I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1800: Whitebeard was attacked!

The Warring States, the Red Dog, and the Yellow Ape surrounded Jiang Siming in a character shape, and Jiang Siming couldn't run if he wanted to.

With a look in the Warring States period, the three of them acted simultaneously.

The overlord color in the Warring States broke out.

Domineering and domineering can kill people intangible. This is a kind of coercion. Once the coercion reaches a certain level, one thought can kill a person.

The overlord color of the Warring States period is naturally high-level, a bit close to the extreme.

The ultimate overlord color, currently only white beard, Shanks and aunt.

All four emperors level.

But the advanced overlord color is already a very powerful weapon, and it is visible to the naked eye.

The domineering air in the air pressed towards Jiang Siming, and enveloped him, as if trying to crush him with the air!

However, facing the overlord look of the Warring States period, Jiang Siming remained indifferent. Such coercion was really useless for him.

The red dog and the yellow monkey also did it at the same time.

"Heaven Dog!"

"Bachiqiong Gouyu!"

The two knew Jiang Siming's strength, and no more temptations to despise them.

The Warring States period followed closely, and the Buddha palm once again blew up a shock wave.

Three astonishing attacks, centered on Jiang Siming, came in a rampage.

People at the scene stopped consciously.

Three lights of different colors converge at one point, and this point is Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming's expression also became serious.

I don't know when the magic knife Qianbian in his hand has been changed.

It was replaced by a crimson sword, which was unforgettable.

No one has seen such a beautiful sword.

The crimson sword body, the transparent blade, like a crimson bone ridge inlaid in transparent glass.

The blade is very long, and the bend of the sword is like the slender waist of a peerless beauty, with a thousand styles and flames.

The middle of the sword slot guard is a salamander head, the sword tail is a lotus flower, the sword head has a hole, and the sword body has three dents on each side.

And this sword is full of spiritual energy, as if possessing spiritual wisdom, it is by no means comparable to ordinary swords.

"What kind of sword is this? Mihawk, have you seen it?" Doflamingo asked Hawkeye next to him.

Hawkeye shook his head and said: "I don't know, I have never seen it before, but I feel that it is stronger than my Black Knife Night, more than a little bit."

"There are so many treasures on this guy. The magic sword was scary enough before, but now there is one more." Doflamingo called up Jiang Siming's idea.

Jiang Siming took out the horrified salamander sword, and graciously touched the blade: "It's been a long time since I saw an old friend, let you dance today."

The horrified salamander sword seemed to understand it, and the tip of the sword lit up, making a crisp sword sound.

Jiang Siming held the startled salamander and faced the three powerful assassins with a fighting spirit in his heart.

The startled salamander swung out from his hand, and the true energy in his body surged and filled the sword.

The startled salamander turned into three crimson shadows, and three terrifying sword auras were cut out from Jiang Siming at the same time.

Just to stop the attack of the three of them in the Warring States period.

Three air bursts sounded at the same time!

In an instant, Jiang Siming got out of trouble, turning his sword into an offense.

The wind will stop!

Sword Qi is in full swing! Turn into a sea of ​​scarlet blood, and kill it fiercely!

In the Warring States period, they faced this shocking sword energy, they could only quickly set off to parry.

Huang Yuan ran the fastest, and the Warring States Period also evacuated in time.

The red dog couldn't escape, and bit the bullet and accepted the trick.

The red dog didn't think it was too much. He and Huang Yuan also tried this trick last time in the Chambord Islands. Although it was very strong, it was not a big problem.

But the red dog did not expect that this time, the power of the same trick was a world of difference!


The red dog was surrounded by a tornado of sword energy, and the sword energy containing the true energy of the golden core was raging on him!

Although he has used his armed color domineering, the red dog's armed color is far inferior to Karp.

The defense is easily broken by the sword qi, and the skin is broken.

The whole body was covered with sword marks, and the most striking thing was a long scar on the chest and face.

For a while, the red dog's blood was flowing like a fountain, and fell to the ground wailing, becoming a **** man, almost losing his breath.

At this moment, the whole house was shocked.

one move! Jiang Siming used a trick to almost kill the red dog!

He is even more terrifying than he was in the Chambord Islands a few months ago!

Jiang Siming did not intend to let go of the red dog. In the face of the enemy, he has always had only one creed, cut the grass and root!

Red Dog felt Jiang Siming's murderous intention, and boundless fear surged in his heart.

When the Warring States and Huang Yuan saw Jiang Siming's actions, they shouted something bad, and hurriedly turned around and stopped Jiang Siming.

"Get out!" Jiang Siming waved his sword impatiently, but Warring States and Huang Yuan didn't choose to hide, because they avoided the red dog.

"Lieutenant General Crane! Come out!" The Warring States was in desperation, so he could only call for support again.

Lieutenant General Crane, a person from the same era as Karp Warring States, a female navy, is also a general.

Lieutenant General Crane was originally used to garrison the naval headquarters to prevent the enemy from attacking the headquarters.

But now I have to come out too. If I don't help, the red dog is in danger.

The addition of Lieutenant General Crane made Jiang Siming's pressure increase.

But fortunately, the red dog had no combat effectiveness, and Karp was temporarily unconscious.

Otherwise, Jiang Siming might really die here.

It can be seen from this that the Navy's background is indeed extraordinary.

Jiang Siming wanted to dominate in the golden period, but he was still a bit whimsical and looked down on the copy of One Piece too much.

Peace of mind, Jiang Siming was not in a hurry because of the joining of Lieutenant General He.

A few sword qi forced the three of them back, Jiang Siming no longer wanted to fight, and Yu Jianshu rose into the air and disappeared in place.

"Master Bai, stop fighting, it's time to retreat!"

Jiang Siming ran to Baibeard, who was tired of dealing with the three generals.

Jiang Siming took the opportunity to attack and severely wounded General Green Bull.

The green pheasant and Fujitora knew that they could not do anything, so they set up the green bull and returned first.

Naturally, White Beard didn't want to consume it anymore, and with a big hand waved, he said: "Sons! All retreat with me!"

At Baibeard's order, all the pirates returned to the ship.

Seeing that the sea was still frozen, Baibeard hammered the frozen sea to pieces with a punch!

At the same time, after he broke for his men, he stopped the Warring States group who were chasing them.

Jiang Siming was naturally also helping. Without his help, Old Man Bai would have been hanging out.

The two stopped the attack of the generals, and other pirates boarded the boat.

Just when Baibeard wanted to leave, a black shadow appeared behind him, raised a Hailoushi pistol, aimed at Baibeard's back, and fired a shot!

Tired of dealing with the Warring States in front of them, White Beard didn't pay attention at all. Jiang Siming also didn't expect someone to attack him behind.

Without checking, White Beard got a shot in the chest!

Jiang Siming turned his head, an extremely ugly man stood behind them with a dark smile, holding a Hailou stone pistol, and laughing.

black beard!

"Father!" Ace and the others were anxious.

After Baibeard was shot, Jiang Siming was trying to solve him, but he was stopped.

"Can you help me stop them in the Warring States Period? Give me some time. I have to deal with him personally!"

Jiang Siming considered it a little, and nodded heavily.


Third more~

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