I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1701: Fly to the moon is coming...

"I am..."

Zhangjiajie, in a hidden unexplored foothill, in a cave sealed by huge rocks.

Jiang Siming woke up and looked at the cave in front of him with a blank expression.

At this time, in the cave, his Ten Thousand Dragon Armor was lying quietly next to him, covered with the scars left by lightning.

Jiang Siming remembered being confused the night before, the hot flame in his body seemed to be relieved by someone all the time.

Originally, Jiang Siming estimated that this time he would not die, he would be bitten into a dog by internal forces. After all, he chose to abandon the large energy of his family and not absorb it.

But he ran out, the backlash skill was enough to make his realm drop by at least two grades.

Maybe the pubic field burst directly, and return to the status of ordinary people is not necessarily true.

And in the past two days, there has been a huge thunder sound in his ears, but he can't wake him.

It now appears that Wan Longjia saved his life and helped him survive the most dangerous thunder catastrophe.

But who has been providing energy for his Dantian...

Jiang Siming scratched his head. As soon as he raised his hand, he bumped into a furry object. Looking down, Ari and Ayan were lying in his arms and sleeping.

The two little guys still looked like animals, as if nothing happened, but Jiang Siming shook them, but they didn't move at all.

If it hadn't been for Jiang Siming to check their status and find that they were just asleep, he would think that Ah-囡 and Ah-li were dead.

But because of this, the two cute pets are also exhausted, and Jiang Siming can't wake up no matter how shaking.

Jiang Siming felt that they were really tired and needed a long time to cultivate slowly.

"Could it be..."

Jiang Siming was dumbfounded when he thought of this possibility.

These two days will not always be the energy that these two little guys have provided to themselves after they transform...

"No matter what, thank you, you guys, for saving my life."

Jiang Siming touched their heads distressedly. At this time, all traditional ideas and stubborn beliefs were gone.

If it weren't for them, Jiang Siming might really be doomed, and he would have to spend half his life if he didn't die.

They saved themselves, no matter what method they used, it was enough to tear away the shameful gauze in Jiang Siming's heart.

Jiang Siming comforted Ah-nan and Ah-ri, first stood up from the ground, all the clothes on his body disappeared, and they were completely burned by the fire of the dantian.

Jiang Siming had to take out another set from the ring and put it on first.

After getting dressed, Jiang Siming moved casually.


The bones burst like beans.

Jiang Siming checked his Dantian, that little Yuanying had disappeared, and the Dantian had expanded at least ten times!

Inside, it was no longer a strong innocent energy, but turned into a pool of lake water.

These lakes are all the essence of cultivation.

If Jiang Siming's Yuanying period was a small street balloon, then he is now a hot air balloon that can fly people into the sky!

Unparalleled in size, Jiang Siming has almost endless infuriating needs.

"Is this the stage of transforming gods? It's too exaggerated."

When Jiang Siming thought, he no longer needed the imperial sword. He disappeared into the cave and lifted into the air at a rapid speed.

In just a few breaths, Jiang Siming has already flown past the highest height of Yuan Ying.

Twenty thousand meters high!

In the previous Yuan Ying period, he could only fly to this position at most, overlooking the horizon of the earth.

But now, Jiang Siming felt that this height couldn't restrain him at all, and his thoughts moved.

Raise again!

Thirty thousand meters!

Forty thousand meters!

Fifty thousand meters!

Sixty thousand meters...

Jiang Siming has felt that gravity has gradually disappeared while he is still flying.

On the next one, the entire outline of the earth is in full view of him.

For the first time, this big blue ball appeared in front of Jiang Siming's eyes in such a real and clear three-dimensional.

Looking at it, the mountains, rivers, cities and oceans on the earth are very clear.

Further up, Jiang Siming saw many small iron blocks floating.

Jiang Siming recognized at a glance that these iron blocks were all satellites launched by various countries.

And there are also space stations established by several technologically advanced countries.

There are NASA in the United States, our Tiangong space station in China, Russia, Japan, etc.

A total of more than a dozen space stations are suspended in space.

Fortunately, Jiang Si had anticipated that he had put a small enchantment technique on himself, and the satellite and space station could not detect his existence at all.

Jiang Siming even saw an astronaut just coming out of the space station, planning to perform today's maintenance mission.

The astronaut is wearing a space suit with a rope tied behind him to prevent him from falling into space and unable to return.

The gap with Jiang Siming who wears short-sleeved shorts is too big...

When Jiang Siming saw the American flag on his clothes, he knew that the space station belonged to NASA.

Jiang Siming got into a playful mind and quietly passed by. When the other party just opened the door, he turned around and slipped into the space station.

There are five or six astronauts inside, all busy with missions.

The NASA space station in the United States is the most developed international space station in the world. They studied space much earlier than China.

Jiang Siming walked in swaggeringly, avoiding everyone, and came to the main cabin.

It was filled with all kinds of space data, Jiang Siming asked Xiaoxian to record it all, and then walked away swaggeringly.

These are the latest and most comprehensive space research secrets and space station technologies in the United States.

The value of these materials is very high, and our China Space Station has only just developed.

Jiang Siming felt it necessary to rob the rich and help the poor, hehe.

When I went out, I didn't forget to close the door of the space station, so that the old man outside was worried for a while.

Having played enough in the space station, Jiang Siming is not interested in wasting time with these big dumb bears.

Jiang Siming glanced, and the nearest to the earth was the moon.

That natural satellite of the earth, the place where Chang'e lives in the myth.

Nearly 400,000 kilometers from the earth, Jiang Siming didn't know if he could fly up.

"Try it."

Jiang Siming smiled lightly, his figure comparable to the speed of light!

Turn into a light and shadow, rushing towards the moon!

At a distance of 400,000 kilometers, Jiang Siming reached the surface of the moon in less than half a minute!

It really became.

Jiang Siming did not expect that one day he could really run out of space to the moon!

On the moon, there is no trace of oxygen, even air.

The gravity is only one-sixth that of the earth.

The bumpy lunar ground gave Jiang Siming only two words: desolation.

The unprecedented desolation, desolate to a place where there is no air.

Originally it was only possible to come here in a space suit, but Jiang Siming had no obstacles at all.

Space genetic medicine has allowed him to adapt to the environment of space.

No matter how bad the planet is, he can stay on.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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