I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1773: Saint Male White Lotus

It lasted for more than a month.

There are already three wives in Jiang Siming's National Teacher's Mansion.

Lu Su and Lu Fei were also married into the National Teacher's House.

There is another Xiaoyue that is already confirmed, Gao Yao will bring Xiaoyue to Jiang Siming's mansion to play whenever he has time.

Xiaoyue naturally gradually fell in love with Gao.

Now it's a good time, Gao Yao plans to talk to Jiang Siming about this.

Compared with these three girls, Jiang Siming treats him with tenderness. He either accompanies Xiaoyue every day to chat to relieve boredom, or he accompanies Lu Sulu to "make people" at night.

Life was so uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Yu Shu was left out by Jiang Siming and seemed to have forgotten.

For a whole month, Jiang Siming never went to Yu Shu's backyard except on the day of his wedding.

It stands to reason that Yu Shu should be very fortunate and happy. In the first few days, she was really happy.

But the longer the time, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Especially after knowing that Jiang Siming had taken in two beautiful concubines, and accompanied them day by day, Yu Shu felt empty.

She is a good wife, Tuan's first beauty, but she is no better than two concubines.

But this is the fact. Jiang Siming didn't even look at her for a whole month.

This kind of hot and cold attitude made Yu Shu very tormented.

She didn't understand why Jiang Siming treated her this way, but she couldn't find anything wrong.

She treated Jiang Siming this way before, and Jiang Siming now treats her this way. Is there anything wrong with it?


On the contrary, Yu Shu now gradually regretted why he treated Jiang Siming with such a cold face.

Yu Shu, who had a squishy mind, became reluctant to eat and drink, and gradually became thinner.

Her backyard was obviously next to the yard of Lu Su and Lu Fei, and every night she could hear Jiang Siming and their laughter coming from next door.

Only her yard was deserted and deserted. This stark contrast made Yu Shu sad every night.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself.

Yu Shu was upset.

During this time, Yi Xiaochuan never came again.

But Jiang Siming knows his every move, this girl's luck is really good.

After leaving the National Teacher's Mansion that night, he was caught by the patrolling Meng family army. Meng Tian wanted to take him into the cell.

Unexpectedly, he found the tiger-shaped jade pendant and Meng's birthmark on Yi Xiaochuan's chest.

He was identified as Meng Yi, his long-lost brother.

Yi Xiaochuan is also in need of a chance to achieve his goals and simply put it to the end.

In this way, Yi Xiaochuan, the protagonist's luck against the sky, turned an old hen into a duck and became a major general of the Meng family.

Meng Tian is now assigned to the palace as the guard leader.

In this regard, Jiang Siming can only say that the protagonist's halo is sometimes so unreasonable.

But he did not do any blocking, let Yi Xiaochuan counterattack.

Falling from a height to a trough is the most desperate.

He waited quietly for Yi Xiaochuan to continue his counterattack, and when he felt that he had done it, Jiang Siming would make another move. The fragments should be the most promising one.

And this month, Jiang Siming brought papermaking, winemaking and steelmaking to Qin Shihuang.

Ying Zheng was so happy that he smiled every day, and he was even more convinced that Jiang Siming was a god.

Because only a **** can have such a means, and coupled with the collapse of the Great Wall, Yingzheng now almost treats Jiang Siming as the emperor.

Even the high-ranking person who is a good friend of Jiang Siming's position has been mentioned again and again by Ying Zheng. Now he has become the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his position in the palace is detached.

Of course, Yi Xiaochuan knew when he was a errand in the palace, he scolded Jiang Siming all over the place.

He felt that Jiang Siming had completely changed the history, and the art of papermaking and steelmaking was not the Qin Dynasty at all.

He finally understood how Jiang Siming became a national teacher. As for the Great Wall to stop its collapse with a wave of his hand, he didn't believe it at all.

This guy must be pretending to be a fool.

But no matter how angry he was, he couldn't help it. Who wouldn't let him know the principles of these technologies.

They are also traversers, they are really more popular than others.

He brought a mobile phone, but he couldn't Baidu without internet. God knows how Jiang Siming knew the principle of papermaking and steelmaking.

Isn't he a doctor...

But now he is next to Meng Tian, ​​and his future is worry-free.

It's just that as soon as he developed, Liu Bang, the ruffian, naturally came over looking for a smell, and wanted Yi Xiaochuan to find a position for him.

Yi Xiaochuan wanted to curry favor with Liu Bang, so he naturally agreed and arranged for Liu Bang to be his adjutant.

But Gao Yao knew this, and Gao Yao hated Liu Bang.

Had it not been for Liu Bang to lie to him as a servant, how could he be so miserable and be deprived of a man's roots.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming helped him, and now he is gradually recovering his male function.

But Gao Yao hated Liu Bang.

Gao Yao is like this. If you are good to him, he must treat you sincerely, but if you are not good to him, I'm sorry, as long as he has the opportunity, he must retaliate.

Gao Yao is now a big red man next to Ying Zheng and a brother of the national teacher. He has a very high status in the palace. He has also trained many men and attracted many officials.

It seems that Zhao Gao's embryonic form has already been formed.

He knew that Liu Bang was an official next to Yi Xiaochuan, and that was worth it.

People arrested Liu Bang for the first time, planning to kill him for revenge.

However, Yi Xiaochuan, who learned of the incident, stood decisively on the opposite side of Gao Yao, the person who beat him, let Liu Bang go, and even beat Gao Yao.

Not only that, but Yi Xiaochuan once again made Gao Yao put down his hatred from the perspective of the Virgin.

When is the time to report the wrongdoing? If Liu Bang already knew that he was wrong, let him go. Don't do anything so absolutely. Wait.

In short, Yi Xiaochuan must survive Liu Bang.

When Jiang Siming heard Yi Xiaochuan say this, he wanted to castrate him and let him taste the pain that Gao wanted to go through.

This saint white lotus really has a b-face to say this.

Don’t persuade others to be good without suffering from others. If you go through suffering, you may not be good.

If this guy didn't look like his friend Hu Ge, Jiang Siming really planned to do it.

But at this point, Gao Yao and Yi Xiaochuan have completely broken, and the two of them have finally come to the opposite from their old friends.

Regarding their grievances, Jiang Siming has always been watching the show as a spectator, because he knows that Gao Yao and Yi Xiaochuan will definitely become enemies, and they are not the same kind of people.

They broke with them, Jiang Siming still leisurely became his great teacher, soaking in the gentle town in the mansion every day.

Just when Jiang Siming continued to spend a good night with the Lu family sisters this evening and then temporarily left the copy.

The maid serving Yu Shu in the house hurried over.

"Master, madam fainted!"

After hearing this, Jiang Siming was taken aback, how could he faint? Do you miss Yi Xiaochuan too much?

"Take me to see."

At any rate, it was his wife, Jiang Siming, who came to Yu Shu's room with humanitarianism, and saw Yu Shu fainted lying on the couch.

Jiang Siming went over, awakened her easily, and nursed her a bit.

To his surprise, Yu Shu seemed to have changed his person and lost a lot of weight in more than a month.


Third more~

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