Within an hour, the kite had fallen asleep.

Jiang Siming's state hasn't slowed down. If it weren't for a bit of sanity, he might not care about the life of the kite.

"Damn, no, the side effects of this breakthrough are too great, you must go quickly!"

Jiang Siming put on his clothes and hurriedly left.

Before I left, I saw the messy bedroom, Jiang Siming felt guilty. She was just a girl who hadn't been human, and she had tossed her into this way.

What a jerk!

Jiang Siming slapped himself, left a note and turned to leave.

At this time, he found that his [Small Move Technique] could be used again!

But he didn't use it yet, the small shifting technique operated on its own and sent him to the next place.

A seaside villa with European style decoration.

There was a blond beauty sleeping inside.

When Jiang Siming saw it, he secretly said that it was Eva!

Jiang Siming understands that the side effects of the breakthrough now make him like an orb desperately eager for energy. The orb will find the host that can provide it with the greatest energy, one by one, absorb their energy and resist their side effects.

After understanding, Jiang Siming did not choose to continue the harm, but turned around and wanted to leave.

However, just a few steps away, blood overflowed from the corner of Jiang Siming's mouth.


Zhen Qi is biting himself!

As if expressing dissatisfaction with Jiang Siming's escape regardless of his energy.

He needs this energy too much now!

"Damn! It's really a livestock now!"

Jiang Siming cursed himself, and then his final sanity disappeared and he rushed towards Eva.

After coming out of Eva's room, Jiang Siming left the scene just as before, leaving a note of repentance.

[Small moving technique] works again, but Jiang Siming is extremely resistant.

Another place is Tang Ru's home...

Another place is Xia Ran and Lu Yao’s double bedroom...

Another place is actually the home of Hashimoto Kanna...

Jiang Siming gradually became numb, and he has become a shameless **** today.

I can only wait for myself to pass this level, and then go to bear Jing to plead guilty.

Fortunately, after returning from Japan, Jiang Siming finally returned home this time.

But this time, he faced his wives.

But Jiang Siming vaguely felt that if he attacked his wives, he would completely become a ‘beast’.

Because this is the largest gathering place of energy, in his current state, he will definitely lose his mind.

Xinyi is still pregnant. If she loses her senses and hurts her, she also hurts her unborn child.

Then Jiang Siming will really blame himself for a lifetime!

So Jiang Siming exhausted his last strength, sacrificed the scared salamander sword, flew in the air, and temporarily left home.

It's just that Jiang Siming didn't expect that before he flew out, A-Nan and Ari secretly jumped on the starter sword, grabbed his trousers, and flew away with him.

Jiang Siming didn't know where to go, he just wanted to stay away from home first.

After flying all the way to a misty forest and mountain range, Jiang Siming stopped. He didn't know where it was.

The only thing I know is that this place is full of undeveloped mountains and no one is inhabited.

Jiang Siming plunged into the mountains and flew into the top of a mountain.

There happened to be a natural cave on the top of the mountain. Jiang Siming rushed in and cut the capstone of the cave with a sword, sealing the entrance of the cave.

Jiang Siming decided to survive the catastrophe safely in this place.

Never go out to harm others, life or death depends on fate!

Jiang Siming sat down cross-legged, but something dumbfounded happened. Under his feet, two cute things followed...

And the two cute creatures started to transform together in a tacit understanding.

Jiang Siming's eyes went dark, and then he lost consciousness.

Jiang Siming didn't know how long he had passed in this closed cave.

The outside world, Jiang Siming's house, has become anxious.

Although Jiang Siming had only been missing for two days, they were extremely worried.

In the past, Jiang Siming disappeared for a few days, they were not worried at all, they must have gone to tease sisters.

But this time is different.

Because Kite, Yu Fei, Eva and Xia Ran and Lu Yao are all sitting at Jiang Siming's house at this time.

They didn't come to Jiang Siming to settle the accounts. Based on their affection for Jiang Siming, they were not angry at all when they woke up two nights ago.

But they saw the note left by Jiang Siming, and they recalled Jiang Siming's state that night.

They were afraid of Jiang Siming's accident, so they hurried to Jiang Siming's home to explain the situation.

The girls were also panicked when they knew it. Jiang Siming had never encountered such a thing before, and even the mobile phone had not been left at Yu Fei's house.

This shows that Jiang Siming must have encountered something very urgent.

In addition, there is no news from Jiang Siming for two days, so it is strange that the family is not worried.

"Sorry, I blamed me for being bad, it was me who caused this change in Jiang's body..."

Yu Fei lowered her head in shame, her eyes red.

Jiang Siming started to appear abnormal from her, so she took this pot for granted.

Zhao Xuan, the backbone of the family, shook her head and comforted: "This is not to blame you, don't blame yourself."

Li Shengxue nodded to the side and said, "It should be that there is something wrong with my husband's cultivation technique."

The kite asked wildly: "Is it the madness in the martial arts novels?"

"You can say that, but you have to find him to know the answer." Hundred Billion smiled bitterly, his head full of Jiang Siming's figure.

This is the first time Jiang Siming has happened. Even if he lied to the police in the United States, he would secretly tell them that he was pretending.

But this time Jiang Siming didn't even bring his cell phone, and no news came from home for two days.

Something must have happened.

At this time Jiang Lan returned with Xiaoxiao.

Xiaoxiao has just finished her senior high school entrance examination and just returned home.

"Mom, why did Dad go there these past two days? Why didn't you see anyone? I have finished the exam and he didn't take me out to play."

Zhao Xiaoxiao asked Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan dodged his eyes, and finally sighed, telling Zhao Xiaoxiao about Jiang Siming's situation.

Two days ago, I didn't dare to say that I was afraid that Zhao Xiaoxiao didn't want to think about the test after knowing it. She didn't dare to tell Zhao Xiaoxiao until now after the test.

After Zhao Xiaoxiao listened, she was dumbfounded.

Then there was a loud cry.

Jiang Lan had never seen Zhao Xiaoxiao cry before, panicked, and Zhao Xuan and others at home ran out.

"Mom, where did Dad go?" Zhao Xiaoxiao asked in tears.

Jiang Siming's position was too heavy in her heart, so heavy that Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying at the thought of Jiang Siming's possible accident.

It's okay if Xiaoxiao doesn't cry, I've been holding back at home.

When she cried, Xinyi and the others began to wipe their tears.

Zhao Xuan endured her heartache and hugged Xiaoxiao in her arms and comforted her: "It's okay, your father is very capable, you forgot, he is the person who asked you to cultivate immortality, how could something be wrong with this little thing."

Zhao Xiaoxiao stopped when he heard the cry, as if thinking of something in his head, then he burst into laughter.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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