I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1702: Old irons, am I doing the right thing?

Jiang Siming estimated his current speed. If he flew at full strength, he should have been very close to the speed of light.

Flying at the speed of light is far more terrifying than the small shift technique.

After all, the small movement technique only reaches hundreds of miles in an instant, but as long as he flies, he can reach 300,000 kilometers in an instant!

This is already the fastest speed known to mankind. If he hadn't been slow when he flew over, in fact, he could reach the moon from the earth in less than two seconds.

After entering the Deity Transformation Period, Jiang Siming's strength has achieved another qualitative leap.

[Iron Elephant Suppressing Prison Force] You can already automatically cultivate to the first level, the power of the giant elephant.

Also learned a lot of magical powers.

This is a truly powerful technique that Jiang Siming has obtained. With his current strength, he may even beat Mount Tai with a single punch.

But he didn't dare to experiment on the earth, but the moon was a good place to practice boxing.

Jiang Siming said that his figure disappeared, and after a second, he appeared on the back of the moon.

The far side of the moon has always been a place invisible to the earth, and it seems pretty good to practice your hands here.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Siming returned from the back of the moon and flew elsewhere, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, the back of the moon can already be described by the eyes of Cang Yi.

If Jiang Siming really wants to destroy the moon, he can destroy the moon in half an hour.


Outrageously strong!

The God-Transforming Stage and the Yuanying Stage are simply not the same. Although the two are only one realm away, their strengths are worlds apart.

When Jiang Siming returned to the front of the moon, he saw a lot of flags inserted in the mud layer on the surface, which are signs of various countries landing on the moon.

The most striking thing above is the flag of the United States, and there is even a footprint framed by a glass cover.

On the glass frame, there is also a paragraph of English written.

[The first person to land on the moon, Neil Amsterdam, his small step is a big step for all mankind! The pride of the United States, the first country in space technology! 】

When Jiang Siming saw this passage of English, he turned his lips in disdain. You can stand on the moon only by rockets and spacesuits.

Brother now can stand on the moon with a pair of slippers and short-sleeved shorts. Is he proud to show off like you?

Jiang Siming, who was not too angry, simply stepped on the glass cover, and then trampled off the footprints of the first person on the moon, and then...

Jiang Siming **** against the flag of the United States...

Well, I haven't relieved in two days, comfortable!

Jiang Siming didn't know. Not long after he left, he just caught up with the United States to land on the moon again.

"Fuck, who did it! Who did it! Amsterdam's footprints were trampled away! Shet!"

"Wait, there seems to be water stains on our national flag. Although it has dried up, it is definitely water stains!"

"Hahaha, another major discovery in our country! On the moon, there are existing water resources!"

"Immigrate! I must emigrate! There must be water on the moon!"


Didn't Jiang Siming know that his unintentional act of urinating had been regarded as a miracle by all the people in the country.

In addition, with so many flags on the moon, only their American flags have water stains.

What does this show?

It shows that the US is the country of choice! Hahahaha!

After leaving the moon, Jiang Siming has no interest in continuing to walk in space.

He can actually travel freely in space at a speed equal to the speed of light.

But the speed of light, in the vast universe, is just a small unit of speed.

In many places, he has to fly for a long time at the speed of light.

If he only revolves in the solar system, he will fly for only 6 hours at the farthest.

But the planets and planets in the solar system have basically been explored by scientists, and Jiang Siming is not interested.

In addition to the earth, the other seven planets have no water or life, some are even extremely cold and hot, and some have terrifying atmospheric cyclones.

It completely leaves Jiang Siming not interested in exploring and playing.

In fact, if he wants to go, he can even go to the sun, and of course the planets are not a problem.

Because of the contribution of space genetic medicine, it can adapt to all the harsh environments of space.

But Jiang Siming was not so stupid that he really ran to those dangerous planets. In case of force majeure, he would be dumbfounded.

If you want to find a planet that has life or is suitable for migration, you can only run out of the solar system and enter the Milky Way.

The Milky Way is too big, it would take at least 30,000 years for Jiang Siming to fly out at the speed of light...

In front of the Milky Way, the speed of light is extremely small.

In the solar system, there is only one star, and that is the sun.


There are 150 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy just like the sun!

Planets like the eight planets can be said to be countless and impossible to count.

Only flying in the Milky Way can it be regarded as truly entering the universe.

In the universe, there are countless galaxies like the Milky Way.

In short, human beings and the earth are not even dust in the universe.

And such a vast universe, with countless stars and planets, Jiang Siming does not believe that only the earth has life.

I don't even believe that only the earth can inhabit people, and there must be many planets with life and migration.

Jiang Siming wanted to get to know him, but his current speed, let it go.

Just now, the nearest migrating planet found by geoscientists, Kepler 22b, is also 600 light-years away.

In other words, Jiang Siming would have to pass, and he would have to fly at full speed for 600 years.

Em...it doesn't seem to be long, his distraction life span is several thousand years, or it takes 600 years to run (cover his face).

Unless you can get an intermediate or advanced wormhole, you can accomplish this feat.

"It's better to stay on the earth for wretched development, and when there is an intermediate or advanced wormhole, then consider going to space."

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming left the moon and flew back to the earth.

Passing by the space station again, the American astronaut who was trapped in the space station was still slapping the door desperately, snorting fragrance to the people in the door.

It is estimated that this person thought it was a prank by a colleague inside, and he was so angry.

Jiang Siming smiled slyly, regardless of him, slipped away.

Before leaving, Jiang Siming seemed to have discovered something and followed his gaze.

Among the many satellites floating in space orbit, there are a few artificial satellites that are far larger than other satellites, and they are always close to other satellites.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, but a closer look will reveal that this large satellite is constantly peeping at the small satellite to obtain data on the small satellite.

The two satellites even have different flags.

There is only one type of satellite, all of which are the flag of the United States.

There are many small satellites, including China, Russia and so on.

Jiang Siming saw clearly that the U.S. relied on its leading satellite technology to illegally spy on satellite data from other countries.

"Cnm is really shameless!"

Jiang Siming flew over and began to search for all US satellites in space orbit.

No matter what kind of satellite it is, as long as it is pasted with the American logo, Jiang Siming punches and beats it all into a mess!

After the fight, he still wanted to ask: Old irons, am I doing the right thing?

[Author's digression]: First more~

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