I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1684: Fight against the green pheasant!

With this move, eight lieutenants and fifteen rear admirals were all alarmed!

Smashing a high-level warship with one sword is no joke.

This person's swordsmanship must have reached extremely high attainments.

"This person should be the one who killed Aaron in the East China Sea, Rogue Town defeated Smogg, Alabastan defeated the Sand Crocodile, and the Straw Hat Group bounty is higher than the captain.

The green pheasant looked at Jiang Siming with interest.

"This person dared to destroy the navy warship and did not put the navy in his eyes. Such arrogant behavior is really horrible! Tell all the ships that the artillery is aimed at him and fired!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel ordered angrily.

For a time, the gunfire of the remaining 14 ships was directed at Jiang Siming.

"Brother Jiang! Let's help you!"

Behind Jiang Siming, Luffy and the others rushed over, using rubber elasticity.

Luffy was the first to board the farthest warship, and as soon as he went up, the warship was turned upside down.

Luffy is also the first time to use the armed domineering he just learned.

His rubber fist is matched with armed color and domineering, and his power is at least several times stronger!

"Armed and domineering? This kid's progress is really amazing. Has he learned domineering so quickly?"

The green pheasant looked at Luffy on the warship in the distance, with a surprised and interesting smile on his mouth.

On the other side, Sauron Sanji also jumped onto a warship, and one person resisted the power of a warship.

Chopper and Franke teamed up to run on a warship, and Ram and Rem also contracted another one.

The remaining Usopp cooperated with Robin Nami, one for three.

Usopp and Nami have just eaten the fruit, and their ability on the fruit has yet to be developed. Naturally, they cannot pack one ship per person.

Even so, excluding the one killed by Jiang Siming, seven warships were restrained by the Straw Hat regiment.

The green pheasant was also a little annoyed upon seeing this.

After all, their naval camp on such a large scale could be so easily blocked by the Straw Hat regiment half of their combat power, which was too shameless.

"Flying squirrel, Doberman, you lieutenant generals should also do their hands, go and catch them for me." Green Pheasant said.

"Yes! Green Pheasant General!" The three lieutenants and six major generals will disembark and go to other warships to capture Luffy and them.

However, as soon as they walked onto the other warships, Jiang Siming's sword aura greeted them like lightning.

The green pheasant shot!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the air seemed to freeze, and Jiang Siming's sword energy was directly frozen!

"I heard Smogg said that you can attack the body of his natural fruit without being aggressive. I'm really interested."

The green pheasant looked at Jiang Siming with a relaxed expression.

He didn't think that Jiang Siming, a 200 million pirate, could beat his admiral.

"I advise you to call all your lieutenant generals, otherwise you will not be enough for me to fight."

Jiang Siming kindly reminded.

He probably knows the strength of the green pheasant, the Frozen Fruit Ability, one of the three navy generals.

Although it is the weakest compared with the yellow monkey and the red dog.

But that is also the general level.

If Jiang Siming hadn't built the foundation, he would definitely not be able to fight it, but now, Jiang Siming has reached the middle of the foundation construction, and his strength is not the same as when he first came.

When the green pheasant heard Jiang Siming's words, he almost thought it was a mistake.

How big is this kid to say such a thing?

"I just wanted to catch you, but now, I'm angry, at least I want to freeze you into ice before throwing it into Advance City to make you suffer!"

After the green pheasant finished speaking, he stepped on the void and flashed towards Jiang Siming.

Moon step, can move quickly in the air for a short time, the effect is somewhat similar to the Wudang vertical ladder.

This is one of the navy's physical skills, and they all use Lu Qi that Jiang Siming defeated.

But Lu Qi and the others only use intermediate and elementary moon steps, and green pheasants use them, but they are truly advanced moon steps!

The speed is almost instantaneous!

When it got closer, the green pheasant let out a sigh of relief, and the air condensed into an ice skate.

The green pheasant grabbed the ice blade and stab Jiang Siming at the fastest speed!

Jiang Siming didn't panic, tilted his head coolly, and escaped the attack of the green pheasant.

"It's interesting, your calmness makes me more and more unhappy." The green pheasant smiled, and the ice skates disappeared, and a pair of ice palms slapped Jiang Siming fiercely!

Jiang Siming took out a sword to resist, only to find that the green pheasant had gone to his magic sword.

The green pheasant grabbed the magic knife Qianbian with both hands. At this time, even his hair was frosted and he was air-conditioned!

"Ice Two Spears!"

After the green pheasant finished speaking, a large amount of ice mist spread in his hands, and the mist gradually froze the magic knife thousand blades, forming two ice spears, but instead rushed to Jiang Siming to counteract!

"Brother Jiang, be careful!"

Sauron saw that he hurriedly reminded that he was easily defeated by the green pheasant with this move.

As soon as he took the knife, the green pheasant froze all his three knives into ice skates, and then took him easily.

Jiang Siming didn't panic, he even wanted to laugh?

Want to freeze his magic sword Qianbian? I'm afraid it's a bit unrealistic, right?

Before the ice thorn spear was completely formed, a dazzling light flashed on the magic sword Qianbun, and the next moment, the ice on the sword split like a spider web.

The green pheasant frowned, wanting to release more ice mist to seal the magic knife again.

Click! Bang!

Blast the ice!

The Thousand Blades of the Magic Knife turned into thousands of blades and flew, but instead surrounded the green pheasant, thousands of blades swept away at the green pheasant!

The green pheasant was a little surprised. With a wave of his hand, a thick ice wall formed around him.

The blade was unable to cut through these ice walls for a while.

Jiang Siming didn't expect to be able to defeat the general so easily. With his hand closed, thousands of fragments returned to the sword body, once again turned into a magic sword!

After the two paused for a short time, the next step was the real contest!

The battle between Jiang Siming and the green pheasant began to become fierce, with frequent killing moves!

The freezing ability of the green pheasant was too strong, which did cause a lot of trouble to Jiang Siming.

It's a pity that he is still unable to use the Great Frozen Technique in his current realm, otherwise Jiang Siming would not think that the green pheasant could become his opponent.

But right now, the various ice-sealing methods of the green pheasant can firmly freeze Jiang Siming's sword energy.

"Sure enough, the strength of the general cannot be underestimated. I am still too confident. At least I have to wait until the golden core period to steadily crush the general."

Jiang Siming thought to himself, but his movements didn't stop at all.

Seeing ice everywhere, Jiang Siming became impatient.

"The wind will stop!"

The manic sword aura formed more than a dozen tornadoes, instantly destroying the surrounding ice wall, leaving a large amount of sword aura to blow towards the green pheasant.

"Is this your trick? I'm sorry, you lost."

The green pheasant smiled confidently and froze himself into an iceman.

After Jian Qi cut off the iceman, the ice was scattered on the ground, but immediately recovered as before, and the undamaged green pheasant stood in front of Jiang Siming again.

Just now, this sword was so powerful that the green pheasant did not dare to take it hard, and only dared to use one hand to save his life.

But the green pheasant thought, Jiang Siming's strongest killer move should have been used up, and then it was his turn.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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