I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1810: Robot factory

"Yi Xiaochuan, your brain is like a chamber pot, you can only hold **** and urine, right?"

Jiang Siming said, the first sentence is full of mockery.

"History? What is history? I tell you, only those who win are worthy of talking about history. What do you really think Liu Bang is? Do you really think that the history books over two thousand years later are true?"

"If you were Liu Bang and you won the world, would you praise Qin Shihuang in the history books? You have been in the Qin Dynasty for so many years. Have you ever seen any tyranny in Yingzheng? Is the construction of the Great Wall a tyranny? Wouldn't it follow Confucianism to advocate The rule of law is tyranny?"

"You would rather believe in a history book that has been tampered with countless times after more than two thousand years, rather than believe in the facts you have seen with your own eyes. From this, you can know how stupid and pedantic you are!"

Jiang Siming's words, every word, Zhuji, pierced Yi Xiaochuan's heart like an ice needle, but this is not over yet.

"After talking about Qin Chao, let's talk about you, ungrateful, and Meng Tian treats you like a brother, but you have dragged so many Meng family soldiers to rebel, how did you treat your brother?"

"Gao wants to help you so many times. If you don't give back, you can ignore them. Instead, if Gao wants to avenge and kill Liu Bang, you will stand up and stop him instead of helping? Is Liu Bang your father or your mother? Need you to treat him so well? ?"

"More on..."

Jiang Siming spoke word by word, very slowly, and no one in the audience bothered him, including Ying Zheng.

These words are like the torture that has been carried out on Yi Xiaochuan, whipping him to the ground.

Yi Xiaochuan's face is getting paler.

He began to doubt himself, is he really this kind of person...

Until Jiang Siming finished speaking, Yi Xiaochuan's eyes were empty and his heart was ashamed.

A shining fragment that only Jiang Siming could see floated into his body.

Jiang Siming was overjoyed and finally found it.

"No! That's not the case! You are a fallacy! The wheel of history cannot be violated! You are a sinner! A sinner!!!"

Yi Xiaochuan grabbed the pillar of the prison wagon with both hands and roared at Jiang Siming.

At this level, he still refuses to recognize, and always lives in his own world.

However, Jiang Siming has achieved his goal and has no interest in confronting him.

Had it not been for this fragment, he would have pinched Yi Xiaochuan to death.

"Then you can open your eyes and take a look after you go to hell. The history in your memory and the history that has changed now, which one is stronger and the weaker!"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, with a big wave of his hand, Ying Zheng sensibly ordered that Yi Xiaochuan and Liu Bang be taken away.

Before leaving, Jiang Siming suddenly remembered something. Before he came here, Yu Shu asked him to bring a letter to Yi Xiaochuan.

Jiang Siming thought of this and threw the letter into the prison wagon: "Yu Shu asked me to give it to you."

Yi Xiaochuan suddenly laughed and said, "Jiang Siming, after all, I won. Even if I die, Yu Shu loves me, hahaha."

Amidst the laughter, Yi Xiaochuan opened the letter, thinking that it was all kinds of love words sent to her by Yu Shu.

But I didn’t expect that there was only one line of the letter: “The concubine’s high-rise building starts from Lianyuan, and the beloved holds a halberd in Mingguang, marrying Jianglang, and will never regret it.”

Yi Xiaochuan stared at this letter, as if he could no longer believe it. At this moment, everything that Yi Xiaochuan had left in Daqin disappeared like a cloud of smoke.

Liu Bang and Yi Xiaochuan were sanctioned, and the fragments were also obtained, and Jiang Siming had no nostalgia for this copy.

With the consent of the four ladies, Jiang Siming activated the dungeon character transfer device.

They transferred them to the Three Kingdoms and joined their own Forbidden City.

As for the high-ranking officials, Jiang Siming also wanted to take him away, so he would be given a simple and easy official position in his own Daming Jiangshan, so that he would have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime.

But Gao Yao declined. He was afraid that if he left, he would never see his sister Gao Lan again.

So he decided to stay and continue to find modern methods.

Even if Jiang Siming told him clearly, it would be useless to find the treasure box in modern times. It would take two thousand years every day.

Gao Yao decided to stay, and Jiang Siming had nothing to say.

It's all over, the copy of "Myth", the end.

After setting up Lu's pheasant and the others, Jiang Siming withdrew from the copy and went to see the fragment for the first time.

"Pick up [Robot Factory Puzzle] black fragments*1 (1/1). The number of fragments is full and can be used directly."

【Robot Factory Puzzle】: Collect 5 puzzle pieces to get a robot factory.

【Robot Factory】: Produce all kinds of black-tech robots and robot batteries already owned.

Jiang Siming's eyelids twitched, thinking that after spending so long in Daqin, the reward is worthwhile.

If the robot factory gathers it together, it will continue to produce robots in the future.

The robot factory is also available in the Fragment Mall, but it requires 300 omnipotent fragments.

It's not something Jiang Siming can afford now.

Now there are ready-made free ones, but unfortunately it's just a puzzle, and you need to pick up the other four puzzles.

Jiang Siming could only hold back his hunger and thirst for a while, telling himself that he would have it together sooner or later.


The next day, the Tokyo Olympic Games officially kicked off.

All athletes, under the leadership of the coaches of various events, went to the Olympic Stadium and participated in the competition.

Jiang Siming and their PUBG tournament must start from day one.

Because there are too many participating countries, they have to conduct auditions from the first day.

The match scene is a bit similar to the match scene of the PM internet cafe. It is estimated that it is a match table created by Tokyo imitating Jiang Siming's PM internet cafe.

Unlike the previous Asian Games, where live broadcasts were not allowed, this time the e-sports Olympics will be broadcast live throughout the whole process, and it will be live broadcast simultaneously worldwide.

On overseas YouTube and Twitch, the number of viewers on the two e-sports competition platforms, except for football, is more than any other sports game.

This is the current charm of e-sports. There are too many viewers. This is why e-sports are becoming more and more important.

Any competitive event is created from scratch, never recognized to recognized.

For sports such as basketball and football, from the very beginning, no one was optimistic about it. They thought it would be boring for so many people to compete for a ball.

After basketball and football gradually developed and professional leagues began to appear, more and more fan audiences liked them.

You know, basketball has developed for more than two hundred years, and football has developed for more than two thousand years before it has its current situation.

E-sports, which has only been developed for only 20 years, has already reached such a high level.

Now there is no e-sports fire in basketball, that is, football can still stabilize e-sports.

Just for this, who would dare to look down on e-sports?

Several live broadcast platforms in China are also crowded with audiences.

Even if I know that today is just an audition.


First, the myth is over. What do you want to see in the next small copy? It's better to be a film and television drama, so that it's shorter and fits the limitation of small.

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