I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1689: Dad, I'm in love!

The students in the whole church glared at Duan Kun, dare to say that Chinese martial arts is a fist, really want to beat him!

"Ha ha."

Jiang Siming on the stage smiled and replied: "Listen to what you mean, if you want to come up and call, I'm still in a hurry to teach the students, and I don't have the time to deal with flies like you."

Duan Kun was furious when he heard this, and when he stepped on the air, the whole person rushed to the podium.

Everyone was shocked, Duan Kun's hand was very similar to the light work Jiang Siming performed to everyone at the previous martial arts conference!

"How can a hairy boy who has learned a little bit of inner strength know how high the sky is, and your little ability is a joke in my eyes."

Duan Kun sneered at Jiang Siming after taking the stage.

Below, there are even Duan Kun's girlfriend and his disciples cheering for him.

Jiang Siming looked at him quietly, and said, "I'll give you ten moves. Hurry up, I have to go to class."

Duan Kun saw that Jiang Siming looked down on himself so much, he stopped talking nonsense, and started to face Jiang Siming!

However, with seven or eight moves, he didn't even touch the corner of Jiang Siming's clothes.

Duan Kun felt very shameless, and used a killer move with anger into anger. With his hands like blood claws, he slammed Jiang Siming's door!

When Jiang Siming saw this blood claw, he thought of a family, an enemy.

At the Sheshan Exchange Conference last year, he was the first family to destroy.

At that time, the disciples of this family were attracted by Hashimoto Kanna's beauty and wanted to chase down to the woods to do evil. Fortunately, Jiang Siming came in time and saved Hashimoto Kanna.

Later, all the members of the enemy family who came to the exchange meeting were killed by the way.

Later, the old man from the Tianzu group said that because the family fell from power, the entire sect was robbed and occupied by other hermitages.

Everything in it was robbed, including the enemy's bloodclaw secret technique.

Because he was worried that this witchcraft would be spread, the old man sent members of the Tian Group to look for it.

A lot of things were finally recovered, but the Blood Claw Secret Art was lost and has not been found yet.

I heard that it was picked up by a tourist nearby, but Tian Zuo searched for it for a long time and still couldn't find it.

When Jiang Siming saw this blood claw, he guessed that this person should be the ‘lucky guy’.

He just said, does anyone still know him in the hermit?

It should be this Duan Kun who accidentally picked up this blood claw secret technique, thinking that he had become the protagonist in the legend and picked up the heaven-defying secret technique.

Since then, life has reached its peak.

Not to mention, Duan Kun is also quite talented, learning this bloodclaw secret technique for less than half a year, he has achieved little.

For half a year, he stayed at home behind closed doors, studying with great concentration.

Only recently came out, and unexpectedly helped Fudan principal son a favor.

The principal's son also knew that the school was in the Jian Guoshu class. Seeing that Duan Kun was a bit capable, he was kind enough to pull him into the school.

Unexpectedly, this person was really famous for Jiang Siming, seeing that Jiang Siming was so popular and so successful.

He saw that Jiang Siming only used meager internal strength and national skills to deceive people all over the world to call him a **** of war.

Duan Kun was quite upset, thinking that Jiang Siming had taken his lead role.

So today he specially came to play on the court.

After thinking about all this, Jiang Siming smiled.

Seeing that the blood claw was about to hurt himself, Jiang Siming raised his hand casually and controlled Duan Kun's palm.

Duan Kun struggled to break free, but found that he could not move at all.

"You dare to practice the secret technique of blood claw stealthily. Do you know that this secret technique is a forbidden technique? You must go to jail for stealing and learning, Xiao Penyu."

Jiang Siming laughed softly.

Duan Kun was shocked. He didn't expect Jiang Siming to recognize his hole cards at a glance.

However, Duan Kun did not listen to Jiang Siming's advice at all, thinking that Jiang Siming was intimidating himself and trying to trick himself into surrendering his golden fingers.

"Death to Lao Tzu!"

Duan Kun exhausted all his energy, broke free from Jiang Siming's palm, and wiped his **** hands toward Jiang Siming's neck without mercy.

The fierce character made Jiang Siming see the second enemy family.

If this kind of person is not dealt with, he will definitely commit a crime in the future.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming's pupils shrank and kicked in Duan Kun's Dantian position.

The kick that contained true energy, let Duan Kun's hard work, the internal force, instantly shattered into powder!

Duan Kun didn't respond, his eyes went dark, and then he fell straight unconscious.

Thousands of students in the audience were dumbfounded for a second, then all burst into laughter.

Because Jiang Siming kicked a person by himself, there is an allusion. In the martial arts conference, all those who were knocked out by Jiang Siming showed that it was a waste of food.

This paragraph of Kun is obviously regarded as waste by everyone.

"Hahaha, I'm so ridiculous, 10% off water bottle?"

"I just thought I was a master, cut!"

"Feelings are the real flowers and legs."

"It feels worse than me, haha."


Duan Kun didn't hear everyone's ridicule, otherwise he would have to vomit a pound of blood.

Seeing Duan Kun fell to the ground and passed out into a coma, Jiang Siming kindly called him.

Soon, medical staff took him to the hospital.

In the hospital, Duan Kunyouyou woke up, raised his eyes and found that he was sleeping in the ward, and then checked his body, and found that his dantian was destroyed!

"Bad son! How dare I destroy my dantian! Jiang Siming, I don't share the sky with you!"

At this time, an old man lying next to dripping lightly said: "Kidney stones are kidney stones. What did you say about pubic acid? Yesterday I saw a 16-year-old girl Yuan Ying who was taken away by the doctor. There are many masters in the out-of-aperture period, beep."

Duan Kun: "..."

Duan Kun just wanted to leave, but found that there were several strange people standing in the ward. Without saying anything, he took him away...

Fudan Auditorium, the farce is over.

After Duan Kun was taken away, the school drove Duan Kun's girlfriend and the dozen or so disciples out, and the auditorium restored order.

Jiang Siming said blankly: "I just encountered a small matter. Although it has been dealt with, I still have to say a few words."

As he said, Jiang Siming's tone became serious: "Guoshu is a treasure of our China for thousands of years. It is an inherited skill. I hope that even if someone is not interested, they will not maliciously slander it."

"It's not a leisure subject either. Just fooling around is over. Since it's here, please respect me and all the teachers of Chinese martial arts in class."

"The last sentence, whoever comes to my class with disrespect for national martial arts and other ideas to join in the fun, now, please, immediately, go out!"

Jiang Siming's last words silenced the scene for a few seconds, and no one left.

Then came tidal waves of applause, which lasted for nearly a minute before slowly subsiding.

Ma Manman, who was sitting in the back seat, lit up, staring at Jiang Siming on the stage, under the frame of his glasses, full of appreciation.

Then she secretly took out the phone and sent a WeChat message to her father.

"Dad, I'm in love."

Afterwards, Ma Manman turned the phone to silent, put it back in his bag, and listened carefully to the class.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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