I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1685: Was beaten back!

"The Profound Icy Ball!"

The green pheasant had a serious expression, and boundless icy air poured out of his hands!

The ice gas spread quickly from the bottom of his feet like a waterfall, and extended to Jiang Siming's feet.

Jiang Siming, who didn't pay attention, immediately started from his feet, quickly formed ice and spread to the top of his head.

Within a few seconds, Jiang Siming was frozen into an oversized hockey puck, a sculpture in the hockey puck.

"Big Brother Jiang!"

The people in the straw hat group were shocked when they saw it, but the next second, the hockey puck began to split, and before the green pheasant reacted, they all exploded.

Jiang Siming took a breath and blew off the frost remaining on his forehead by the way.

"The ice temperature is very enjoyable. It's more enjoyable than air conditioning in summer."

Jiang Siming teased the green pheasant.

The green pheasant's face turned blue. For the first time, someone said that his attack method was like an air conditioner. He didn't know what an air conditioner TM was.

But it's definitely not a great thing!

He only knows that this person is humiliating him!

"Ice Age!"

The green pheasant got angry, knelt on one knee, and slapped his palm on the ground!

After a while, the surrounding ground began to quickly freeze into ice, and even the nearby seawater was frozen!

Jiang Siming's eyes were fiery, and he also stopped keeping his hands.

"Just use you to try a new trick, swordsmanship, empty cut and ground split!"

At this time, the magic sword Qianbian completely turned into a magic sword in Jiang Siming's hands. The sword body was like an evil spirit returning from hell, and the surrounding sky was stained with scarlet blood!

Jiang Siming held the sword, leaped high, the sword body soared several times, forming an epee like a giant queer, with endless killing intent, slashing towards the green pheasant!

The heavy sword was in the air, cutting out a terrifying sword energy shock wave, and the energy contained in the shock wave changed the face of the green pheasant. For the first time, I felt the threat of death in front of my eyes!

Air Jue Slash·Earth Slash is one of the top ten single-handed abilities in DNF. It is also a two-sensing skill that Sword Demon can only have after level 75. Its lethality is much stronger than Gale Slash. .

Gale Breathless Slash is more of a range-based damage, but Kongjue Slash can be said to be full of single kills, single-handedly invincible skills.

Feeling the crisis at hand, the green pheasant did not care about the shock, and accelerated the release of the ice age with the fastest speed.

With full force, even the air was frozen into ice in the Ice Age.

On the top of the green pheasant's head, a layer of ice shield was formed!

Jiang Siming's sword was cut down, and the ice shield shattered one by one like paper!

Seeing that the sword body reached the top of his head in an instant, the green pheasant gritted his teeth, and saw that the color domineering launched with all his strength, foreseeing where the sword would fall.

But foreseeing and avoiding are two concepts.

Knowing that the opponent is going to attack a certain position, but you are not strong enough to escape.

Looking at the heavy sword, the green pheasant tried its best to hide.

The blade almost wiped his ears and cut to the ground.

However, before the green pheasant breathed a sigh of relief, the ground that was slashed was as if it had been exploded by a cannonball, flying sand and rocks.

The flying stones are all melted into magma by sword gas!

The green pheasant failed to escape, and was hit by the burst of sword aura.

The whole person flew out.

Fortunately, the blue pheasant formed a heart-guard of ice on his chest at the most critical moment, which saved him from being severely injured.

Because of this, the green pheasant didn't please him either, his whole body was covered with wounds cut by sword qi, and the blood flowed continuously.

The green pheasant squatted halfway on the ground, with his head hanging down, and he didn't relax for a long time.

Everyone on the scene stopped their hands, and the Straw Hat regiment and the navy stopped at the same time, shocked by this scene.

The admiral was beaten so embarrassed by Jiang Siming!

"Green Pheasant General!" The flying squirrel yelled anxiously, and immediately led all the lieutenant generals towards Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming was not afraid at all, but instead took the initiative to preempt them!

Eight lieutenants fought with Jiang Siming.

The eight lieutenants of the navy used their big moves frequently, and each took out their housekeeping skills.

Jiang Siming was also completely hilarious. After the Magic Sword Thousand Blade, he changed his fists, and then continued to use the sword after the fists!

Surrounded by the eight lieutenants, Jiang Siming didn't lose the wind at all, but his true energy was quickly consumed.

However, Jiang Siming's understanding of combat began to become clearer, and this kind of hearty combat was not often encountered.

Jiang Siming is so happy, just one word, reckless!

The navy couldn't do it, and several major generals joined the battlefield.

Soon, Jiang Siming couldn't please anymore and began to get hurt gradually.

Eight-star missions are not so easy to do.

Jiang Si had prepared for it tomorrow morning.

Luffy and the others were also very anxious when they saw this, and they started trying to solve the battle in front of them as quickly as possible to help Jiang Siming.

The cp9s who were still watching the show on another ship were shocked in their hearts. They didn't expect their new owner to have such terrifying strength.

"Big brother, what should we do, should we help?" Carly said.

She was very embarrassed when she remembered what Jiang Siming had just said. It turned out that she was really strong, not bragging and sending her to death.

Lu Qi shook his head and said, "We will just go, and we won't give the Lord much help. What we can do now is to continue to stand still."

As for Luffy and the others, because there were no masters to stop them, they quickly solved the problems on their respective warships and went to Jiang Siming for support!

At this time Jiang Siming had been fighting with eight lieutenants and major generals for a long time.

All of the major generals have fallen into a coma, and three lieutenants have been severely injured by Jiang Siming.

Only the five lieutenants led by flying squirrels are still fighting with Jiang Siming.

And Jiang Siming was also miserable, his whole body was hurt, and his true energy was already empty.

He was fighting them purely on physical strength and physical fitness, and his strength was almost exhausted, relying on a will to hold on to the present.

Fortunately, the green pheasant was hurt by his true qi, and temporarily has no ability to move, otherwise he would have been arrested.

"No! Other people in the Straw Hat group have also come, General Green Pheasant, what should I do?"

The flying squirrels secretly said it was not good, they could barely continue fighting with Jiang Siming.

But if Luffy and the others join, they will definitely be defeated.

The green pheasant barely got up from the ground, his whole body was wounded by Zhen Qi.

The green pheasant took a deep look at Jiang Siming and said: "I underestimated the enemy, Jiang Siming, next time, I will personally send you to Pushing City Prison!"

After speaking, the unwilling green pheasant shouted to retreat, took all his subordinates, and left the Judicial Island!

This is the only time in the history of the navy that the navy of the Killing Demon Order was beaten back and ended in failure.

In this battle, Jiang Siming will be completely famous all over the world!

One person defeated the green pheasant and fought against eight lieutenants.

This proud record will definitely become a story on the sea.

As soon as the green pheasant and them left, Jiang Siming didn't hold on anymore, staggered and fell down.

Nami was anxious, and immediately moved with the lightning of the thunder fruit to hug the fallen Jiang Siming in time.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming didn't faint this time, but he didn't have any strength.

The eight-star mission is really inhuman difficulty.

Hurry up to see the task reward.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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