I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1758: Mining robot

Jiang Siming has become the envy of men all over the world, not one of them.

He himself probably didn't know how much the men outside had opinions about him, and he still lived his life like a fairy without any worries.

To say that the only worries may be the fragment mall that can be seen and cannot be bought.

Jiang Siming was itching to see the contents once, so he wanted to take out his wallet and cover all the fragments inside.

It is a pity that he is as poor as him, and currently only has 63 omnipotent fragments.

Jiang Siming even regrets that he didn't make more omnipotent pieces in the game before.

Knowing that the universal fragment is so important, he must first pick up 98K to earn the universal fragment in every game.

Moreover, he used the omnipotent shards too lavishly. Sometimes only three or four pieces of integrated fragments are needed, and he also squandered the omnipotent fragments to collect them.

Otherwise, his current omnipotent fragments will be over a hundred.

Over a hundred, but you can buy a lot of good things, and even a spaceship with the lowest configuration.

Unfortunately, the mall did not regret buying the medicine, otherwise Jiang Siming would have bought it.

Now I can only watch the mall and then my wallet, crying without tears.

Fortunately, 63 yuan is not too expensive, he can still buy a few good things.

But Jiang Siming didn't want to spend it arbitrarily, and now this omnipotent fragment has to be spent on the blade.

Just today, the mall updated a batch of new fragments.

Jiang Siming glanced at it, all colors are available, although they are all good things, but Jiang Siming still didn't buy them, mainly for the time being.

But in the black fragments, Jiang Siming found a new and updated good thing.

[Black Technology Series·Mining Robot x5]: 13 pieces of universal fragments

[Mining robot]: It can automatically mine any underground minerals or resources, and the mining efficiency of each robot is equivalent to that of a large mining company.

After mining, the minerals or resources will be automatically stored in a piece of storage fragments with unlimited capacity, which is convenient for carrying and storing.

Working time of each robot: 1 year.

Seeing this fragment, Jiang Siming's eyes lit up.

If you buy it, then copper, cobalt and oil can be mined soon?

No, the oil and copper and cobalt are still handed over to the Ministry of Energy. He is focusing on the rare earth resources of the planet Barno!

The rare earths on the planet Barno are hundreds of times that of the earth.

Rare earth resources are now a strategic resource on the earth.

It has a wide range of uses in civil and military applications. It is also an indispensable raw material for high-tech industries such as advanced equipment manufacturing, new energy, and emerging industries.

There is a common analogy for the importance of rare earths:

Petroleum is the blood of industry, and rare earth is the vitamin of industry.

Rare earth resources are needed to build aircraft carriers, build fighter jets, or new energy, new weapons, etc.

Rare earth plays an important role in promoting industrial progress and revolution.

If it can be mined and sold to its own country, one can make a lot of money for oneself, and secondly, it can also promote the prosperity of its own country, killing two birds with one stone.

Jiang Siming thought about it and finally won the five mining robots.

Although 13 omnipotent fragments are expensive, he at least can afford it.

Besides, in addition to rare earths, they can also be allowed to mine gems. Jiang Siming's jewelry company will soon be launched.

It just so happens that the jewelry company can give it to Eva.

Eva was saying recently that she doesn't want to work in her father's hands, but wants to do things for her husband.

Jiang Siming is naturally happy, he doesn't care whether his father-in-law is dissatisfied or not, that is not in his consideration.

Eva is proficient in this business, so it is definitely a wise move to sell his gems to her.

After taking down five robots, Jiang Siming picked up 13 pieces of universal fragments in an instant, leaving 50 pieces.

I didn't dare to stay attached to the mall, for fear that I couldn't control it and started buying again, so I shut it down immediately.

He understands women’s shopping desires now. When you see something you really like, it’s really hard to control your own hands.

Shutting down the mall, Jiang Siming reappeared over the Atlantic at night while his wives were asleep.

At this time, there were still a large number of helicopters and ships hovering above the sea and sky.

The aircraft carrier sank to the bottom and was scrapped, causing a huge blow to the United States.

Of course, they are not willing to suffer this loss, and they have to find the culprit whatever they say.

Seeing their perseverance, Jiang Siming smiled and waved smoothly.

The Idols' Prison Guarding Force was activated, and the void was caught, and the spear of the dark **** appeared in the night sky.

And quietly cut through the starry sky and escaped into the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Soon, all the ships on the sea suffered severe damage and slowly sank to the bottom.

All the American soldiers jumped into the sea holding the lifebuoy, for fear that they would sink into the sea with the ship.

Immediately afterwards, all patrolling aircraft also began to alert.

The pilots could only activate the ejection device and abandon the plane with their parachutes to save their lives.

This wave has hit the United States even harder, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is even worse.

Their military strength has dropped by at least 30%, and the main aircraft carriers have hit them too much.

Since then, this sea area has been sealed off, and no ships dare to pass through here, which is even more terrifying than the Bermuda Triangle.

Jiang Siming saw that the surroundings were quiet, so he ignored them, went through the wormhole, and appeared over the planet Banuo.

The planet Barno is still the same, Jiang Siming took out five mining robots.

Put them in different mountains with the most resources.

Two of them are used to mine gems and the other three are used to mine rare earths.

The efficiency of each mining robot is equivalent to that of a large mining company, and five is equivalent to five large mining companies working for itself.

As soon as they were released to explain the task, these robots immediately burrowed into the mountains and disappeared.

No blasting, no mining tunnels, so hard stones are as fragile as paper paste in their hands.

Jiang Siming now knows why they have such a high work efficiency.

Put these robots away, and Jiang Siming will do it. Then he only needs to fetch the storage fragments every once in a while.

As for the aboriginal people of Barno, Jiang Siming did not intend to do excessive things, such as ruling or destroying them.

Before harming his interests, Jiang Siming had no need to do anything to the residents of Barnes.

Now this is fine, both sides are irrelevant.

Besides, after finally being able to see the human-shaped planet in the universe, he didn't want the other party to disappear like this.

Moreover, those who saw these planets of Barnes, Jiang Siming also seemed to see the earth thousands of years ago.

People at that time were also struggling to develop, and only after a thousand years will we have the present earth.

Jiang Siming is not interested in the planet of Barnes, but he is a little interested in the animal planets that are very close to the planet of Barnes.

This animal planet is very close to the planet Barno, and Jiang Siming can reach it with his eyes.


Fourth more~

The last one is a bit late, hehe~

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