I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1792: What I want to eat is...

"What! You already have a husband?"

Ka Yi was quite shocked. Isn't the empress who is one of the seven martial arts under the king the most disgusted with men? When did you have a husband?

"Does my concubine's personal affairs still need to report to your BIGMOM Pirate Group?" Hancock said coldly.

Kajijie smiled and said, "It was not used before, but it is necessary now."

"Because my mother's purpose in asking me to come is to marry you in and be the daughter-in-law of our Charlotte family."

Ka got upset and said: "Mom's order, no one can disobey, so please call your husband out, I will kill him on the spot, so there is no problem..."

Before the card was over, Hancock actually did it directly, and he was a killer!

The unsuspecting card almost suffered a big loss.

"Boya Hancock! What are you doing!"

The only answer to him was Hancock's next move.

"Those who dare to be disrespectful to concubines and husbands will be killed without mercy!"

Hancock was cold without a trace of emotion, and his hand movements did not weaken at all.

Ka was tired of coping, and finally couldn't help it.

"You asked for it yourself. It seems that the people in this broken place in Paradise are all frogs at the bottom of the well, so let you see your strength!"

As soon as Ka said, with a random wave of the candy cane in his hand, a candy-like shield appeared in front of him, easily blocking Hancock's attack.

Hancock, as one of the Seven Wu Hai, is naturally not so capable.

The two sides began to fought fiercely, with moves you come and go.

Hancock's strength has always been strong, but everyone paid more attention to her appearance than strength.

Many people even think Hancock is just a vase, but they are completely wrong.

Hancock, a female generation, was able to get the attention of the Navy Headquarters, making her exceptionally one of the Seven Wu Hai.

And Hancock is the only woman in the Qiwu Sea.

If it is not strong, how can it be recognized by the navy headquarters.

Hancock not only has the sweet fruit ability, can easily charm petrochemical enemies, but also regardless of male and female.

Even more powerful is that Hancock has three-color domineering!

It is difficult for ordinary people to have a kind of domineering, but Hancock has it all.

She has armed color, seeing and hearing color, and even the rarest overlord color.

How can such a character be average?

The two played against each other for dozens of rounds, regardless of the outcome.

When Ka saw that he couldn't even deal with a woman, he became furious and decided to kill.

"I said why you haven't slept yet, it turns out that there was a small night that interrupted you to rest."

A voice came from the cabin, and Jiang Siming yawned, feeling sleepy.

Hancock immediately stopped, and smiled embarrassingly at Jiang Siming, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I will deal with this guy who disturbed Mr.'s sleep as soon as possible."

"Forget it, it's not good for girls to fight and kill. If you don't dislike it, how about letting me do it?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

"Does Mr. Jiang want Hancock to be a good wife and mother? Of course Hancock is willing to do it~ Unless I have to, Hancock will never do anything again~"

Seeing how Hancock listened to Jiang Siming's words to his concubine, Ka Yi immediately confirmed that Jiang Siming was the husband Hancock said.

He stared at Jiang Siming, feeling a bit familiar.

After a few more glances, he recognized it instantly.

Isn't this the guy who made a lot of noise in the Chambord Islands and made the world news?

In the Judiciary Island, he challenged the Demon Slayer Order, and slaughtered the Tianlongren in the Chambord Islands. At the same time, he fought two admirals, Huang Yuan and Red Dog.

He also defeated both the yellow monkey and the red dog, and the red dog had an arm cut off by him, and now he has become a one-armed general.

After the war, Jiang Siming became a thorn in the eye of the navy headquarters, and the reward was increased to 4 billion!

Up to now, all towns have been hoisting Jiang Siming's reward order, which can be said to be a global pursuit.

Jiang Siming's record is second to none even in the new world.

Baibeard even promoted everywhere that he wanted to take Jiang Siming as his son and treat him as the deputy captain.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming, who had been missing for several months, had been hiding in the island of Nine Snake!

A cold sweat broke out on Kayi's head, what a joke.

How could he be Jiang Siming's opponent, the opponent can defeat the existence of the red dog and yellow monkey at the same time.

In the BIGMOM Pirates, apart from Ka Er, his brother had a chance, only their mother was left.

But the problem is now that both my mother and Ka Er are still in the new world, he was ordered to come and marry Hancock.

In other words, he now has to face the most powerful monster ever in the paradise alone.

Four billion bounty opponents.

He has only 700 million bounty, and Jiang Siming's bounty is more than five times his.

When Hancock heard Jiang Siming's words, he didn't do anything.

But she didn't do it, but there was a more terrifying guy about to do it.

"Hey, whoever, hurry up if you want to do it, let's go back to sleep in a hurry." Jiang Siming shouted towards Ka.

Hancock behind him listened crookedly, we...sleep...well...ashamed...

As soon as Ka heard this, his face changed, and no one had ever dared to despise him so much. He was the son of an aunt!

Even in the new world, as long as he doesn't meet the other three emperors, he walks sideways.

Now a pirate in the paradise dares to despise him so much, and the key is to steal the woman he reserved.

"Don't be too self-righteous, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid, our Charlotte family has no object to fear!"

Once Ka finished speaking, he acted on Jiang Siming under impulse!

After half a minute...

Ka Yi flew directly from the deck of the empress's ship, crashed into the sea, lost consciousness, and fainted.

The men on the Kayi boat were shocked. Their eldest master was beaten into the air without ten strokes against this person. This person is too terrifying!

"Quick! Go down and pull the young master up. He is a fruit capable person and will die in the sea!"

The men hurried down to find people.

Jiang Siming did not rush to kill, mainly because it is not necessary to be an enemy of the Aunt Pirate Group, one of the Four Emperors.

It is not that he is afraid, but that he is generally not in One Piece, and he is now with the Empress again.

It is inevitable that the aunt will be angry at the female emperor when it comes time, and it will be bad to start on the island of Nine Snake.

"Remember, the person who beat you was done by Jiang Siming alone. If you want revenge, just come to me."

Jiang Siming left these words, and returned to the cabin without looking back, leaving behind a nymphomaniac empress projecting the admiring eyes of the girl.

After this episode, the Nine Snake Ship continued to move forward without any interruption.

After returning to the cabin, the empress did not feel sleepy at all.

She struggled again and again, still couldn't help quietly walking towards the room where Jiang Siming lived.


"His Royal Highness, is there anything else?" Jiang Siming opened the door.

The female emperor carried a lot of delicious food, and said as an excuse: "Mr. Jiang must be hungry at night. The concubine has prepared something to eat, do you want to eat?"

Jiang Siming looked at the empress whose eyes were erratic and nervous, and suddenly smiled and said, "What I want to eat is..."


First more~

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