I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1712: The gods of the gods did not show up

After leaving the thatched cottage, Jiang Siming found Gao Yao had been following him.

"Doctor Jiang, we will be brothers in the future. Let's live together in this troubled world. Don't worry, as long as I'm prosperous, I will take care of you. If there is a saying, what is wealth and what is forgotten." Gao Yao scratched his head.

Jiang Siming said: "Are you trying to say, don't forget the rich and honorable?"

"Yes, that's the sentence."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to Xianyang together and start a career?"

"Okay! Go wherever you say, Brother Jiang, I will listen to you from now on." Gao Yao smiled sly.

The two were about to set off together, but footsteps came from behind.

"Young Master Jiang, Young Master Gao, are you going to Xianyang?"

"Yeah, do you want to go too, it's better to be together, there are also multiple companions on the road." Gao Yao said.

Seeing Lu Sudu abandon Yi Xiaochuan, he felt at ease, showing that he was right.

"Okay? My father should have moved to Xianyang. Originally, I thought I found my destiny, but now I found out that I was wrong. I want to go home and find my father and sister."

Lu Su said sincerely.

Gao Yao immediately looked at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming said casually: "Then let's go together."

So the three set out on the road to Xianyang.

In order to hide his identity, Jiang Siming had to give up flying.

But it is impossible to walk there. Jiang Siming will never walk to Xianyang in his life.

If they have to walk, they have to walk for at least half a month.

Jiang Siming took them to the Kuaiji market.

"Brother Jiang, why are you taking us here?" Gao Yao asked puzzled.

"Of course it is to buy a carriage, so it's faster to go." Jiang Siming replied.

"Buy a carriage? How can we have money..." Gao Yao said shyly.

Lu Su took out a bit of silver and handed it to Jiang Siming.

"This is all the money Susu has left. You can use it, Master Jiang."

She originally brought a lot of money, but she spent it all to see Yi Xiaochuan.

She even ate very little a day to replenish Yi Xiaochuan's body, just because Yi Xiaochuan could eat better, so she lost several laps.

Yi Xiaochuan didn't know how to cherish such a good girl, and eventually died of the plague infection on Yi Xiaochuan.

This is why everyone says that "The Myth" has only eight episodes.

Because after the death of Lu Su in episode 8, everyone didn't want to watch it.

"No, I have it."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Siming took out an ingot of gold and handed it to the boss, and bought the most luxurious and spacious carriage.

Gao Yao was stunned.

"Brother Jiang, you... where did you get so much money?"

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Of course it was made by treating illnesses and saving people in the past four years. Have you forgotten my career?"

"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Gao Yao suddenly realized, and thought with great joy, he didn't expect to hold a rich thigh, comfortable~

"My lord, we can't find such a big gold..."

The boss who bought the carriage said embarrassingly.

Jiang Siming said: "You don't need to look for it, but you can help us buy some wine, meat, food and fodder for feeding the horse. This ingot of gold is yours."

"Well, the adults don't worry, the younger ones will make arrangements for the adults immediately!"

The boss took the money and was excited to do business.

Jiang Siming took Gao Yao and Lu Su to find an inn in the market, let them take a bath, have a good meal, and then go on the road.

This made Lu Su and Gao Yao both extremely happy. In order to save Xiaochuan, they almost never ate a full meal.

Lu Su who loves cleanliness also suffers from lack of conditions, and hasn't bathed for several days.

Jiang Siming made her feel the meticulous care for the first time.

The three of them packed up, ate and drank, put on new clothes, and got on the carriage refreshedly and headed to Xianyang City.

The carriage was originally driven by Jiang Siming, but Gaoyao feels sorry for it. He eats other people's food and drinks them and makes him a driver.

Jiang Siming was forced to teach him to drive a carriage, and then he has been a coachman.

Jiang Siming and Lu Su were left in the carriage.

Lu Su seemed very cautious at the beginning, mainly Jiang Siming's face was too high, so she could not help but look at it.

But after that, Jiang Siming's love sage brought the relationship closer in a few words, and Lu Su was no longer restrained, and even called him Big Brother Jiang.

When the carriage reached halfway, Lu Su was chatting with Jiang Siming more and more speculatively.

Noisy shouts of killing and high-ranking calls for help sounded outside the carriage.

"Brother Jiang, there are bandits! There are bandits! What can we do?"

Jiang Siming opened the curtain, and the outside was surrounded by bandits.

Lu Su had been frightened by bandits once before, and at this time he looked pale.

Jiang Siming sighed, why did he come here to give the head away.

In order not to frighten Lu Su and Gao Yao, Jiang Siming, the elder of the transformation stage, had to get out of the car and fist against them.

Three strikes and five divides two to get rid of all these bandits, but because the speed is too fast, Gao Yao and Lu Su are shocked.

"Brother Jiang, how can you have such a good skill? This is better than Xiaochuan!" Gao Yao exclaimed.

Jiang Siming feels bitter, mmp, is the boss of the transformation stage actually on the same level as Yi Xiaochuan like a three-legged cat kung fu...

"It's okay, I have learned martial arts before, and in the past four years I have often encountered this kind of bandit, and the kung fu has gotten better and better." Jiang Siming explained casually.

Gao Yao is even more happy. Not only is his thigh rich, but he is also so good at martial arts, so they must be very safe along the way.

"But Brother Jiang, you seem to be doing something... a little bit cruel... I think all of their legs and feet are broken..."

Jiang Siming asked in the opposite direction: "Then tell me, if I didn't have the skill today, what would they do to us? We still have a beautiful girl in our car."

Lu Su in the car suddenly turned red when he heard it.

"You're right. If it weren't for you, our two men would have been hacked to death. Lu Su would be taken away as his wife as a wife for being so good-looking."

Jiang Siming nodded, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Gao Yao, in this world, if you want to not be bullied, you have to be cruel to those who bully you, so that they will be afraid of you, and they won't dare anymore. Provoke you."

Gao Yao nodded after hearing this, as if he understood.

The three returned to the carriage and continued on.

Three days later, I finally arrived in Xianyang.

As the capital of Great Qin Dynasty, Xianyang City is more than a hundred times more prosperous than Kuaiji.

Jiang Siming and Gao Yao didn't decide where to go for the time being. They accepted Lu Su's invitation and they found Lu Su's new home.

When Lu Su's father saw his daughter coming back, he was full of excitement and tears.

Lu Su also cried into tears, and then told his father about the journey along the way.

"I didn't expect Yi Xiaochuan to be such a person. I still like him at a loss, bah!"

Another beautiful woman next to Lu's father spoke.

Jiang Siming turned to look and guessed that this girl must be Lu Su's older sister, Lu Pheasant, the first queen of the Han in history.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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