to the strength of Qiwuhai at the level of Basolomi Bear.

Now Anilu is dead, and the thunder fruit ability has fallen on Nami.

This is really a surprise.

Nami's weather rod was originally used to summon Thunder Cloud, so I don't need weather rod anymore. With a move, Thunder will come.

Moreover, the power of Thunder Fruit is much more than that. It can turn the user's physique into electricity and invalidate it with physical attacks.

It can also release high-voltage current to attack at will, and can teleport in the form of lightning.

And if Na Meishu sees and hears domineering, she can have the same heart network as Ainilu.

Otherwise, how can I say that the Thunder Fruit is one of the best among the natural fruits.

Everyone was very excited, and their teammates became more powerful, and of course they were happy, so that the strength of the straw hat team will be improved again!

But as soon as Nami's Thunderbird appeared, she puffed and disappeared.

Nami stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and said, "My current ability can't release Thunderbird."

Jiang Siming comforted: "It's okay. If the fruit ability is fully developed and the power is infinite, you will definitely be able to surpass Anilu in the future and develop stronger moves."

"Well, I will! Brother Jiang, I will be able to fight alongside you in the future!" Nami flushed with excitement.

Thinking about being Jiang Siming's right-hand man in the future, she feels extremely honored.

Jiang Siming nodded with a chuckle, and then said to everyone, "I have one more thing to take out."

"Oh? There are fruits? Brother Jiang, please give me a fruit of the same style as Usopp~" Sanji began.

Nami showed no mercy and offered Yang Yongxin electrotherapy to Sanji. Sanji's eyebrows were all crooked.

"I thought about this thing, it's the most suitable for our captain."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he took a book-like thing on Luffy!

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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