I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1790: The list is out

In this Olympics, a total of 74 countries participated in the PUBG Team.

The training time is half a month. At that time, the elimination system will be carried out to compete for 16 places.

So the training time is very limited. Kite trains at home for up to 14 hours every day.

Fortunately, Kite is a cultivator, and his body can keep up.

Like Awei, they fall asleep after training every day.

In addition to gun training, every day is to practice coordination, pull lines, study maps, and study tactics.

Everyone is highly nervous and devotes themselves to the game.

Awei and the others have even confiscated their mobile phones and are not allowed to play. Except for training, every day is physical exercise.

Prevent them from over-training and damaging the body.

Also, they can only eat nutritious meals every day, in order to fear that they will eat badly.

After only two days, Ah Wei and the others felt hopeless.

This kind of life, they have to last for months, until the end of the Olympic Games.

Jiang Siming became the target of envy and hatred for each of them.

They are training here, but Lao Jiang is still cool and cool outside. He is so popular.

But they have nothing to say, after all, Jiang Siming's strength far exceeds them.

Lao Jiang never trains. It's strange when he is willing to train.

Jiang Siming is not just enjoying it at home, he has found another person who wants to lurch beside him these days.

Like Faye's purpose, this person is smarter than Faye. She applied to be a teacher in Yu Fei's orphanage.

No wonder how Jiang Siming hasn't seen Andi's figure for so long.

Feelings this guy lurked next to Yu Fei.

And recently, Yu Fei likes her, and Yu Fei almost treats her as a sister.

Had it not been for Jiang Siming's reminder, Yu Fei would have planned to introduce her to her husband.

After being exposed by Jiang Siming, Yu Fei was also in a cold sweat.

Unexpectedly, there is a person with bad intentions lurking next to him. Fortunately, my husband is not an ordinary person, otherwise he will really be calculated.

The two "Yu Zecheng" were dug up, and Jiang Siming officially started planning.

He had been indifferent before, just wanting to wait for the two to show up together, so he could catch it all.

In the past few days, Jiang Siming began to appear frequently in front of these two women and began to get in touch with them.

With the actor skills in hand, it was too easy to fool the two women.

What's more, the purpose of these two people is not pure.

The two of them thought Jiang Siming really liked them, and secretly ecstatic.

Jiang Siming has always kept a delicate distance from them, keeping them at a level that allows them to see hope, but never takes that step forward.

Taking advantage of their desire to go further, Jiang Siming began to make more and more demands on them.

Give them a lot of thankless work from the company, which is known as the role of spare tires.

The two women have no complaints. One stays up late to work in the company every day, doing basic tasks such as calculating reports, doing registration, and even cleaning.

Another has to get up in the middle of the night to cover the children in the orphanage. Sometimes when they encounter bedwetting, they have to change their diapers and wash the sheets.

The reason is that Jiang Siming hinted to them that he likes girls who work hard in obscurity. The harder they work, the more he appreciates them.

No, two girls from Treasure Island just plunged into Jiang Siming's "sweet words" and worked late into the night.

This kind of "scum" behavior is the most proficient trick for women like them.

Jiang Siming can also be regarded as a scumbag in his own way.

Play, then play slowly, it’s fun.

The last thing Jiang Siming lacks is patience, and some time is spent with them.

When did they become impatient? It was when Jiang Siming closed the net.

It's not that Jiang Siming is cruel, but this kind of woman really doesn't deserve sympathy.

Jiang Siming knew their nature from their memories.

Before the two women were packaged, what Jiang Siming was doing to them was what Jiang Siming was doing to them, looking for big money everywhere and hooking up with the rich.

He even went to the Haitian Feast hosted by the University of Wang, and served as a periphery.

The number of men injured by them is not eighty or one hundred.

Is a woman like this still worthy of sympathy?

Can't just wash away the dirt because of the packaging?

Many days have passed since the last time Pirates quit.

If Xiaoxian hadn't reminded him, Jiang Siming would have almost missed a big event in One Piece.

The Naval Headquarters announced to the world that, three days later, Ace would be executed at Malin Vandor!

Jiang Siming, who received the news of Xiaoxian, specifically told his wives that he would be in a retreat for two days so that they would not worry.

Then he entered the world of One Piece.

The execution of Ace was an important turning point for One Piece.

Ace was involved in the top war, the largest confrontation between the pirates and the navy in 50 years.

There were countless dead and wounded navy and pirates.

Whitebeard also died, and Ace Soul returned to heaven.

Jiang Siming can be sure that at this stage, there must be tasks coming out, and tasks represent fragments.

From another perspective, Jiang Siming likes the two roles of Ace and White Beard, just like Wan Qianhaimi.

I don't want them to die in such a place.

Entering the Pirate World, Jiang Siming still appeared on the island next to Nine Snake Island.

The holographic training ground still stood there, but no one came out of it.

Including Luffy, they are still working **** the training ground.

They can't get out after two years.

Jiang Siming didn't want to disturb them either, and went straight to Nine Snake Island.

Hydra Island, Royal Palace.

"Sister, it's been several months, did Mr. Jiang forget his sister?"

"Nonsense, Mr. Jiang just went to practice. He will definitely come back. He said yes, he will take his concubine to Malin Vatican. I heard that there is a beautiful church in that city. If you can walk into the church with Mr. Jiang in a wedding dress , How happy it should be~"

"Sister, Mr. Jiang went to Malin Fando to save his partner's brother, and you think too much."

"Huh, Nia, I think you are itchy."

"Hey, sister, I was wrong..."

In the palace of the empress, Boya Hancock sat in front of the dressing mirror, not looking at himself, but staring at a portrait on the dressing table in a daze.

The portrait is exactly what Jiang Siming looks like.

After Jiang Siming left, she asked the most famous painter on Nine Snake Island to trace Jiang Siming's portrait and make it into a photo frame, placing it in the place where the empress most often sits.

Even if I have watched it for several months, every time I watch it, the empress will still blush and fill up some shameful pictures in her head.

The experience of slavery in her childhood made the empress distorted her character, but she still couldn't stop her innocence.

Especially the obsession with love, once you like each other, you will give everything you have without reservation.

This kind of empress, no wonder Haimi likes so many.


Second more~

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