I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1808: Disputes in the world

There are still two days before the start of the game. During this time, Jiang Siming and A Wei will train with them in the gaming room arranged by the coaching staff during the day.

At night, I went out with a kite secretly.

Hashimoto and Ishihara knew that Jiang Siming was going to Tokyo to participate in the Olympics, and the two women also returned home specially. They drove Jiang Siming and kites to play everywhere at night.

Jiang Siming doesn't seem to be a game player, he is here for his honeymoon.

Fortunately, everyone else is kept in the dark. Otherwise, if you know it, it is estimated that all athletes will be envious of training, and they will all want to go out and play.

Two days will end soon.

There is only one day left before the opening of the Tokyo Olympics.

Today Dayao asked everyone to rest early and recharge their energy after dinner.

Although tomorrow is not the official start day, it is just the opening ceremony.

But the opening ceremony also requires everyone to be present. They have to show their best condition and spirit to face the whole world.

The next day, the Tokyo Olympics officially opened at 7 o'clock in the evening!

The eyes of the world gathered in Tokyo, gathered in the Olympic Stadium.

Together with the opening ceremony, there are shows one by one.

It looks quite magnificent.

Unfortunately, for the audience who have watched the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games, the Tokyo opening ceremony is nothing more than that.

Audiences all over the world have recognized that the opening ceremony of the 2008 Yanjing Olympics is the world's first opening ceremony, which no one can match.

After so many years, countless people still remember the scenes of the opening ceremony. It was a scene that shocked the world.

The Tokyo opening ceremony finally ended after more than an hour.

Then it was the turn of athletes from various countries to play.

The first to get out is the figure of the host Japanese athletes.

Shocking shouts from the Japanese audience came from the scene.

Then athletes from other countries have appeared one after another.

The live broadcast footage quickly passed over the faces of athletes in each country.

Except for their Japanese athletes who will stay for a few more seconds, other people will stay for a while unless they are very famous athletes.

Super celebrities like James, Ronaldo and Messi will stay for three or four seconds.

The rest is just a second.

Until the Huaxia athletes played, Dayao led the team to the forefront.

The camera shot to Dayao, and it stayed for several seconds.

The Huaxia viewers who were watching the live broadcast suddenly felt that they were honored. Look, our Dayao is still very prestigious!

After the camera stops, continue to sweep over the athletes behind Dayao.

The camera stopped when it came to Jiang Siming's face.

Jiang Siming's face seems to have firmly attracted the entire lens.

Female audiences all over the world once again bowed down under Jiang Siming's "pomegranate skirt".

Alas, although the male **** is married, it's still the same as before, and it's a bit more mature, it can't stand it~

Everyone thought that the camera would only stay on Jiang Siming's face for three or four seconds before it was over.

Unexpectedly, the camera has been hanging on Jiang Siming for more than ten seconds!

It wasn't until Jiang Siming found out by himself, and beckoning to the camera was a hello, and then the camera was moved away contentedly.

This wave of lens preferential treatment has already made all athletes envious.

The eight-second lens of the Yenching Olympics was given to Corvo.

Now there is the Tokyo Olympics giving Jiang Siming a full 13 seconds of footage!

This is Japan's respect for the strong!

Jiang Siming is obviously the strong one they are willing to admit.

Coupled with the relationship between Jiang Siming and Hashimoto Ishihara, the Japanese TV station is very willing to give this face, it can be regarded as a good show.

After all the athletes played, after another hour of tedious process, the opening ceremony finally ended after nine o'clock in the evening.

At the moment the torch is lit, the Tokyo Olympics will officially start tomorrow.

Just after the opening ceremony, Dayao took all the athletes back.

It is rare for Jiang Siming to take the kite out tonight, and he did not do anything like that to the kite.

Instead, he sleeps with his kite in his arms.

This made Kite breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that her husband is still very measured, knowing that the game is going to be tomorrow, so go to bed early.

If Jiang Siming knew what she was thinking, he would have to laugh out loud. He is so behaved today, completely because the myth copy is about to end...

If you don't go, it's really gone.

Jiang Siming intends to completely end the myth today, whether it can find the fragments, it should also end.

The small copy itself can only exist for a month, even if he is not willing to accept the fact that he is about to disappear.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Siming intends to fight for it last.

Even if he didn't find the fragments, he won a few beautiful little girls, which is not a loss.

He has a dungeon character transfer device that can transfer them to other dungeon worlds.

Then there is no need to disappear.

Closed his eyes, he still appeared in his national teacher's house.

At this time the myth copy has passed for another month or two.

As soon as Jiang Siming came back, he felt that Xianyang City seemed a lot desolate.

The number of people is much smaller, and it is daytime, and there are teams of soldiers patrolling the streets and alleys.

Jiang Siming's consciousness swept away, and the entire Qin turmoil was in his eyes.

Jiang Siming didn't expect that after only two months, Da Qin was already in danger.

Wars are being waged everywhere.

In addition to Rong Di on the border of Daqin, there are two forces in Daqin who are trying to overthrow the rule of Yingzheng.

Of these two forces, one is Xiang Yu of Chu State, and the other is Liu Bang.

Liu Bang was purely driven by ducks to the shelves. He was chased by high-ranking officials. He had no choice but to fall into the grass and start rebellion.

But the story of the myth is the same. Although a lot of changes have been made, the main line still appears.

Jiang Siming looked for the figure of Yi Xiaochuan Gao Yao.

Finding that Gao Yao was still in the palace, Yi Xiaochuan had already joined Liu Bang's subordinates and completely became Liu Bang's subordinates.

This is also normal. Yi Xiaochuan firmly believes that Liu Bang can win the world, and was stimulated by Jiang Siming to want revenge.

Now he has completely chosen to fight for Liu Bang.

And also poached many of Meng Tian's men to play for Liu Bang.

From this we can see how selfish Yi Xiaochuan is.

Meng Tian was determined to treat him as his younger brother. Even if he wasn't grateful, he still poached the Meng family's army allegiance to Liu Bang to fight Yingzheng.

How do you make Meng Tian face Yingzheng?

After all, Yi Xiaochuan is a green tea man.

Now, Yi Xiaochuan and Liu Bang have built a large city with tens of thousands of mercenaries.

In addition, Xiang Yu needs Liu Bang to be with him at this time to destroy the State of Qin first, and then choose who will win the world, so the two join forces and make Yingzheng a headache.

Yi Xiaochuan is also proud of the spring breeze. After Jiang Siming understands the situation of the myth, he is not in a hurry.

It is wishful thinking to want to bring down Yingzheng based on these two forces.

The emperor was so easy to deal with, there would be no title of Shi Huang.

It's just that Ying Zheng is currently struggling to deal with the frontier Rongdi, most of the troops are tied to the border, and the strength is restricted.

After defeating Rong Di, Ying Zheng will turn around to clean up the two clowns.


The myth story is about to end~ There are only about 30 chapters left in the story of One Piece.

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