I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1809: Yi Xiaochuan

The two sisters of the Lu family found that Jiang Siming was back, and threw into Jiang Siming's arms excitedly.

Xiaoyue, who had been staying in Jiang Siming's mansion, was also very happy.

Jiang Siming has been absent during this period, and they are very worried.

Moreover, Ying Zheng sent people to ask several times, and wanted to consult with Jiang Siming.

Yushu was the last to stand beside Xiaoyue.

When Yu Shu saw Jiang Siming coming back, he was also in a good mood and smiled.

During this time, she never thought of running away, and never thought of Yi Xiaochuan again.

Yu Shu, who regained his confidence and hope, ate regularly every day during this period, and brought himself back to that fairy posture.

"Okay, I'm back. Let me have a meal with me first."

Jiang Siming greeted the Lu sisters and Xiaoyue.

Upon seeing this, Yu Shu looked dark, turned around very witty, and planned to return to his yard.

But Jiang Siming stopped her when he turned around.

"Don't you want to eat with me? Go back in such a hurry."

After Yu Shu listened to it, he was overjoyed and felt that the waiting time was worthwhile.

"The concubine listened to her husband..."

Yu Shu blushed in response, and his body twisted back honestly.

Jiang Siming's return, the whole mansion was full of joy.

The news soon reached the palace, and Ying Zheng came to see him personally as soon as he knew Jiang Siming had returned.

Jiang Siming had a meal with the four beautiful girls and asked them to wait in the backyard first, and then went to the front yard to receive Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng's condition is not good, Jiang Siming can tell at a glance that his life is not long.

In history, Ying Zheng did not live long.

Forget it, it is estimated that it was just a matter of these few months. He died in his forties.

As soon as Ying Zheng saw Jiang Siming's first appearance, he asked him about the elixir.

Jiang Siming had promised him a life span of one hundred years.

Jiang Siming was stunned. He didn't expect this to happen so soon.

He thought there was no chance for Ying Zheng to speak up, but now he had no medicine to increase lifespan.

But Ying Zheng died of an illness, and curing his illness by himself was equivalent to giving him a life extension pill.

Jiang Siming quickly found out Ying Zheng's illness, which turned out to be cancer.

This is too simple for him, and a full version of Qing Ai Pill can be done.

Heng Ai Medicine sells a diluted version of Qing Ai Pill, which takes some time to treat.

Jiang Siming's anti-cancer pill is the original version.

Taking the "Elixir" of Yingzheng, really all the sickness and pain in the body have disappeared, and the death will be eliminated!

Overjoyed, Ying Zheng really thought it was an eternal pill, and immediately fell to his knees, thanking Jiang Siming for his help.

"You don't need to be so polite, I also want to know, with a long enough life span, you can take Daqin to what height, and whether you can solve the current situation of internal and external troubles."

Jiang Siming said.

"The fairy rest assured, how can these young people shake the great Qin Jiangshan!"

After speaking, Ying Zheng laughed and left.

Jiang Siming did not help Yingzheng deal with Liu Bang and the others, but continued to live in a gentle township in the National Teacher's Office.

During the period, Jiang Siming also married Xiaoyue and successfully collected four golden flowers in the TV series "Myth."


There was no need for Jiang Siming's help. Da Qin completed the counterattack in less than ten days.

Rong Di was defeated and fled, Ying Zheng turned around and began to clean up Liu Bang and Xiang Yu.

One of the reasons why Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were able to conquer a lot of cities so smoothly was that the frontier Rongdi involved most of the Qin forces.

The second and most important thing is that Ying Zheng is about to belch.

The hundred officials of the imperial court lost their backbone, Da Qin soldiers lost allegiance, and military spirit, which made Da Qin look shaky.

But now Yingzheng has returned full of blood, and with a wave of his big hand, hundreds of thousands of lions waved their butchers and began to clear Xiao Xiao.

Xiang Yu was the first one who didn't hold on, but was forced to Wujiang by the Qin Army, and finally had nowhere to go.

Secondly, Liu Bang's army was quickly disintegrated, including Liu Bang, almost all the key generals were captured.

Including Yi Xiaochuan.

After Yi Xiaochuan was arrested, he still couldn't believe all this. Shouldn't Qin Shihuang be dead? Why was he suddenly alive?

Also, shouldn't Liu Bang destroy Da Qin to unify the world and establish a great man?

Why was it a mess?

Liu Bang, Yi Xiaochuan and others were all taken to Xianyang.

Few people watched on both sides of the street and saw Liu Bang being arrested. Not only did they not feel a pity, but they felt that Liu Bang and the others were more than guilty.

In the real history books, Yingzheng was never a tyrant, but Liu Bang's history was tampered with to discredit Yingzheng.

Otherwise, how could Yingzheng be able to unify the six countries, unify writing, unify measurement and other operations?

Under the rule of Yingzheng, the people actually live better day by day.

Coupled with the various technologies contributed by Jiang Siming and many crop seeds, potatoes, corn, etc.

The whole Daqin is full of hope.

But people like Liu Bang want to ruin everyone's good days. It's strange that people like you.

Liu Bang and his henchmen were all loaded into prison wagons and pushed to Xianyang City.

On the road, they have to accept the rotten eggs thrown by the people.

Liu Bang regretted it so much, he would have known it a long time ago and would not rebel.

Only Yi Xiaochuan is full of hope.

"Big brother, don't be discouraged. Yingzheng will never survive forty-nine years old. He died violently when he was forty-nine. So now Yingzheng is definitely the end of the battle. When he dies, Daqin will definitely collapse!"

Before Yi Xiaochuan finished speaking, a rotten egg smashed into his mouth, making him vomit on the spot.

Thinking of him, Yi Xiaochuan, he has never been so miserable since he came to this world.

When Liu Bang heard Yi Xiaochuan's words, his hope was rekindled.

"Your Majesty!"

At this time, a group of people appeared in front of the prison car, and it was Ying Zheng who was sitting in the luxurious dragon sedan.

Seeing Ying Zheng's healthy face, Yi Xiaochuan seemed to have seen a ghost.

"Impossible, impossible! He obviously should be dying, how could this be?"

Yi Xiaochuan couldn't figure it out, and when he glanced casually, he saw the person who was also sitting in another carriage, his eyes widened suddenly.

He remembered, Jiang Siming, it's a doctor!

"Jiang Siming! Did you do it! Did you save Ying Zheng!" Yi Xiaochuan shouted like crazy.

Before Jiang Siming could speak, Ying Zheng sneered and said: "Yes, it is the widow saved by the national teacher!"

Yi Xiaochuan collapsed for the first time, and he shook the prison wagon desperately.

"Jiang Siming, do you know what you are doing! The wheel of history cannot be changed! You are a sinner of history! A sinner!"

Yi Xiaochuan had a complete breakdown for the first time.

It is not that he really loves history, but that he knows that he is completely finished.

Yingzheng is not dead, and he is arrested again. How can Yingzheng spare him?

Jiang Siming looked at the light from the fragments on Yi Xiaochuan's body, and it was almost in reality. He knew that he had to take extra care.


Fourth more~~

Yesterday, I made up for what I owed. In addition, the myth will end tomorrow. Dear friends, One Piece is actually coming soon. Let’s take a look and cherish it, okay~

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