I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1801: Be my son!

Although White Beard received a shot and was hit hard, how could the world's strongest man fall so easily.

Blackbeard was one of the sons of Whitebeard, but later coveted the Dark Fruit, killed another son of Whitebeard, took the Dark Fruit and fled.

Ace was so angry that he wanted to hunt down Blackbeard, and he had the ending today.

Now that Black Beard dared to jump out, the anger of White Beard could be imagined.

Blackbeard realized that something was wrong and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

As soon as the white beard shakes the fruit, the black beard is seriously injured like paper.

Although Dark Fruit is very strong, Blackbeard's power is too weak for the time being, far from the level of becoming a Four Emperor.

Where is the opponent of White Beard.

Just when White Beard was about to move his killer, Black Beard started a bitter trick, yelling Dad, I was wrong, and my son was wrong.

These words made Baibeard hesitate. What he cared about most was his family. After all, Blackbeard was his son.

Just when Blackbeard thought he would not die, a crimson sword shadow next to him swung a butcher knife mercilessly at him!

Blackbeard's head, away from his body on the spot, was divided into two.

Baibeard looked horrified, and turned his head to see that Jiang Siming did it.

"Old man Bai, is he getting old and confused, and his mentality has become indecisive? If people like this don't kill, it will harm the world!"

Jiang Siming was not afraid of Baibeard's offending himself at all, but instead screamed at him.

White beard was shocked, yes, black beard is definitely a confidant of his sons if he doesn't kill them.

"Thank you." Baibeard thanked.

At this time all the members of the White Beard Pirates returned to the boat.

Jiang Siming and Baibeard didn't stay much, and the two of them did one big move, one man and one big move, making the navy tired of avoiding.

Take advantage of this opportunity, get on the boat and run away!

Soon after they were over, a red-haired figure came here.

"Everyone, please give me a face and stop doing it."

After the redhead finished speaking, I found out...what about the special cat?


This war on top is destined to go down in history.

The navy and the pirates broke out in a great war that hasn't happened in 38 years.

Except for the war between the Rocks Pirates and the navy thirty-eight years ago, there is no battle more vigorous than this top war.

Participating in the battle, Fang Baibeard, the four most powerful emperors, countless pirates with hundreds of millions of bounty.

The navy dispatched five generals, and the three elders Karp, Lieutenant General Crane, and Warring States also took action.

But it was so, but let Ace escape, and let the White Beard Pirates escape smoothly.

This is the greatest shame of the Navy!

The one hundred thousand navy, still in the heavily guarded headquarters, Malin Vandor, still cannot reach the pirates.

The Navy's face was completely swollen.

The great reason why White Beard could escape was Jiang Siming's joining.

He alone affected the five pillars of the Navy.

Karp was stunned, the Red Dog was seriously injured, the Warring States, Huang Yuan and He Lieutenant General did not get any benefits.

It can be said that if there is no such exception as Jiang Siming, the White Beard Pirates will fall today!

Basically neither Ace nor White Beard can run, and even Marko and his sons have to be caught by the Navy all over.

Because of the Chambord Island incident, the plot changed and the Navy paid more attention to the consequences of the execution of Ace.

Therefore, the strategy was temporarily changed and two new generals were added.

Unexpectedly, it was still unsuccessful.

In the final analysis, this is the culprit, Jiang Siming!

After the top war, Jiang Siming's name was completely spread among the navy and pirates.

The navy regarded him as a thorny and extremely dangerous figure.

The pirates regarded him as an idol, and many people wanted to join Jiang Siming's pirate group.

At this time, Jiang Siming, who was at the center of public opinion, was...

"Gu la la la la, boy Jiang, your drink is the best guy I have ever seen, drinking with you is so enjoyable!"

In the new world, in a certain sea area, a big white beard ship came with a happy laugh.

On the deck, Jiang Siming and White Beard were sitting together, beside the wine jars.

Jiang Siming and Baibeard each have a jar of wine, compared to a drinking competition.

Below is the banquet. Successfully rescued Ace and escaped from Malin Vandor. Of course, the White Beard Pirates must celebrate.

Marko and Ace stood behind Jiang Siming and the other stood behind Baibeard, pouring wine for the two graciously.

Although Jiang Siming's age is similar to them, this is a world respected by the strong, regardless of age and seniority.

Jiang Siming's strength is obvious to all, even the current white beard may not dare to say that he can win him.

In addition, Jiang Siming helped the White Beard Pirates so much, his status is now second only to White Beard in the White Beard Pirates.

The white beard was wrapped in a bandage, and the wound he had hit by the black beard had healed. Needless to say, Jiang Siming did it naturally.

"Drinking with you is really enjoyable, but you have just recovered from your injury, so don't drink too much. After we finish this last jar, we will stop." Jiang Siming said.

"Okay! Just listen to you, mutter la la la." Baibeard was very happy.

After drinking the last jar of wine, White Beard stared at Jiang Siming, as if he had discovered some treasure, his eyes were full of gloom.

"Boy Jiang, be my son! I will give you the position of deputy captain. When I die, you will be the captain of the White Beard Pirates!"

Jiang Si knows what this guy is going to fart tomorrow morning.

"Stop dreaming."

Baibeard laughed and said, "I knew you would not agree. A person like you can form a pirate group by himself, and he will not lose to the Four Emperors."

"I'm not interested in doing that." Jiang Siming waved his hand.

"Well, I can see it, but..." White Beard stopped talking.

Jiang Siming asked: "But what?"

White Beard said seriously: "But if you don't want to create a pirate group, it is not convenient to stay in the original pirate group, right?"

Jiang Siming was taken aback, yeah, he didn't seem to be fit to stay in the Straw Hat Pirates anymore.

In the past, his strength was very weak, similar to Luffy and the others.

But as the seal continued to be lifted, the gap between his strength and theirs was getting bigger and bigger.

Now it is even more comparable to the strength of the Four Emperors, even if Luffy and the others have practiced for two years, they will not be able to catch up with them.

Coupled with his own fame now, it seems to have crushed the Captain Luffy.

In the future, if you encounter other pirate regiments or navy, the other party will only recognize himself, not Luffy.

Doesn't it make Luffy too faceless.

Besides, Luffy and the others need to grow and temper, and if they are there, they will give them too much shelter.

They will live forever under the shelter of Whitebeard, just like Marco, unable to become a real powerhouse.

It seems that it is time to leave the straw hat group.

As soon as Jiang Siming had this plan, the voice of the mission came from his head.


First more~

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