I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1696: Is this time to hand in the paper?

With Jiang Siming, they are not afraid of the threat of Princess Mononoke. Besides, they just take a shower.

After the four girls entered, there was laughter.

Chopper and Jiang Siming are guards at the entrance of the bathhouse.

Jiang Siming carefully inspected the bathhouse with his mind, and made sure that the perverted man was not there yet, so he stood guard outside.

It's just that the sound inside made him a little fanciful.

Chopper is not interested at all, he is a reindeer, only interested in female reindeer.

Holding a marshmallow that Jiang Siming brought to it from Qiankun Ring, it was old and happy to eat.


Chopper, who was eating marshmallows, sniffed the air with a keen nose, and said strangely: "Why do you smell a weird smell, Brother Jiang, do you smell it..."

Chopper turned his head to find that Jiang Siming was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

Chopper smelled it again and found the smell getting closer, as if it was approaching the bathroom door.

At this moment, Jiang Siming opened his eyes, a pair of murderous eyes staring at the air ahead.

Obviously there is nothing, but Jiang Siming seems to have seen something.

"Finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, his figure disappeared. The next second, he blasted a heavy punch into the air.


It was obviously air, but it seemed to hit something.

A figure suddenly fell heavily to the ground and screamed.

"Someone!" Qiaoba reacted, and the man lying on the ground was a strange person.

The strange man was hit by Jiang Siming until he vomited blood, and his chest was even more sunken.

He didn't even care about the pain, and looked at Jiang Siming with horror on his face.

"You are... Jiang Siming of the straw hat group, a monster offering a bounty of 2.01 billion!"

The weirdo found Jiang Siming on the boat before, so he didn't get on the boat.

He didn't dare to provoke Jiang Siming, but the beauty of Robin and Nami really made him unbearable.

So when he saw Jiang Siming asleep on the wall, he wanted to use his stealth ability to sneak into the bathhouse to peep.

Unexpectedly, he would have fallen into Jiang Siming's trap.

"Just know it, you should die too."

Jiang Siming has only one result for such people.

Walked towards it.

The perverted man was terrified and hurriedly got up from the ground, re-entered his invisibility and wanted to run.

But he didn't expect to be caught by Jiang Siming again just after he became invisible.

At this time, Jiang Siming pinched his neck directly and began to close his palms.

The tremendous strength quickly made the face of the abnormal man appear purple and blue, and even the five orifices began to bleed.

Seeing that he was dead, Jiang Siming threw it outside, like throwing garbage.

But when he let go of his hand, the perverted man turned back and rushed towards the bathroom like crazy!

Jiang Si secretly said that it was not good, but he did not expect to be deceived by this person holding qigong.

This person is so full of animal limbs that he thought it was a person.

Seeing that the perverted man was about to rush into the bathroom, Chopper was just about to stand in front, but he was also punched and flew away.

Jiang Siming furrowed his brows and became completely angry. His body skills turned into an afterimage, and he chased after him!

At the door, when the perverted man was about to push the door and rush in.

The magic knife in Jiang Siming's hand condensed, a shocking sword aura, from head to toe from behind the abnormal man.

Jian Qi directly divided the perverted man into two!

And because of the inertia of the impact, he smashed open the door and accidentally strayed into the bathroom.

At this time, the four girls who were frolicking and enjoying the bathing smoothly.

Did not hear the fighting outside at all.

Halfway through the wash, a figure suddenly rushed into the bathroom, shocking them.

Even the reaction was too late, the whole body was watched by this person!

The four girls were angry at the same time, and they were about to kill the **** guy who came in to peek at them.

Unexpectedly, the person who came in... was actually Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was also speechless, and the sword accidentally smashed the door and slipped in.

This time the misunderstanding is big.

"Can I say, I didn't mean it..." Jiang Siming said embarrassedly.

When the originally angry four girls found out that it was Jiang Siming, the anger on their faces immediately dissipated, and the red clouds fluttered instead.

Brother Jiang, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person, so you can watch it if you want to see it... Why do you still say that you didn’t mean to...

"I'm leaving now." Jiang Siming left a sentence, and ran out, closing the door smoothly.

After the four girls came out of the shower, they found that Jiang Siming was no longer there. Only Chopper was still guarding the door.

There was also a corpse on the ground that was divided into two by Jian Qi.

"Chopper, where is Brother Jiang?"

Chopper answered honestly: "Brother Jiang said that there was something wrong, so he went back to his place to practice."

"Big Brother Jiang is leaving so soon..." Nami regretted not taking a shower earlier, but Jiang Siming would not be there anymore.

Robin was curious about the corpse on the ground and asked, "Chopper, what's the matter with this corpse?"

"This person just wanted to rush into the bathroom to spy on you, but was discovered by Big Brother Jiang. Big Brother Jiang killed him, but accidentally ran into the bathroom." Chopper was honestly kid.

The fourth daughter realized that Jiang Siming really didn't mean it.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming is gone now, and he can only wait for the next time he wants to apologize.

Before they recovered, a young loli girl with two pink ponytails, a princess crown on her head and a burgundy umbrella in her hand came over.

"How dare you use my exclusive bathroom! Damn it!"

The girl pointed at Nami and Robin angrily, and then accidentally glanced at the corpse on the ground, her face changed suddenly.

"You unexpectedly... killed Abu Sarom... This is Master Moria's capable man, you are done!"

After the girl finished speaking, she began to gather ghosts in her hands.

The battle between the two sides is about to start.

However, Jiang Siming had no chance to see all this.

He has already withdrawn from the copy, and his head is full of the bathroom scenery he just saw.

I accidentally saw the *** screen that I shouldn't watch. It's really... a bit embarrassing.

But... Robin's figure is amazing.

Nami is also very good, as well as Ram and Rem, who usually can't see it, but I didn't expect that they were still invisible, ahem...

Jiang Siming didn't want to think like a moron anymore, and quickly shook his head.

At this time, a small figure came out of the examination room for the high school entrance examination, it was Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Jiang Siming glanced at her watch. Good fellow, she handed in the paper after only fifty minutes of the test? ?

Please, this is still Chinese.

The reporter outside the examination room immediately surrounded Zhao Xiaoxiao and asked her why she turned in the paper so quickly.

"Of course I will hand in the paper when finished." Zhao Xiaoxiao replied very honestly.

"Then my classmates, is this Chinese exam difficult?" the reporters asked again.

"Simple, I have never done such a simple paper before, and it has no meaning at all."

Zhao Xiaoxiao answered sincerely and left, leaving a group of people messy in the wind.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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