I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1774: Big project

"How could she lose so much? You didn't take care of it, okay?"

Seeing Yu Shu in front of him, Jiang Siming frowned and asked Yu Shu's maidservant.

The maidservant hurriedly said: "It's no master, the madam herself doesn't want to eat. Every time the maidservant brings a meal, the madam seldom uses the chopsticks, even if she eats, she eats very little.

Jiang Siming didn't doubt it. He waved his hand and said, "Go and let the kitchen cook a bowl of porridge. By the way, let them cook some delicious side dishes. Forget it, let me go."

After Jiang Siming got up, he turned back not long after going out.

When he came back, he had already brought the prepared things and brought them to Yu Shu.

"Okay, get up and eat, don't starve to death in my house."

Yu Shu looked up weakly at dishes that he had never seen before, almost unable to believe that these were made by Jiang Siming.

A dignified national teacher, but cooks for her personally.

In this era, men would be looked down upon when entering the kitchen, but Jiang Siming didn't care at all.

Seeing her in a daze, Jiang Siming shook his head speechlessly, and said: "It seems that you really don't want to stay here, so let's stay with me for half a year, at most half a year. I will give you a letter of resignation and give you peace. And promise that Da Qin will not embarrass you Tuan."

Although Jiang Siming is domineering, he is not inhuman.

He just wanted to use Yushu to activate the fragments on Yi Xiaochuan's body.

But he never thought that it would be really costly for the family to pay his life. Since he can't keep it, it's better to let her go.

Anyway, after being imprisoned for a thousand years, no matter what happened to him.

Hearing this, Yu Shu's eyes didn't have a hint of joy, instead they became hollow.

Jiang Siming thought that she was afraid that she was a second marriage and no one wanted him, so he comforted: "Don't worry, Yi Xiaochuan, who you like, won't care about this. You can rest assured about this."

It may be that these words irritated her, and Yu Shu fell on the couch, crying.

Jiang Siming felt a headache, and he was most afraid of women's tears.

For a while, Yu Shu finally cried enough.

He got up and found that Jiang Siming was still there.

"Okay, eat quickly after crying. If I don't eat, I will make people fall." Jiang Siming has lost his temper.

The meow is not crying for Lao Tzu, he doesn't want to be a good man.

Upon hearing this, Yu Shu obediently wiped away his tears, sat down at the table, and ate seriously.

Maybe he was too hungry, or Jiang Siming's cooking was so delicious, Yu Shu ate a lot.

It wasn't until a hiccup accidentally that Yu Shu realized that he had eaten too much, and was immediately embarrassed.

Jiang Siming had no intention of staying any longer, and when she saw that she had finished eating, he got up and left.

"Serve madam well, and report to me next time if you don't eat." Jiang Siming told the maidservant outside, and the maidservant promised.

Just when Jiang Siming was about to leave, Yu Shu's shout came from inside the door.

"Jiang... husband..."

After Yu Shu said that her face was unnatural, it was the first time that she took the initiative to call Fujun Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming turned around without speaking, waiting for her to say something.

Yu Shu tangled for a moment, and plucked up the courage to say, "I will eat well in the future, can you keep me away..."

Jiang Siming glanced at her unexpectedly and said, "Are you sure you don't want me to divorce you? Give you freedom?"

Yu Shu blushed and nodded like a mosquito.

Jiang Siming really didn't expect it, but it didn't mean that Yu Shu compromised and he immediately changed his attitude.

He is not such a stand-off person.

Once Jiang Siming had a bad impression of someone in front of him, it would be difficult to correct him.

Jiang Lan had been dried by Jiang Siming for a long time, let alone a princess Yushu.

The estrangement between the two has always existed.

Jiang Siming nodded casually, and said: "As long as you can bear my character, you can stay. Anyway, don't expect me to change you too much."

Yu Shu was heartbroken when he said such hurtful things, but at least he promised not to stop himself, which made her very lucky.

"My concubine knows, but... can your husband come and see me occasionally... Don't come often, just occasionally..." Yu Shu said unconfidently.

Jiang Siming turned his head and left without answering.

Yu Shu thought Jiang Siming would not agree at all, but when he was about to leave her yard, Jiang Siming's voice came.

"I will come to see you in the future, provided that you bring your own body back to me. I don't want to come and see a thin yellow-faced woman."

The voice ended, Jiang Siming disappeared before Yu Shu's eyes.

However, these words made Yu Shu burst into laughter, and she secretly decided that she must take good care of herself and restore her former appearance.


After quitting the copy, Jiang Siming has been in "Mythology" for almost two months.

Fortunately, the small copy time is static, as long as he enters, the outside time will not go for a second.

However, after he quit, the copy will continue as usual.

Before he quit this time, he arranged everything and put a combat robot in the mansion, so there is no need to worry about Lu Sulu's safety.

Jiang Siming asked Xiaoxian to write down the end time of the dungeon, and remind himself at that time, don't forget to go in.

If you forget this little copy, it's gone, and the direction of the fragments you've finally found can't be lost for nothing.

Back to reality, Jiang Siming took out the Guoshu University that he designed when he was bored in the copy during this time.

In the past two months, as long as there is nothing wrong, he is designing the Chinese Academy of Art that he wants to build.

Now that the design has been completed, the design drawings are handed over to their own architectural robot.

In an instant, Jiang Siming had already appeared on Chongming Island.

Raising his hand to perform an enchantment technique to isolate this area, and then release three architectural robots.

As soon as the three robots appeared, they acted immediately.

Jiang Siming was also curious about how this construction robot works, so he stayed to observe and observe.

I saw three robots starting to work in an orderly manner.

The working speed of each robot made Jiang Siming speechless. What he didn't know was that the screen was fast-forwarded ten times, dozens of times.

If these three machines are exposed, it is estimated to be a sensation in the world's scientific and technological circles.

That's why Jiang Siming chose to hide it first with enchantment technique. For the time being, he didn't want to shock the world.

Because of the sparse population here, Jiang Siming also wants to try an architectural robot for the first time, otherwise he would not release it.

He has a bigger plan for these three robots to build a world similar to the earth on an unmanned planet.

In this way, perhaps interstellar travel will become a reality in the future.

But if he wants to build such a large project, three robots are obviously not enough, and he also needs to find a habitable planet.

If it is too much trouble, you can also buy a planet transformation seed in the mall, just find a planet.

Of course, the premise is that he has enough omnipotent fragments.

Jiang Siming intends that this plan will be implemented non-stop when the university is completed.


First more~

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