I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1759: Three days down

Coming to the animal planet, Jiang Siming seems to have returned to the age of dinosaurs on Earth.

What I saw was all unheard of creatures.

But not surprisingly, few of these animals have IQs.

They are all wild species. If they don't agree, they will fight. The law of the jungle and the strong eating of the weak are particularly prominent here.

Jiang Siming is not interested in these wild animals. He is here to see if the planet has resources worth developing.

But once it was detected, Jiang Siming was disappointed by this planet, and its resources were barren. No wonder this planet was still in a barren era.

Jiang Siming, who had lost his interest, didn't want to stay anymore. He returned to the sky above the planet Barno, passed through the wormhole, and returned to Earth.


Time passed day by day.

There are only three days left before Jiang Siming's wedding.

Jiang Siming's Weibo has published all the heroines.

Originally announced one by one, in fact, time is not enough.

Later, Zhao Xuan and the others thought he was troublesome, so they let him announce it together two or three.

Even today, Jiang Siming's heroines have all announced the completion.

For this reason, Jiang Siming has distributed at least tens of billions of benefits.

It can be said that during this period of time, the Internet is really like New Year.

Everyday netizens are waiting for Jiang Siming to announce the new heroine information, and then wait for a wave of welfare and happiness.

Eat others' mouths softly, take others' hands short.

Jiang Siming made arrangements for them to eat, drink, and play.

How can everyone have opinions about Jiang Siming's wedding?

All of them raised their hands to support.

Jiang Siming's marriage is truly a part of the whole people, and everyone is celebrating.

Shanghai Disneyland has long been completely closed, and it has been transformed into an unprecedented wedding scene.

This wedding scene is waiting for the arrival of the protagonist and heroines.

The wedding dresses are all made, and they are all performed by the top costume designers. Each wedding dress is a priceless item.

The designer team of Eva's family has also made the wedding ring jewelry.

They lived up to their expectations and successfully completed the task Jiang Siming entrusted to them.

For this reason, Jiang Siming was very satisfied to give each of them a piece of raw material as a reward, giving these designers excited, holding their own raw material gems in love.

The jewellery company has also been registered during this time, and Eva's ability is beyond doubt.

Now just after the wedding, Jiang Siming will go to the planet Barno to bring the first batch of raw materials and start the official business.

This is not in a hurry. Now Jiang Siming is living almost in seconds, waiting for the wedding day.

The past few days have been too long for him, and the wives are the same.

The days passed happily before, and they felt that time flies so fast.

But now, instead, I feel that time flies slowly.

The families and friends of the hostess also came to Shanghai one after another.

But there are too many people, Jiang Siming must be unable to live at home.

If it's okay for one or two heroines, no matter how many relatives there are, Jiang Siming's side building can be covered.

But there are nearly 30 Nima, and both parents have 60, let alone other relatives.

No matter how old Jiang Siming's family is, it won't fit.

So we can only arrange for them to stay in a hotel in Disney.

The maidens also understand.

And they will also start to prepare at the hotel.

As soon as the maiden family of each heroine arrives in Shanghai, they will pick up their heroine.

After all, the wedding is to catch the relatives.

Although they are far away, they still have to do this etiquette when they come to Shanghai.

All the heroines will receive the Disney hotel uniformly, and then wait for Jiang Siming, the bridegroom official, to pick them up.

It depends on his ability if he can't receive it.

Therefore, Jiang Siming has been so helpless these days. The reason why he said these days have been so hard is this.

Every day he watched his wives being taken away by his parents one by one, not only did he dare not speak, but he had to send them away with a smile on his face.

This kind of rush, don't open the forest, who will accompany brother to sleep at night.

The home is almost empty, dare you believe it.

Only the maidens whose family is in Shanghai are not worried.

Shengxue, Zhao Xuan, Chi Zheng, and Yu Fei are the only four of them at home.

Everything else was taken away, alas~

In two days, the four of them have to go.

Jiang Siming just wanted to pray for three days to pass quickly, the house is so empty now, it is too uncomfortable.

Sure enough, he is only suitable for being the Sea King (laughing and crying).

During dinner, there were only six people left at the large dining table.

In addition to Jiang Siming and the four of them, there is also Zhao Xiaoxiao.

It was the first time at home to have such a ‘dismal’ dinner, and even Zhao Xiaoxiao was a little uncomfortable.

"Dad, have you been tortured by thieves these past few days?" Zhao Xiaoxiao peeled off a lobster, not forgetting to tease Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming raised his head and gave her a blank look, and said, "So many lobsters can't stop your mouth, you little white-eyed wolf."

Zhao Xiaoxiao pouted and said: "I'll just ask, I'm just curious about your mental journey."

"My heart journey is to get your moms back quickly." Jiang Siming sighed.

Zhao Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and laughed, Zhao Xuan and the others chuckled.

"Actually, they are not getting better. Xinyi and the others send me messages every day that they want to go home and live there. It is too restrictive." Zhao Xuan said while drinking Meiyu clear soup.

At the same time, I am glad that my home is in Shanghai, and my parents are not in a hurry, otherwise she would have to stay in the hotel.

"It's all my family, and the hotel is our own. Why are you restrained?" Jiang Siming wondered.

Li Shengxue explained with a smile: "Because you miss you and you miss them, of course they miss you too. Besides, all the sisters who join our big family are no longer comfortable anywhere except here, because there is no you. "

Jiang Siming was moved by this wave of explanations.

It's hard for you to hold on for three more days, and after three days, I won't get married again, ooh.

Just after dinner, my dear, Chi Zheng’s parents also came to pick them up.

Yes, one less at home.

Jiang Siming returned from the door of his house after sending Chi Zheng, with a forced smile on his face, which made Zhao Xuan and the others happy to see.

This smile was too fake. He obviously couldn't bear to leave Chi Zheng, but facing his mother's family, Lao Jiang could only admit counsel.

The dignified master of comprehension sometimes admits counseling in front of ordinary people, hahaha, it's so fun!

Faced with their gloat, Jiang Siming was helpless.

Laugh, laugh, wait until the marriage is over, "family law serves" every day, anyway, it's already fixed, and it's too late to regret, hehe.


First more~

I don’t know if I can pass the wedding paragraph, or it may be tried many times, so the sake is always deliberate and deliberate. The writing is very slow, and you forgive me.

If you find a chapter that has entered the little black room, you should also understand it. The sake will be revised as soon as possible.

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