I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1783: Dark rules of the stadium?

Jiang Siming's appearance seems to be more popular than Corvo.

Many spectators waved at him and called his name.

There were even funny audiences shouting: "Jiang Siming, teach us how to be expressionless, just lemon!"

It made the audience laugh.

Jiang Siming's expressionlessness is exactly that Lemon has been popular abroad for a long time.

Almost all Internet celebrities and celebrities have tried it. As the initiator, Jiang Siming belongs to the founder of the expressionless Cha Lemon.

Jiang Siming was dumbfounded. Of course he knew that people were just joking with him.

Raised his hand slightly, and said hello to the audience.

Unexpectedly, this action made the cheers in the hall even higher.

Hearing that everyone's enthusiasm for Jiang Siming was stronger than him, Corvo's expression seemed to be a lemon.

Please, this is the Lakers' home court. Today is his birthday. Everyone seems to ignore him.

Jiang Siming simply greeted the audience and took Irene to the best viewing seat.

Next to James, they were warming up, and seeing the boss coming, of course they all greeted Jiang Siming one after another.

Everyone is not only because Jiang Siming is their boss, but also because of Jiang Siming's superb and top basketball skills.

James has always been a naive character. Seeing Corvo came, he rushed to give Corvo a flying ‘princess hug’ without saying anything.

Corvo disgusted that he was sweaty, and hurriedly pushed him away, still ‘swearing and spitting out fragrance’ in his mouth.

The relationship between the two has always been very good.

"Hey, brother, I heard from the Barcelona team that the boss has magical medical skills and can help people heal old wounds and bring them back to the top, right?"

James asked in a low voice in Corvo's ear.

Corvo said: "I don't know about this, you have to ask the boss yourself."

"Nonsense, I don't think you have a good relationship with the boss, I am not familiar with the boss again."

Corvo smiled helplessly: "Okay, I'll ask for you later."

"Ok Ooke, my good brother, I will watch my match to abuse Leonard this fool and celebrate your birthday." James was full of confidence and went back to warm up after speaking.

When Corvo returned to his position, he told Jiang Siming about this.

Jiang Siming happily agreed.

I planned to go back tonight, so I should stay one more day.

You can't treat Barcelona's players or not to the Lakers. They are all their own teams, and Jiang Siming can't favor one another.

Jiang Siming said to take a time tomorrow to go to the Lakers club and give them a comprehensive adjustment.

Corvo looked envious, he has retired, so as long as it does not affect his health, it doesn't matter whether the old injuries are good or not.

But Corvo was kind enough to tell James about it.

The Lakers players were all excited after hearing this, but this is a benefit that no other team members can enjoy.

So he respected Jiang Siming more.

The warm-up time is over and the game between the two teams officially begins.

The basketball confrontation between the two teams became fierce from the beginning.

The Lakers, who own James and Green, already have the shadow of the peak of the Zijin Dynasty.

The little emperor lived up to expectations and took the place of Corvo, and led the team to continuous victory.

The same is true for this game. The Lakers began to play against the Clippers in the first quarter, and the score opened up little by little.

The Clippers struggled to pursue it, but it didn't help.

By the third quarter, the difference between the two teams had reached more than 30 points, and the Clippers gradually lost the motivation to counterattack and all began to paddle.

Two of the Clippers whispered.

"Have you seen that, the girlfriend of the Lakers boss, she looks so beautiful! It's still us American."

"I know, what can I do? People are much richer than you. Is it possible that you still want to dig a wall?"

"It's okay if you can't dig the corner, but we can take advantage of it."

"How to account?"

"It's very simple. Their position is closest to the stadium. You will throw the ball to me later. I am stuck in that position. I think it's to save the ball. I rush to wipe the oil. Isn't it beautiful?"

"Haha, good idea, we will take turns later."


The two lusty Clippers, regardless of how to get the score back, have already begun planning how to take advantage of women.

Jiang Siming seemed to have forgotten Irene next to him because he had been playing around with gigi, so he completely focused on talking and laughing with gigi.

At this moment, one of the Clippers gave a long toss, but it seemed to be too strong and the ball flew out of the court.

The location of flying is exactly the direction of Jiang Siming and Irene.

The other Clippers player seemed to be struggling to save the ball, and the whole person rushed towards Irene because of inertia.

Corvo noticed that something was wrong. As a professional player, he knew the inside story too well.

He was certain that this guy had deliberately ran into this side, and the cliff was because Irene was so beautiful that he came to lick her oil.

In fact, many NBA players have done this.

In a previous game, Corvo's wife was so taken advantage of, so angry that Corvo went into a fight with each other at the time and was banned for three games by the club.

Corvo wanted to help Irene, but it was too late.

As this person rushed over, an imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of Irene's hot and graceful figure.

Just when he was approaching Irene, Jiang Siming, who had been talking to gigi with Irene on his back, seemed to have eyes on his back.

He picked up the chair Irene was sitting on and pulled it easily. Irene moved the chair to Jiang Siming's side.

And the Clippers player, in dismay, threw himself to the floor.

Because he was thinking about how to take advantage of Irene, he didn't even support the ground with his hands.

The moment he fell, his whole face hit the floor like this.


A scream.

The Clippers held his nose and mouth and shrank to the ground.

On the floor, there are still two **** front teeth.

The nose was also knocked down and the blood flow continued.

The audience was stunned for a moment, not knowing what had just happened.

"Yo, it's okay, be careful, why are you so careless."

Jiang Siming on the side also sent a'concerned' greeting to the other party.

Let this person's anger have nowhere to vent.

The on-site medical team immediately came over to treat the wound.

The bridge of his nose collapsed and two front teeth were knocked out. This is a typical man who lost his wife and broke down.

The key hasn't been dealt with yet, Jiang Siming just took Irene to avoid the whole process, he is asking for trouble.

"Xiete! You wait for me."

The man gritted his teeth and glared at Jiang Siming, got up, and planned to go to the lounge.

It must be impossible to fight like this, the coach has already changed someone to replace him.

Just when he thought this matter would come to an end temporarily.

He walked to the center of the court and planned to cross the court to the lounge. He didn't know what was going on, and he slipped to the ground.

And this time, he couldn't do it if he wanted to raise his hand to protect himself, because he found that his hand seemed out of control.


Just like this again, with a straight face on the ground...


The second update ~ there are two more!

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