I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1784: On the thief ship!

This time, all the audience saw it clearly, and after a moment of silence, a burst of hilarious laughter swept the audience.


This man is too funny, just like a silly critic, he smashed straight to the ground.

This time he fell to the ground much worse than before. Not to mention the complete fracture of the bridge of his nose, several more teeth were smashed off, and the tongue was almost broken by himself.

From minor injuries to severe injuries, this buddy only took less than a second.

Even the medical staff are dumbfounded, is this buddy funny?

Why is it so stupid? Can't you reach out to protect yourself when you fall?

Finally, he was carried out on a stretcher for first aid.

This matter will come to an end.

After a short break, the game resumed.

No one dared to take advantage of Irene.

The Lakers didn't have any suspense and won the game.

After the game, on the scene of the game, the entire Lakers celebrated Corvo's birthday, and a huge birthday cake was pushed out.

Corvo was put on the ‘crown’, and then... he was pushed into the cake by James, who was full of ‘bad water’.

Then came the cake battle. Jiang Siming had the foresight and took Irene to hide away.

There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and the audience was reluctant to leave, staying and watching.

It was not until more than an hour later that the venue had no choice but to close. Corvo invited his friends to the hotel to make another noise.

Corvo's popularity is very good, regardless of basketball, Jordan, O'Neal, McGrady, Harden, etc., almost all NBA-named names are present.

There are also many friends from the American entertainment circle, such as the actor Tom Hanks, the actor Xiao Li, and the black widow Scarlett.

And there are hundreds of friends of Corvo in business.

Jiang Siming simply stayed in the hotel and told Corvo that he had to leave in advance.

Jiang Siming didn't want to be as crazy as them, and took Irene to live in his Hawaiian villa early.

I won't go to Corvo's to sleep tonight. God knows when this guy is going to make trouble.

But as soon as he got out of the hotel with his front foot, a man followed and stopped him.

Jiang Siming turned around and found that this person was familiar, Xiao Lizi.

His full name is Leonardo DiCaprio, and Chinese fans call him Xiao Lizi.

Jack of "Titanic" is a popular girl all over the world.

His films are countless, and almost all of them are classics.

In 16 years, he won the Oscar winner with "Wild Hunter"!

Xiao Lizi is also one of Jiang Siming's favorite Hollywood stars.

"Cat and Mouse Game", "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "Blood Diamond" are all movies that Jiang Siming loves to watch.

When Jiang Siming opened ins before, Xiao Lizi interacted with him on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, this guy chased it out.

"Hello, introduce yourself, my name is Leonardo."

Little Lizi reached out and introduced herself very seriously.

Jiang Siming also smiled and shook hands with him without any extravagance: "Looking up to the name for a long time, I have watched many of your movies, your fan, Jiang Siming."

Little Lizi was relieved to see that Jiang Siming was so kind. He thought that Jiang Siming would look down on ordinary people just like the top rich.

Although he is very famous and rich, he is still far behind the real rich.

"Mr. Jiang is too polite. You are my idol. Compared with your achievements and talents, my meager achievements are nothing at all."

Seeing that Jiang Siming didn't reject him, Xiao Lizi seemed to open the conversation box and chat with Jiang Siming enthusiastically.

The two talked very happily. They had just met, but they seemed to have known each other for many years.

In the process that neither of them noticed, more than an hour passed, but the two of them realized that time passed so fast.

When Xiao Lizi had a good time chatting, he invited Jiang Siming: "Should we go to Las Vegas for a night together? How about chatting while gambling?"

Although Jiang Siming was a little moved, he took care of Irene, who was already a little sleepy, and wanted to say another time.

Irene took the initiative to say to Jiang Siming: "Just let Sister Li take me home, I'll go to sleep, you go play."

With such a sensible daughter-in-law, what else could Jiang Siming say? He told her to pay attention to safety, sent her in the car, and watched her leave.

Jiang Siming and Xiao Lizi, two men with the same smell, started a happy nightlife.

Xiao Li immediately invited Jiang Siming to take his car, and the two drove toward Las Vegas.

Even Corvo's birthday was thrown away by the two.

"By the way, before we go, how about looking for two younger sisters? I know a lot of supermodels, why don't we call two to accompany you?" Xiao Lizi grinned.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes, supermodel harvester, the title is well-deserved.

However, Jiang Siming expressed no interest.

Little Lizi thought Jiang Siming was embarrassed, so he made his own way and called others directly.

Because they are not far away, they just ended a grand catwalk show.

Xiao Lizi drove over and screened the girls on the spot.

When I came to the outfield, many supermodel beauties just finished work and went back to sleep.

Xiao Lizi's eyes gleamed, and he glanced around in the crowd of supermodels.

"This is not bad! The proportions of the legs are just right!"

"This big breasted girl is also good, she looks like a Belgian girl, I can be sure."

"Tsk tsk, that one is also pretty, hot body."

"This one..."

Xiao Lizi talked about many supermodels in the car.

Jiang Siming was speechless. This guy is almost fifty. How did he become a supermodel for fifty years?

Counting the girlfriends of Xiao Lizi, they are all supermodels, and there are at least 20 supermodel girlfriends who have been with each other.

Although not comparable to him, Jiang Siming still admires Xiao Lizi's energy as an ordinary person.

Soon, Xiaoli spotted the Belgian supermodel girl he had guessed before, and got off the car to hook up with them.

After all, it's a little plum, even if the face of the past is no longer.

But the other party quickly recognized his identity and was willing to accept Xiao Li's invitation to play in Las Vegas.

"Hey, Jiang, don't be idle. Find a girl you like. If you are embarrassed to say, I will help you strike up a conversation."

Xiao Lizi came back with his arms around the new supermodel girl who had successfully hooked up and shouted to Jiang Siming.

The supermodel **** the side also recognized Jiang Siming, her expression was very exciting and regretful, and her eyes were even more confused.

Obviously, she wanted to follow Jiang Siming more than Xiao Lizi.

In terms of appearance, Jiang Siming is much stronger than Xiao Li in his peak period. In terms of wealth, Jiang Siming is the third super rich man in the world.

Of course, they are more willing to be with Jiang Siming. Unfortunately, Jiang Siming didn't speak, so naturally she couldn't betray on the spot.

Jiang Siming was completely speechless, and suddenly felt that he had made friends accidentally and got on the thief ship.


Third more~

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