I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1690: Crashed on the spot

The whole class lasted until noon.

Jiang Siming gave a vivid explanation of the mystery of the national arts to everyone on stage using theory and occasional practice.

Throughout the whole process, no one in the auditorium had left the auditorium except for those who were in a hurry to relieve their hands.

Everyone seemed to be fascinated by it, their buttocks firmly nailed to the chair, and they refused to get up.

The class Jiang Siming taught was so exciting that people would forget the time and indulge in it.

Even the idea of ​​studying Chinese martial arts arose.

Never thought that Chinese martial arts could be so wonderful.

The national martial arts that Jiang Siming talked about encompasses all phenomena, including the ups and downs of national martial arts, the spiritual artistic conception of national martial arts, and the excellence of national martial arts.

Just the theory class, you can all be here in Jiang Siming!

Many students have made up their minds, and when this class is over, they will sign up for the martial arts class!

"Well, that's the end of today's class. I look forward to seeing you in the next class."

Jiang Siming talked on stage for a long time, and his mouth was almost dry.

Anyway, all the things prepared for the lesson yesterday are finished, if he wants to go to the class again, he can only take the practical class.

Let's talk about it next time.


As soon as the talk was over, there was a wave of applause in the auditorium again, and Jiang Siming stepped off the stage in the eyes of all the teachers and students.

The teachers and students in the auditorium also left in an orderly manner.

Ma Manman also left the auditorium with a little regret. She still wanted to continue listening, but unfortunately it was over.

She is already thinking about how to learn Chinese martial arts class, after all, she is not a student but a teacher.

"It doesn't matter, it's a big deal to find the principal and them to accompany you, or let yourself be an auditing teacher all the time."

Ma Manman made up his mind, and his steps became lighter.

After leaving the auditorium, Ma Manman opened the cell phone in his bag and found out that his father had called her several times and sent dozens of messages.

"In love? Don't fool your dad, Manman."

Two hours ago.

"I just told your mother that she wants all the information about that kid."

An hour and a half ago.

"Manman, I'm a mother, why don't you answer the phone and tell me which child looks like?"

Half an hour ago.

"Which company is it a young talent? Or is it an excellent second-generation?"

"Send a picture, let's see, how do you look, how tall, what do you study? At home..."

Half an hour ago.

"You kid, why don't you come back to us? Your dad has already gone to Fudan to find you. Today, he must explain his old story."

"Your dad and I are not so old-fashioned and don't have the right mind. As long as he is good enough, we agree even if he is a little white-collar worker."

Five minutes ago.


There was a bunch of news, and Ma Manman was dizzy.

She immediately regretted telling her father about it, please, she just fell in love with it.

I also blame him for sending the wrong words.

Ma Manman just wanted to reply, but then a middle-aged man approached her.

"Dad, you really came."

Ma Manman was speechless, and her father really killed her at school.

"If you don't come, your mother can make me go crazy, just tell me, where is the kid, how old is it, he seems to be a teacher? Is it the teacher you know at school?"

This middle-aged man, isn't he the power to control the deduction of coins for countless elementary school students? Even now, countless generations born in the 90s and 00s love and hate it, Mr. Ma!

Hearing this, Ma Manman just wanted to explain, but suddenly wanted to tease his father.

"It's a teacher, I met at school, dad, don't you look down on others as just a teacher?" Ma Manman asked with a smile.

"What? It's too late for your dad to be happy, hello teacher, can we still be short of money?"

Mr. Ma’s words are a little bit arrogant. He can make tens of billions of people by selling just a few skins in the game, so he cares about the other person’s family background.

"how old is he?"

"Em...one year younger than me." Ma Manman thought about Jiang Siming's age, as if he was one year younger than himself. It's over, sister and brother love...

"Don't be afraid of being one year younger. The age is right. How long have you known each other?"

Ma Manman smiled embarrassedly and said: "Two hours."

"Two hours is not too short...Puff! What are you talking about? You have only known each other for two hours?" Mr. Ma looked confused.

Ma Manman smiled and nodded: "We are in love at first sight, lightning in love."

"This...Isn't this a nonsense, how can you know the character of this person when you first met you?"

Mr. Ma never expected that his daughter would also play flash love, which is too unreliable.

"Don't worry, dad, his character must be fine, and you often praise him." Ma Manman answered with a smile.

"I praised him? Is it the child of an old friend? Or which young talent in our company is here as a teacher?"

Mr. Ma looked confused, thinking hard.

Mr. Ma is an old fox. He suddenly remembered the news that Fudan had recently established a Chinese martial arts class and invited Jiang Siming to attend the class. It seems to be today.

When my daughter had breakfast today, she also said that she would go to attend a Jiang Siming's Chinese martial arts class, and smiled and said to see if she could learn a one-and-a-half defensive approach.

He also said that he has praised him, and that very few people can be praised by him.

Coupled with the fact that he is one year younger than Mamanman, the answer is not obvious.

Mr. Ma suddenly felt like he was pushing away the clouds. It turned out that his daughter was in love with him, alas, he was taken aback.

If the target is Jiang Siming, of course Mr. Ma is satisfied with 10,000.

To be honest, he even felt that his daughter was a bit unworthy of others.

Jiang Siming, Chairman of Jiang Group.

Personal net worth has long surpassed his character, and he is younger than his own daughter.

All Huaxia absolutely cannot find a second person like him.

The only thing that made Mr. Ma a little dissatisfied was that Jiang Siming was too bothered, and there was a lot of trouble, which made Mr. Ma a little worried.

Coincidentally, Jiang Siming also walked out of the auditorium at this time, planning to drive back.

President Ma saw Jiang Siming and wondered if he should go over and beat him.

He was afraid that Jiang Siming was just lying to his daughter's feelings, so he dumped it after talking for a while.

His Jiang Siming is of course okay, his daughter is not good, and his daughter has suffered a big loss.

Therefore, Mr. Ma made up his mind to talk to Jiang Siming.

Immediately, regardless of Ma Manman, who was still carrying his pranks, walked quickly to Jiang Siming.

When Ma Manman turned around, she realized that her father was gone, and she just wanted to uncover the prank.

Tell her dad that she didn't fall in love with anyone at all, just that she liked him.

But... Mamanman found that his father was missing, and turned his head to see that he was standing in front of a young man talking to him.

Ma Manman looked at the young man, and his head died on the spot.


The shop is busy, and it's getting late. Everyone still understands a lot. It's still the same, and I will continue to make up tomorrow.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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