I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1696: Cheating with voice transmission?

Everyone was surprised to find that Jiang Siming was here.

It was a little daunting to suddenly come to this ghostly shadowy place, but now Jiang Siming comes, full of security.

Jiang Siming was quite interested in Brooke before he encountered a person with the ability of stealth fruit.

"Your fruit ability is very special, but besides immortality, do you find other abilities?"

Jiang Siming stared at him and asked with a smile.

Brooke felt like being seen through all the secrets at a glance. He was shocked and said, "No...no discovery..."

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "The greatest use of your fruit is to control the soul and use the power of hell. You can try more if you have the opportunity."

After speaking, Jiang Siming went to talk to Nami and Robin.

Brooke looked shocked: "Control... control the soul... use hell... can I..."

Jiang Siming awakened the man in his dream with a single sentence and helped Brook greatly accelerate his strength improvement.

"Brother Jiang, will you stay long this time?" Nami hung her heart on Jiang Siming, and Robin did the same.

It's just that Robin has always been reserved, doesn't like to show emotion, and has a mature personality.

Jiang Siming shook his head, but said: "No, I'm here this time, I can only stay for a short time."

Nami was a little bit lost when she heard that, but quickly recovered and cherished the time she spent with Jiang Siming even more.

Jiang Siming thought that the invisible perverted man would rush to the boat like the original.

But he stayed on the boat, but he still didn't see the perverted man.

It seems that the plot does not necessarily follow the animation.

At this time, the Wanli Sunshine came to a hidden and terrifying island.

The island seemed to obscure the ship's course.

In addition, the area was covered by dark clouds and the sun could not be seen. Nami, the navigator, could not see the route clearly.

"No, we seem to be in trouble. We have to go to the island and have a look, hoping to get a route map." Nami said in shock and fear.

This island looks weird at first glance.

Although she now possesses a rather domineering thunder fruit ability, girls are still very scared of such deep places.

Of course, except Robin.

Robin showed a trace of fear from beginning to end.

"Well on the island? Good! It looks very exciting!" Luffy was the first to agree, he was the most heartless one.

The group decided to go to the island.

In fact, both Jiang Siming and Brook know that this is not an island, but a boat.

Everyone temporarily left the Wanli Sunshine and boarded the island.

The island is filled with a deep atmosphere, the dark jungle, and the disused and gloomy castle with the spire of the tower in the distance, make people shudder.

Nami held Jiang Siming's arm tightly, and on the other side were Usopp and Chopper.

These two guys are less courageous than Nami.

Everyone saw all kinds of weird things all the way through the foggy forest.

There are weird animals spliced ​​together, vampire bats larger than monkeys, and walking corpses crawling out of the ground.

This scared Nami so much that she couldn't wait for her to get into Jiang Siming's arms.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, don't you see that they are very weak, Luffy and the others can kill them with one punch."

Jiang Siming comforted Nami like a little girlfriend.

Moonlight Moria, as one of the Seven Wu Seas, is also one of the weakest.

He is really not interested.

If he can, he won't even show up, so let the Straw Hats learn a good experience.

But because there are abnormal men, Jiang Siming will come.

Since the Judiciary Island slaughter order was finished, the strength of almost everyone in the Straw Hat group has risen sharply.

With Jiang Siming's points and contributions, the strength of the straw hat group has increased extremely fast.

Even Sauron and Sanji have almost realized the domineering armed color.

Lu Fei is about to use the domineering look, although it is very weak, but it has the potential to inherit the energy of his family.

Therefore, there is no need for him to worry about the Moonlight Moria they are going to challenge.

Everyone finally came to the seemingly dilapidated castle. As soon as they stepped into the castle, Jiang Siming felt movement inside.

[Random task has been released, please check it yourself]

[Four-Star Mission]: Find the person with the ability of transparent fruit and kill him!

[Task Reward]: Unknown.

[Mission failed]: Unknown.

Mission rewards and mission failures are unknown, but they will not give too good things if they want to, because the mission is too simple.

"Let's go, go in and take a look." Jiang Siming took the lead.

He has to make a quick decision, otherwise Xiaoxiao will have to finish the exam.

Just as he was talking, Jiang Siming was immediately stunned.

The reason is that outside, Zhao Xiaoxiao is actually using voice transmission technique on himself.

"Dad, but the king is the world, what's the next sentence?"

Jiang Siming: "..."

I rely on! This Nima cheating technique is against the sky!

Others rely on mobile phones, technology, Zhao Xiaoxiao is better, rely on cultivation...

Jiang Siming was a little messy, just when he wanted to get her back.

"Hehe, tease you, dad, your daughter won’t even be able to do such a simple question. I expect to submit the paper in advance within an hour. Dad, I’ll take me to eat some delicious food later. Do the questions~"

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, and at the same time he had a sense of urgency. He had to hurry up, or Xiaoxiao would come out early.

Back to the copy, Jiang Siming led everyone into the castle.

The castle was too big, so everyone decided to search separately.

Luffy took Sanji Brook in a group, Sauron and Franky in a group with Usopp.

Jiang Siming took Robin and Nami, Ramrem and Chopper.

One person acts as a full-time nanny.

Usopp wanted to follow along, after all, Jiang Siming is their super thigh, and he must be the most secure.

Jiang Siming took them to the left building to search, because the movement he just heard was in the left building.

In a shadowed corner of the corridor, a pair of evil and wretched eyes were watching Nami and Robin behind Jiang Siming.

"Tsk tsk, these two stunners, we must marry them back to be brides, Jie Jie..."

When the shadow finished speaking, it quickly disappeared in place, as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Siming took everyone around the left building and found no figures.

I found a very clean bathhouse, which was decorated in pink and looked like a bathhouse for girls.

There are also a few characters at the door: Only for Princess Mononoke Perona, and those who enter are dead!

"There is a bathhouse, I want to take a bath..."

Nami was a little moved. When she first went to the island, she stepped on the mud in the woods. For her who loves cleanliness, all she wants to do is take a shower.

"I want too." Robin smiled, and even Ram and Rem expressed their desire to take a bath.

So they all looked at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming touched his nose and said with a smile: "If you want to wash it, just wash it. Chopper and I are standing guard outside for you."


The four girls are happy and relieved to enter the bathhouse.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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