I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1802: End task

[Random task has been released, please check it yourself]

[Final mission]: Leave the Straw Hat Pirate Group and form your own Pirate Group. Replace the world government, command the entire world and naval headquarters!

[Task requirements]: In addition to the captain, the pirate group is limited to women with superb looks to join, and the strength of each crew member must reach the level of the Four Emperors!

[Mission successful]: The reward is unknown.

[Mission failed]: The punishment is unknown.


Jiang Siming is speechless, this task is too... liang (shen) and difficult (zhi)...

"Brother Jiang, what's wrong with you?" Ace asked curiously when he saw Jiang Siming in a daze.

Jiang Siming came back to his senses and said with a smile: "I changed my mind. I want to form a pirate group."

"Really? What are the requirements for joining your pirate group?" Baibeard asked curiously.

"This...I haven't thought about it yet, I'll talk about it later."

When Jiang Siming was embarrassed, he couldn't say that when he formed a pirate group by himself, the recruiting requirement was, as long as women were beautiful?

What would this special boatman think of himself.

The banquet continued, everyone drank drunk and went to sleep.

Jiang Siming was not sleepy, and took time to look at the fragments he had obtained from the war.

"Pick up [Pirate Dungeon Treasure Box x1] Brown Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

"Pick up [Simplified Yulong Smoke Formula] Golden Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

Two pieces of fragments, as counted.

Jiang Siming looks at the second one, Yulongyan formula?

This is a good thing!

【Extreme Quality·Royal Dragon】: The supreme smoke can only be obtained from fragments. This cigarette is extremely cumbersome and demanding. Each cigarette not only tastes great.

Taking one bottle can improve energy and energy, remove all fatigue, temporarily forget worries, and improve intelligence and reaction speed in a short period of time.

Long-term use can increase luck and free the non-chief from the sea of ​​suffering.

But the simplified version of Jiang Siming saw that, except for the taste and a little refreshing, he didn't add luck and intelligence waiting for the buff.

But this Yanjiang Siming saw that there was no nicotine!

No amount of smoking will be harmful to the human body.

Jiang Siming immediately thought of another 100 billion-level profit-making unit, the tobacco company!

As long as he can get the tobacco company license, Jiang Siming can sell this simple version of Yulong cigarette to the world!

He knows the taste of Yulongyan best, and absolutely crushes any other cigarettes.

What Huazi Liqun is far inferior to it.

Jiang Siming chuckled in his heart. With his status, it was too simple to ask the elder for a tobacco permit.

Jiang Siming has seen the rise of the world's No. 1 tobacco company!

At that time, it will be divided into several versions according to taste, price, and packaging, and all the low, medium and high markets will be won!

He believes that his Yulong must be the hottest cigarette brand sold.

Happiness is collected, Jiang Siming looks at the last fragment.

A copy of the treasure chest? Jiang Siming has never picked up such a thing.

turn on!

[Pirate Dungeon Treasure Box]: Eve’s treasure ship x10, domineering experience book x10, fruit evolution spell x10, devil fruit x10, strong body pill x10, healing pill x10, fairy bean x10.

Jiang Siming swallowed.

Good guy, it's really a treasure chest!

Generous! Angry!

The boats were given 10, and the other things were all 10 times. Especially Jiang Siming had always wanted to give Nami and the others the body-building pill and the body-building pill.

The blue pill he brought with him was unusable, but now it was given by the shards he got from the pirate, so it would be fine.

With these things, wouldn't he be able to speed up the completion of this Pirate dungeon, conquer new dungeons, and soak up girls in other worlds.

Ahem.... The latter is just a second time and a second time. What I want most is to conquer the new world. Well, that's it.

Jiang Siming really wanted to pick up two more pieces of the big treasure chest, too proud.

Unfortunately, this is beyond his control.

With these things, Jiang Siming felt that he would soon be able to build a super strong pirate group.

As for the name of his pirate group, I haven't thought about it yet, so I will think about it later, anyway.

The next day.

Jiang Siming planned to leave the White Beard Pirates and go back to Xi Luobu Village.

Since he wanted to form his own pirate group, Jiang Siming had to go back to find Keya and Nuoqigao first.

Then I picked up Vivi, went to the island to find Conis and Laqi, and his pirate team came out.

Speaking of it, Jiang Siming hasn't seen Keya and Nuoqigao for more than a year.

It has been a year since he came to Pirate World, although he hasn't stayed so long.

Waiting for Nami and Robin to come out will be the past three years.

"Boy Jiang, you are kind to our White Beard Pirates Group. If you need my White Beard's help if something happens, even if you speak, our White Beard Pirates will always be your friend!"

When parting, Baibeard said to Jiang Siming.

Behind him, Marco Ace and they both looked dismayed.

Although they have only known each other for one day, Jiang Siming's personal charm deeply convinced them these arrogant boys.

Yesterday Jiang Siming even took the time to guide Ace and Marko on the direction of becoming stronger, both of whom take Jiang Siming as the elder brother.

"I remember, if something happens in the future, I will definitely disturb you." Jiang Siming smiled and nodded.

Waved to everyone, Jiang Siming Yukong left.

It was to let Ace and the others worship for a while, and Brother Jiang could fly, which their father couldn't do.

"Brother Jiang, I will definitely become stronger!" Ai Si shouted towards Jiang Siming's back. Everyone turned their heads to see, this kid cried.


East China Sea, West Robe Village.

An elegant and beautiful girl sits on the edge of the cliff in the village, staring at the endless sea level in a daze.

The girl was still holding a book of medical skills in her arms. Every day she would come here to read a book. When she was tired, she would watch the sea. This was the case for more than a year.

"Brother Jiang, it's been more than a year. It's been a long time since I saw you. I have often dreamed of you in my dreams recently."

The girl dragged her delicate chin, as beautiful and elegant as a Barbie doll.

The girl has become accustomed to talking to herself to the sea, and she will whisper to the sea for more than a year.

A voice came from outside the forest behind him.

"Miss Keya, the sky is getting dark, let's go back."

The guards outside were waiting, and the butler Mei Li walked over and said respectfully.

This year, he and the guards will **** the young lady here to ensure her safety.

Of course they know who the eldest lady likes and who the eldest lady likes, but now Doctor Jiang has a reward of up to 4 billion.

It is also the object of worship of their guards.

Ke Ya heard the voice, nodded, got up and planned to go back, waiting for tomorrow.

But the moment she turned her head, she seemed to see a ball of light coming from the sea level.


Second more~

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