I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1698: Visit Yu Fei

Back in the car, Jiang Siming also asked the same question and got the same answer as before.

"Then how many points do you estimate for the Chinese test?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao replied without looking up: "If it is not a composition, it should be full marks."

Jiang Siming didn't want to say anything after hearing it, so he drove and went to have a big meal!

In the afternoon, Jiang Siming brought Xiaoxiao to the examination room again. In the afternoon, he took the English test.

This is even less difficult for Zhao Xiaoxiao, who will hand in the paper in less than 40 minutes.

Xiaoxiao's English level is at least level 8 or above, and her spoken English is already excellent after being trained by so many foreign moms at home.

So this English test is too pediatric for her.

Zhao Xiaoxiao handed in papers so early every time, which saved Jiang Siming a lot of time and didn't have to wait.

"Dad, take me to a bar to meet the world, I haven't been to a bar yet."

After the two exams, Zhao Xiaoxiao began to play tricks.

Jiang Siming replied as he drove: "I want to be beautiful. After the exam, you have two days left before the exam. Please go home to eat and sleep honestly and recharge your energy."

Zhao Xiaoxiao dropped her head and sighed: "Why isn't the senior high school entrance exam scheduled to be completed in one day? It takes three days to take the exam, it's really hard..."

"Other kids don't have as much energy and speed as you do." Jiang Siming said silently.

"Then I want to eat our godsend steak, dad~"

"This is fine, I will make it for you when I get home."


After returning home, Zhao Xuan and the others were used to seeing the two father and daughter coming back so early.

They don't need to worry about Zhao Xiaoxiao's grades. They stepped back ten thousand steps and said that even if Zhao Xiaoxiao failed the high school entrance examination this time, there would still be countless key high schools asking her to go to school.

In order to reward Xiaoxiao for the entrance examination, Jiang Siming also cooks a sumptuous meal.

After eating and drinking, Zhao Xiaoxiao honestly returned to the room to take a bath and sleep.

In fact, she was not sleeping, but wanted to continue practicing.

Practicing early and improving her realm, she will be able to make Jiang Siming fulfill her previous promises.

Jiang Siming didn't know that this girl still remembered this, and was about to play some leisure projects with his wives, but the WeChat in his pocket rang.

Jiang Siming picked it up and saw that it was sent by Yu Fei.

But it was not from Yu Fei, but from Xiao Guoer.

[Brother Jiang, today, when Yu Fei's sister took us to the spring outing, she accidentally fell and her hands were rubbed and bleeding. I want to tell you, but my sister wouldn't let me say, I took advantage of her to give me the phone to play games Secretly send you one when 】

Just such a WeChat message was a letter from Xiao Guoer.

Jiang Siming couldn't sit still after reading it. It was not a trivial matter to fall, but Yu Fei was an ordinary person.

Unexpectedly, there was a Li Yingzi standing secretly behind him.

"Oh, who is Yu Fei? Are you going out on a date again?"

Jiang Siming's face blushed with Li Yingzi's weird and funny remarks. What are you doing? I haven't gone out to tease girls for a long time.

"Hehe, go go, try to find more sisters when we get married, so that our wedding will be even more shocking."

The girlfriends who rushed to the side also expressed their support.

It’s been a long time since a new sister has come at home, husband, please work harder!

Jiang Siming: "..."

Bringing the wonderful ‘blessing’ and ‘encouragement’ of his wives, Jiang Siming was ‘driven’ out of the house.

By the way, it was time for him to see Yu Fei. I told him to go to someone last time, but there was no movement for so long.

I drove all the way to Yu Fei's orphanage. At this time, the children in the orphanage were already sleeping well under the arrangement of the life teachers.

Since Yu Fei’s orphanage has Jiang Siming’s help, from life to study, Jiang Siming has invited professionals to help.

Yu Fei now only needs to be responsible for management.

This spring outing was also arranged by her, and many teachers worked together to complete it.

The children were very happy. Although Yu Fei accidentally fell on her hand, she thought it was worth it.

The uncle doorman knew Jiang Siming, and the uncle had always believed that Jiang Siming and Yu Fei were a couple, so he didn't ask at all and opened the door to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming easily found Yu Fei's residence, which was an apartment for female teachers. Yu Fei lived on the top floor inside.

But it's not easy to get in, because there are apartment aunts watching and men are strictly forbidden to enter.

Not even the husband or boyfriend of female teachers, unless you go out to live.

The aunt can be fierce. After so long, I haven't let a man in, not even a little boy.

"Are you looking for Dean Yu Fei? Why are you looking for her so late?"

The aunt glanced at Jiang Siming back and forth with scrutiny eyes.

The sleek and handsome young man like Jiang Siming came to harass Yu Fei so many times, she was driven away directly every time.

The aunt respected and admired the little girl Yu Fei, so she was very righteous and blocked many harassers.

The aunt obviously also regarded Jiang Siming as one of the suitors.

"Uh... I and Yu Fei are friends."

"Cut! Everyone who wanted to chase the dean said that before, and I drove away!"

Jiang Siming helplessly asked, "Aunty, don't you know me?"

"Why do I know you, are you a celebrity? Even a celebrity!" The aunt gave no room for discussion.

"Auntie, I'm really Yu Fei's friend."

"I do not believe!"

Jiang Siming was helpless, so he had to call Yu Fei.

Before long, Yu Fei ran downstairs in her pajamas and stepped on her cute slippers.

When the aunt found out that Yu Fei actually came down, she was also very embarrassed.

"You are really friends, Yu Fei, sorry, aunt doesn't know."

"It's okay aunty, you did the right thing. I was abrupt and should have called." Jiang Siming laughed.

The aunt was relieved when he heard that Jiang Siming was not relieved, and looked at Yu Fei with an ambiguous look, and said: "Dean, I can make an exception. You can take him upstairs, I didn't think I saw it. "

Yu Fei blushed suddenly, nodded vaguely, gave Jiang Siming a look, and then went upstairs like an ostrich.

Jiang Siming understood very well and immediately followed.

Looking at the back of Jiang Siming's departure, the aunt smiled and complained: "This kid is really lucky, but Yu Fei should have a boyfriend."

Followed Yu Fei all the way up to the fourth floor, into a suite, which is where Yu Fei lives.

It used to be where Yu Fei lived with her parents, but unfortunately after the death of both parents, she was the only one left in the family.

Fortunately, there is Xiao Guoer with him, which makes Yu Fei less lonely.

Jiang Siming was also the first outsider to enter her house.

"Sit down first, and I will pour you some water."

Yu Fei really didn't expect Jiang Siming to come to see her. She didn't prepare anything. She felt very cramped, so she had to find a reason to pour water to ease it.

Jiang Siming watched her pouring water, his right hand was always very careful and awkward holding the water.

"Are you okay, let me see."

Jiang Siming said, he knew that Yu Fei's hand must have been injured.


The fourth one~~The new heroine is about to be born~

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