I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1791: Surprised the Four Emperors Pirate Group!


With a loud shout, a female guard rushed in in a hurry.

The female emperor frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "Yelling and screaming, Nya, take her out for twenty spanks!"

The female guard was blushing, seeing that the Empress’s sister was about to do something, she hurriedly said: "Report to the Empress, Mr. Jiang is back!"

"what did you say!"

After hearing the news, the empress’s cherry red lips opened wide, although her eyes burst into fanatic joy.

"Are you serious? Where is Mr. Jiang? Take me there!"

The younger sister Niya on the side whispered: "Sister, I haven't spanked her yet."

"What kind of fight, she is a minister of merit, not only can't fight, but she must be promoted to my personal guard!" The empress changed her face instantly.

My sister is speechless, and only Mr. Jiang can make the change in her sister's mentality so much.

Outside the island of Nine Snake, girls were surrounded.

After several months of absence, Jiang Siming finally returned to Nine Snake Island.

The girls on Nine Snake Island looked at Jiang Siming blankly, screaming and waving at him.

Jiang Siming seems to have returned to his solo concert.

Faced with the warm welcome from so many girls, Jiang Siming felt a little overwhelmed.

It is not that he is shy, but that these girls have never seen a man before and are full of curiosity about him.

Last time, Jiang Siming almost got naked by them.

Ask them why they are picking their clothes. The reason they give is to study the difference between men and women...

Therefore, Jiang Siming is afraid of these girls, so stay away.

Before Jiang Siming was allowed to wait long, a sea ship with the flag of the Empress drove out from the island of Nine Snake.

Hancock, who was still looking cold, stood on top of the two sea king snakes.

Hearing the girls on the island yelling to get close to Jiang Siming, the little tsundere in the empress's heart exploded.

"Shut up!" Hancock reprimanded, Liu eyebrows stared, Yu Jie's domineering aura opened.

In an instant, the island immediately became quiet.

At this time, the boat happened to stop in front of Jiang Siming.

The moment he saw Jiang Siming, Hancock, who was still full of coldness the previous second, instantly became shy.

"Mr. Jiang, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing recently?"

The girls on the island are all stunned. When have you seen the appearance of the little lady Empress?

Jiang Siming nodded with a smile, and said, "Very good, how are you? How are you doing?"

Jiang Siming thought it was just a courtesy of both sides. Who knew Hancock's answer, but made Jiang Siming embarrassed.

"My concubine has had a bad time recently. I always wait for Mr. Jiang to come back during the day, and I always dream of my husband at night. I thought my husband was going to be like the stinky men outside.

As she said, the empress clutched her magnificent chest, bit her **** lower lip, tears in her eyes.

Jiang Siming covers his face, what's all this...

"His Royal Highness, I'm here to tell you that I am going to Malin Fanduo." Jiang Siming said.

The female emperor had already returned to normal a little at this time, she waved her hand, and the big cloak swayed with the wind behind her.

"The concubine has been preparing for a long time, Mr. Jiang, please get on the boat, and we can set off to Malin Vandor."

Jiang Siming was stunned for a second, so fast, he thought he would have to delay a day in Nine Snake Island.

Now that he was all ready, he was not polite, stepping on a few steps, and flying from the mouth of the island to a large ship hundreds of meters away.

Alas, the little monk in the foundation building period can't even teleport, Lan Shou.

But in the eyes of the empress and others, Jiang Siming was enough to shock them.

Is this "moon step"? But I have never seen anyone who can use "Yuebu" to such an extent.

Very elegant.

"Mr. Jiang is worthy of the concubine's favorite man~ Concubine's body admires you~" The empress did not hesitate to praise her.

Emm... this kind of ‘licking the dog’ behavior on the Empress’s body makes even Jiang Siming a little bit unstoppable.

After Jiang Siming got on the ship, the big ship started and sailed out of Hydra Island.

The voyage took two days. From the time Jiang Siming got on the ship, the empress's care for Jiang Siming was meticulous.

Jiang Siming was in a daze, she was watching her, she was thinking about it, brain filling up the various plots with Jiang Siming, but she didn't dare to disturb Jiang Siming in a daze.

If Jiang Siming said a few words to her, she would be happy all day.

The meal was also cooked by the female emperor herself. As long as Jiang Siming said which dish was delicious, she would be so excited that she would immediately reward the chef who taught her a great fortune.

But as long as Jiang Siming commented on which dish was not good, she would secretly ask her sister to beat the chef who taught her this dish...

On the entire ship, the female emperor had ordered that as long as Jiang Siming's orders and requirements were met, everything must be met.

Jiang Siming's status is higher than her.

These considerations made Jiang Siming a little embarrassed.

Likewise, he increasingly finds Hancock very cute.

In the original book, the empress did this to Luffy.

It's a pity that Luffy, who is a stubborn stick, didn't think about that aspect from beginning to end, so that the empress unilaterally gave affection for a long time.

And now, will Jiang Siming still be like Luffy?

At night, the ship was still sailing in the direction of Malin Vandor.

Except for the female guards who watched the helm at night, everyone on the boat went to rest.

A big ship on the coast appeared in front of the female guards.

The guards thought it was just a passing ship, but they didn't expect that the ship was getting closer and closer to them.

No, the female guard could only report it to the empress.

"At this night, I disturb my concubine to rest. If my concubine gets up late tomorrow and doesn't give Mr. Jiang early, you are inexcusable!"

The female emperor walked to the deck in a bad mood and looked at the approaching ship.

When she saw the flag on the ship, the face of the empress changed instantly.

"This is... the BIGMOM Pirate Group?"

The skull with pink curls and lipstick on the banner made the empress frown.

BIGMOM Pirate Group, one of the Four Emperors Pirate Group in the New World.

The captain, Charlotte Lingling, also called the aunt, one of the four emperors, and a big pirate of the era of Whitebeard.

The Empress did not expect to encounter such a character here.

But what made her breathe a sigh of relief was that the person on the boat was not Charlotte Lingling, but a man with a proboscis who was ugly and thin and leaned on a candy cane.

"Introduce yourself, in Lower Charlotte Perrospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family."

The man with the proboscis smiled darkly and took the initiative to speak.

The empress immediately knew who the other party was.

Charlotte Lingling is one of the three most powerful sons.

The bounty is as high as 700 million Baileys, and he is also the military division of the Charlotte family.

Although the opponent was from the Four Emperors Pirate Group, the empress did not change her temperament, raised her head proudly and snorted coldly.

"If you have something, tell me if you have a fart and let it go. I can't forgive you if you delay the concubine's husband going to Malin Vatican!"


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