I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1713: One emperor!

"Susu, don't cry. It's not worth crying for this kind of man. I said before, why Yi Xiaochuan always likes to be with Liu Bang, a rogue."

"I understand now. I gather people into groups by kind! The hateful Liu Bang wants to marry me. I think he is just a bottom toad!"

Lu Fei's personality is completely different from that of his younger sister. He is witty and a little bit pungent.

No wonder the ruffian emperor Liu Bang was so subdued.

Lu Su reminded: "Sister, there are still guests."

Lu Fei and Lu's Father reacted and hurriedly invited Jiang Siming and Gao Yao to sit in.

Lu's pheasant, who was walking behind, stared at Jiang Siming intently.

"Susu, who is he?"

"He is Jiang Siming, Brother Jiang."

"How is your character?"

"Sister, you..."

Lu Su was stunned, and still confessed honestly, all praised Jiang Siming.

Lu Zhi's eyes were shining brightly.

Jiang Siming and Gao Yao stayed temporarily in Lu Mansion.

Jiang Siming is a little bit big, and there has been no news of fragmentation for so long, which link has gone wrong.

Although he parted ways with Yi Xiaochuan, he would use his spiritual consciousness to find Yi Xiaochuan every day.

Yi Xiaochuan took the medicine he gave and followed Liu Bang on his way to Xianyang City.

However, they can't afford a carriage, and it takes at least half a month to reach Xianyang on foot.

Jiang Siming, who had nothing to do, couldn't find any fragments, so he had to stay in Lu Mansion every day, and it was all right to **** the two daughters of Lu family.

The level of his sister-in-law is N grades higher than Yi Xiaochuan.

Yi Xiaochuan's level can only be low-grade in modern times, mainly relying on his own good skin.

Jiang Siming's leather bag is not a hundred times more attractive than Yi Xiaochuan, plus a talent for skill.

Not to mention ancient girls, even in modern times, there are no girls who can hold them.

After a few days, Jiang Siming made the two daughters of the Lu family not thinking about eating and drinking.

But Jiang Siming's purpose is not to pick up girls, he wants to find the debris sooner.

This copy is over in thirty days, although it is thirty days in the real world, the small copy does not take time.

In other words, no matter how long Jiang Siming stays in the small copy, he will not lose a second outside.

This is also the benefit of small copies.

But after he quit the copy, the time inside would still be lost normally.

But Jiang Siming couldn't stay inside forever, so he could only find the debris as soon as possible.

"Why don't you go to the imperial palace today? I just happened to see the first emperor."

Jiang Siming thought.

At night, the city of Xianyang was quiet, because of the curfew, it was not allowed to travel in Qin at night.

In the Xianyang Palace, Qin Shihuang's study room is still brightly lit.

A middle-aged man who is only forty years old and wearing a black dragon robe is staying up late to write memorials. The man looks good and is not angry.

The momentum circulating on his body was majestic and accumulated, and people couldn't help but want to kneel and surrender to him.

This is Qin Shihuang! The first emperor in Chinese history!

It is also that no emperor surpassed him in the feudal dynasty for more than two thousand years.

The dragon of the ancestor, the true emperor!

The bad old man in the TV series can't even compare to one of his toes.

Ying Zheng, who was criticizing the memorial, suddenly sensed the movement outside the window. When he looked up, he saw a figure floating in the sky.

Flew to his study.

No one knows what Qin Shihuang communicated with this person that night, only that that night, Qin Shihuang's study, from time to time, came the laughter of Shihuang's relief and Ruyu's friend.

"Mr. is really an immortal. After listening to the teacher's teaching all night, Mao Sai suddenly opened. Daqin really needs his husband to stay. Please stay and help me. Ying Zheng must treat each other as a national teacher!"

After talking all night, Jiang Siming simply wanted to see Qin Shihuang.

After the two chatted a few words, they found that they were very speculative, so they talked freely in the study.

Jiang Siming was also an emperor, and coupled with advanced thought, a few words would benefit Qin Shihuang a lot.

In addition, Qin Shihuang believed that Jiang Siming was really an immortal. After all, who can fly down from the moon?

So Qin Shihuang asked Jiang Siming to stay.

Jiang Siming had no interest in being an official, and after he refused immediately, he disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough, he is an immortal. If he can ask the immortal to bless Da Qin, Da Qin will prosper!"

Qin Shihuang shook his head and sighed, and at the same time became more determined to ask Jiang Siming to come out of the mountain.

Unfortunately, after waiting for many days, Jiang Siming never came again.

It's not that he doesn't go, but Jiang Siming has withdrawn from the copy.

I stayed in it for almost half a month, without a clue.

Jiang Siming had to choose to withdraw first. Although a piece of debris was tempting, it was only one piece.

This kind of thing is just going to happen, Jiang Siming also sees it very openly.

The game and the big copy are more important.

Back to reality, there are two days left, and the last world game is about to begin.

Jiang Siming also looked forward to it.

This last hand of the World Championship, I hope I can get more pieces.

The Fragment Mall hasn't gotten together until now, but don't get it after the World Tournament.

Basically, after playing the World Championship, he has to be busy getting married.

Even if there is a game later, it will definitely not start until he is married.

So if the last hand of the game is not collected, this fragment mall may have to wait half a year before it can be collected.

Thinking about Jiang Siming, he was helpless, what kind of baby this thing is.

Can't even use omnipotent fragments, so hypocritical.

In addition to waiting for the game and staying with his wife at home, Jiang Siming has also been with the two little guys, Ah-囡 and Ah-li.

They have been in a weak state ever since they saved themselves.

Sleeping most of the day every day, even if Jiang Siming uses his true energy to nurse them up.

The wives also wondered what happened to them, but they also had no clue.

Jiang Siming guessed a little bit.

They should be absorbing too much energy, so the body cannot be digested and needs to take time.

After all, the energy of the **** transformation stage is not something that these two little pets can eat.

In this case, using True Qi to recuperate will be harmful and unprofitable, but will make them more tired.

Jiang Siming had to give up.

Regardless, Jiang Siming had to wait for them to recover.

"Recover sooner, don’t you know, I’ve recovered and will make something delicious for you."

Jiang Siming held Ah-nan and Ahri on the left and right, touching their little heads.

"Meow~" Ah-囡 finally lifted up a little bit of energy and responded with Jiang Siming's voice, and then went on to sleep again, the same goes for Ah-Nan.

Jiang Siming sighed. It seems that they have suffered a lot to save themselves.

Two days passed quickly.

The last world game, the last chance for Jiang Siming to scoop up debris before getting married, finally came.

Jiang Siming is actually a little nervous, because after this world game, he will decide to announce the wedding.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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