I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1799: The biggest crisis!

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Siming rushed to the execution stage.

When Ace saw so many of his partners die in order to save him, he had already cried and became silly.

"Don't cry, use your brain when doing things, your father has the highest expectations of you, don't let him down again."

Jiang Siming taught Ace like an elder.

In fact, his age and experience are more than enough to be Ace's elders.

"Jiang...Big Brother, Ace remembered!" Ace stopped crying and nodded fiercely.

This lesson taught him deeply that the world is not simple, even if he is Ace, even if he is the most promising heir to the White Beard Pirates, he is still too tender and weak.

Jiang Siming didn't want to educate the other party more, he had a good impression of Ace.

If Ace hadn't died on the top of the war in the original book, his growth would be unprecedented, and the future would be at least one of the four emperors.

Ace's death does not know how much Haimi regrets heartache.

Now, Jiang Siming decides to keep him, looking forward to his future development.

The plot has been greatly changed because of Jiang Siming.

Behind Ace was handcuffed with Hailoushi. In the original book, Baibeard and Luffy didn’t know how much hardship they had suffered in order to unlock the handcuffs.

But in Jiang Siming's eyes, handcuffs, defeated with a sword!

After regaining his freedom, Ace smiled again. He was as positive and optimistic as Luffy.

"I'm back!" After Ace said, he bowed to Jiang Siming: "Brother Jiang, you are Luffy's partner. You saved Luffy and saved me. This favor, Ace has always I won't forget it!"

Jiang Siming shook his hand and said: "They are all partners, don't worry about so much, let's go, go down and help your father, I will take care of it here."

At this time, the Warring States had already rescued Capfei and returned. Ace was not the opponent of the Warring States, Jiang Siming asked him to go first.

Ace also has self-knowledge. After saying that Brother Sheng be careful, he activated the ability to burn fruits and went down to help his brothers and sisters.

"Jiang Siming, you are inexcusable for letting Ace go, provoking the navy, and killing the nobles of the world!"

Warring States stared at Jiang Siming, his eyes spitting fire. At this moment, Ace was no longer in his eyes.

Jiang Siming is the biggest worry of the navy and the world government!

The threat is no less than the four emperors.

Jiang Siming smiled politely and said, "Marshal of the Warring States Period, are you going to do something to me?"

"What do you think!"

With a drink of the Warring States period, the fruit ability is activated!

Animal Eudemons!

The Warring States was transformed into a giant, a golden Buddha!

Although Warring States is a wise general, his strength is definitely not low, even stronger than Karp.

Karp only has two domineering colors, seeing and hearing colors and armed colors, both are the ultimate.

The Warring States period has tri-color domineering! He also owns the rarest overlord color.

Moreover, the fruits of the Warring States period are the rarest species of animal phantom beasts, which are all legendary and mythical.

The Warring States is still in the form of a golden Buddha.

Only Marko's Phoenix can be compared with it, but Marco's strength is too weak, the development of fruit ability is too low, and it has not played one thousandth of the Phoenix's strength.

But the old guy in the Warring States Period is no worse than anyone in the development of fruit ability.

After the transformation of the Golden Buddha and the Warring States Period, he immediately launched an offensive against Jiang Siming.

A golden Buddha's hand the size of a house was photographed at Jiang Siming, a bit like Tathagata pressing down on Monkey King.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming is not Monkey Sun, and the Warring States Period is far from Tathagata.


Escaped the palm of the Warring States period.

The palm of the Warring States Period was slapped on the execution platform, crushing the execution platform to pieces!

When one failed, the Warring States was not discouraged. The other bergamot had already expected Jiang Siming to go, and the void aimed at Jiang Siming's avoiding direction.

The bergamot burst out a terrifying shock wave, instantly covering Jiang Siming.


Jiang Siming was hit by the shock wave and flew into Malin Fanduo's tall building. The tall building collapsed instantly, but Jiang Siming's life or death was unknown.

"Husband!" The flames in the beautiful eyes of the empress who has been watching Jiang Siming!

Instantly petrify all the nearby navy.

"Boya Hancock! What are you doing!" An admiral next to her pointed to her and asked.

The female emperor didn't care. Originally, she was only here to make soy sauce. Now that the navy dares to hurt her husband, she immediately spread her anger on the navy.

In addition to the worries of the empress, the peach rabbits in the navy are also worried about Jiang Siming.

This guy... won't die, right...

The next second, the collapsed area exploded, and Jiang Siming flew back like a okay person, patted the dust on his body.

"The wise general and Warring States all said that your strength is inadequate. It seems that the rumors are all false. Your strength is the strongest opponent I have encountered now."

Warring States did not feel honored, on the contrary, he was secretly frightened.

His shock wave just used at least 60% of his strength, but he couldn't hurt Jiang Siming a bit!

How strong is this kid! What a monster!

Obviously and Ace seem to be of the same generation, but their strength is close to the Four Emperors.

If he is allowed to escape this top war, the future will only be more troublesome.

Thinking of this, the Warring States had a murderous heart.

"Red Dog, Huang Yuan, come with me to kill Jiang Siming!"

The Warring States period had never thought of fighting alone. Whatever he said today, Jiang Siming's life must be left behind.

The red dog crawled out of the mud and could no longer stand it. Although Huang Yuan did not want to fight Jiang Siming, he had to listen to the orders of the Warring States Period.

Suddenly, the Warring States Period and two admirals of the Navy simultaneously surrounded Jiang Siming.

This treatment is higher than that of white beard!

White beard is only three generals, but Jiang Siming has to face one marshal and two generals.

"Humhhhhhhhhh... this kid is finally dying, otherwise it always strengthens my limelight, hhhhhhhh..." Doflamingo gloated with miserable expressions.

He doesn't care who Jiang Siming is, someone who is better than him, no matter how many deaths he will only be happy.

The sword hero Mihawk looked at Jiang Siming, burning a burning will to fight.

"If he doesn't die this time, I must challenge him once!"

No one was optimistic about Jiang Siming anymore.

In the Warring States period with the red dog and the yellow ape, even the four emperors could only run away, let alone the little-known Jiang Siming.

The female emperor desperately tried to help Jiang Siming, but several admirals stopped her.

Taotu wanted to help, but thinking of her identity, she could only be silent.

Baibeard also noticed that Jiang Siming was in a crisis. He didn't want Jiang Siming to be guilty for a lifetime because he died here for himself.

"Warring States, what kind of ability to bully a junior, come to my white beard if you have the ability!"

Warring States simply ignored Baibeard's provocation. If he could be easily provoked into anger, he would not be a wise general.

What he said today, he also wants to keep Jiang Siming here.

"Master Bai, you should still take care of yourself, don't overturn the boat in the gutter, don't worry about me here." Jiang Siming knew that Baibeard was impatient, and he said.

"Hey, okay! I believe you, Baibeard, I will deal with these three little miscellaneous hairs first." Baibeard also simply.

So the situation returned to the original point again, Jiang Siming, facing the greatest crisis in history!


Second more~

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