I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1683: With a sword, everyone is shocked!

"Hey hey? What is it?" Luffy made a fuss.

"Close your eyes, and feel it!" Jiang Siming said sternly.

Luffy put away his playful heart and closed his eyes obediently.

Jiang Siming retracted his hand and took two steps back to let Luffy slowly realize it.

"Brother Jiang, what did you give Luffy to?" Chopper asked curiously.

Jiang Siming didn't hide it, and replied, "What I gave him is a kind of domineering."

"Domineering?" Everyone obviously doesn't have the concept of domineering yet.

Jiang Siming briefly explained to them, and told them that everyone is actually domineering, but they didn't discover it.

After listening to Sauron thoughtfully, he muttered: "I see and hear the domineering...Is it the four priests on the sky island, I must learn it too!"

After Luffy closed his eyes and meditated for a few minutes, he opened his eyes, and the shock and sentiment in his eyes were unprecedented.

"Brother Jiang, thank you, I learned!"

This time, Jiang Siming not only greatly improved the strength of the Straw Hats, but also opened the door to a new world for them in advance.

Lu Fei knew that besides the Devil Fruit, there was such a powerful thing in the world.

The armed color domineering experience book, let Luffy learn the primary armed color domineering in a very short time.

This is a qualitative leap for Luffy's combat effectiveness.

"In fact, in addition to domineering, your Devil Fruit has not been developed at all. If you explore it, your strength will improve quickly."

"There are also Zoro, Sanji, Robin, and Chopper. There is actually a lot of room for improvement in your strength. I will teach you one by one when I have time in the future."

Jiang Siming is no longer just doing tasks in the straw hat group as before.

He likes the team very much, and naturally wants to do more for the team.

It becomes especially important to improve everyone's strength.

After all, after Judiciary Island, they will be targeted by the Navy.

If the strength is too weak, Jiang Siming will not be able to take care of them if he is delayed.

So Jiang Siming wants to improve the strength of the members as quickly as possible.

Everyone also wants to ask Jiang Siming more questions about improving strength.

But at the sea level in the distance of Judiciary Island, black shadows suddenly appeared.

When the shadows approached, they realized that these shadows were all naval ships!

A total of fifteen high-level naval warships were discharged into the sea and quickly approached Judicial Island.

Tumo Linghai, here comes!

Everyone's expressions have also become solemn from the initial jokes.

Even Jiang Siming frowned. He didn't expect Tu Moling to come this time with 15 warships.

Normally there should be only ten ships.

On each warship, there are more than 1,000 elite navies, and 15 ships, that is, more than 15,000 navies.

Although the number of generals is not yet clear, it is definitely more than the normal configuration.

The difficulty of this Demon Slaying Order was much greater than Jiang Siming expected.

But Jiang Siming was not afraid.

Seeing the warship gradually approaching the Judicial Island, Jiang Siming's fighting spirit became more intense.

The cp9s who were leaving the Judicial Island on a warship were all shocked when they saw the naval fleet at sea level.

"Brother, it's bad, this time the configuration of the Demon Slayer Order is much stronger than before!"

Lu Qi nodded and said, "It looks like the general should be here."

"This time Jiang Siming must be over. The admiral will make a move. He has no chance of surviving." Kalifa frowned, not knowing why he was worried.

"Let's go, let's go to the warship to see the reality."

Lu Qi said and brought his men to the fifteen warships.

Because their identities have not yet been revealed, they easily boarded the warship and received VIP treatment.

"Who are the generals of the Demon Slayer Order this time?" Lu Qi asked a rear admiral.

The major general answered honestly: "This time, there are 8 lieutenants, 15 major generals, and the leader is the Green Pheasant General."

After Lu Qi heard this, his heart trembled, but he didn't expect the green pheasant to come!

"Brother, what should I do?" Carlyfa asked in a low voice.

Lu Qi sighed and said: "We can only pray that the Lord has left the Judiciary Island. There is no other way."

On the other side, on Judicial Island, seeing the warships getting closer and closer, the Straw Hat regiments did not leave, but they were all ready to fight.

On the main ship, all eight lieutenants were present, and they were surrounded by a tall and thin man sitting in a chair.

This man is one of the admirals of the Navy, the green pheasant.

"Spandam, this fellow, actually launched the Demon Slaying Order on Judicial Island, I really don't know what he thinks."

The green pheasant leaned on the chair and said slowly, even sleeping with a blindfold on his eyes.

"I tried it, and Spandham can't be contacted anymore. I don't know why this guy went." Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel replied.

"Wait, look! Why is the gate of justice in ruins? And, what's the matter with these people?"

Lieutenant General Daubman looked at Judicial Island and shouted in surprise.

Everyone heard the reputation, and the green pheasant also took off his beloved blindfold and saw Luffy and the others standing on the front island.

"It's the straw hats and the others. What do they mean? Don't you see so many naval ships?" A major general sneered.

The green pheasant showed a playful expression, and said: "Last time I let them go, haven't you received the training this time?"

Before coming to the Water City, Lu Fei and the others met and fought with the green pheasant.

The result was that Luffy and the others were completely defeated. Luffy Sauron and Sanji, the three main forces of Straw Hat besieged the green pheasant, but were easily defeated.

Even everyone was frozen into ice by the green pheasants. If Chopper hadn't been there, they might have been frozen to death.

Obviously, Luffy and the others also saw the green pheasant.

This admiral who left a deep shadow on them.

"It's difficult now, how could this guy appear here." Lu Fei gritted his teeth, obviously the experience of being frozen is still vivid.

Sanji and Sauron also looked very ugly.

Jiang Siming looked as usual, calmly said: "He is up to me to solve it, you can help me to hold the major generals and navy, and the lieutenant general and so on, also give me."


When everyone heard it, they almost didn't believe their ears.

Does Jiang Siming want to deal with eight lieutenants and one general? Is this too exaggerated?

However, Jiang Siming did not give them a chance to relax, and he disappeared in place after speaking!

Seeing Jiang Siming again, he was already standing on the coast, facing the fifteen warships alone without changing his face.

Then Jiang Siming's thousand-edged magic knife was condensed in his hand, and he swung his sword!

The majestic sword energy immediately rushed to one of the warships.

This huge naval warship was cut off by this sword!

This is not a junk pirate ship, but a heavy ship of the navy headquarters!

Most people don't say cut off, just a cannonball hits it, there will be no damage.

However, he was cut in two by Jiang Siming's sword!

The warship split into two and quickly sank to the bottom. Thousands of navies wailed and fell into the sea!

With a sword, everyone is shocked!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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