I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1811: A mixed game

"Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong!

"It's just an audition, do you want so many people to watch it?"

"Nonsense, this is the Olympics! Lao Tzu is waiting to see Myojin win the gold medal!"

"Does the League of Legends next door everyone think there is a drama?"

"It's hard to say that although our division has won two S championships, there are Korean players to help."

"Yes, they are all retired from UZI Incense Pot. The current Chinese classes are all new recruits. I don't know if they can stand it."

"Whether it can withstand it or not, our Jedi fans will definitely be able to withstand it, because we have always been a Chinese class!"


The major platforms are lively and lively, just like the New Year.

Also, it's the first time to see e-sports enter the top event like the Olympics. Can you be unhappy?

Compared with the excitement on the Internet, the scene is actually similar.

Seventy-four national teams participated, and there were hundreds of them.

There are players from all countries. In addition to those countries that often appear in the arena, there are also many countries that have never participated in PUBG Mobile.

There are even a few small country names that even Jiang Siming has never heard. In short, they are a mixed bag.

The first thing the seventy-four teams came to the scene was to draw lots to determine the audition group.

The coaches of each team went up to draw lots. The Huaxia team was divided into Group D and belonged to the last group. They had to wait for the first three groups to finish before their turn.

Although Jiang Siming didn't want to wait, he had no choice but to find a seat in the auditorium and watch other groups play the game.


As soon as they found a corner to sit down with the kite god, Jiang Siming heard someone calling him.

Looking back, it was God G.

Jiang Siming smiled at him and said, "Which group are you?"

"Group B, are you D?"

Jiang Siming nodded and said regretfully: "Some have waited."

God G laughed and said: "I saw your group D list, only two national teams have played games, and the others have been renounced halfway through."

"What is a monk halfway?" Kite also curiously communicated in English.

Only the four men of the Great God who can't speak English can only watch them and talk like they listen to the heavenly book.

"They are all wild roads, passerbys from various countries, and they are temporarily selected to form a team to play the game." God explained.

"Ah? So sloppy? Wouldn't it be easy for us to win?" Kite was speechless.

God G nodded and smiled: "More than that, we don't have any pressure. This is an audition. You can watch the scores, so just get the points."

After saying this, Alow also came over.

Both Alow and G God are Americans, and this time they are a team.

In addition, there are Shroud and Ibiza.

This U.S. national team is super strong and is hailed as the No. 1 team in Europe and America by all media.

Europe and the United States are FPS masters like clouds. It is reasonable. If there is no 4AM led by Jiang Siming, the probability of the Huaxia team wanting to win the event is really very low.

This is not self-defeating, it is a fact.

Now the elites of the various strong teams in Europe and America have been drawn out to form a team that can be called a galaxy.

Compared with the Huaxia team, apart from Jiang Siming, the others are all a bit behind them.

If you score, the full score is 10, and Jiang Siming is the only 10 player.

While the Great Gods can only be regarded as eight-point players, G Gods and they are all players between eight and nine points.

Therefore, which is strong and weak is still unclear.

As Jiang Siming's eldest brother-in-law, Alow has a close relationship with Jiang Siming.

So people from the two big teams sat together and watched the Group A match.

Group A has already started, and only teams from Korea, Germany, Italy and Sweden are familiar with group A.

The Korean team, which is already relatively strong, has no suspense and succeeded in eating chicken in this group where the level of strength is uneven and even some national teams are not even masters.

Jiang Siming and the others were so boring, because they were really delicious.

Many national team players, let alone compete with them in terms of skills, just pick a youth athlete from any China club, and they are better than them.

It is normal for South Korea to be the first.

Although it was boring to watch, because of the big changes to the Olympic Games and the new rules of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Jiang Siming still saw it with relish.

The addition of the resurrection mode and the Murder King mode makes this game more interesting.

It doesn't matter if you are knocked down, it doesn't matter if you die, as long as your team members are still alive and find your resurrection token, you can be resurrected.

Jiang Siming couldn't help but want to try this game.

After Group A is finished, Group B is about to start. Alow and the others leave for the players' stand.

Without any accident, the US team won the first place in Group B.

And the play is much fierce than the South Korean team, much more exciting than the A group game.

Soon, Group C was over, and finally it was the first round of Group D.

Jiang Siming was full of expectations. He felt that although it was a sea election, it was a sea election for the Olympics. Maybe there were more fragments.

With a longing for fragments, Jiang Siming, Weishen, XDD and Ah Shou, the four starting players, boarded the contestants' bench.

Kite did not play, because she was a substitute.

The four strongest players in the Huaxia Division have begun their journey in the eyes of all Huaxia audiences.

After debugging the peripherals, reviewing by the referee and confirming that they are correct, the game officially begins.

The first round of the sea elections are all Allengar maps.

Weishen is used to working with Jiang Siming for a long time, but it is the first time that XDD and Aju cooperate with Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming never played with them in the training game.

This is the first one, and the two are a little excited, and finally dream of holding Myojin's thigh.

I have to experience what it's like to play against Myojin as a team.

"Captain speak, how do we fight." Ah Shou asked.

Jiang Siming said happily: "This kind of sea election can be played as you like, wherever there are many people, you can practice your hand feel."

Both Aju and XDD smile bitterly. Myojin really doesn't treat their opponents as human beings? Anyhow, this is also the Olympics, brother~

"At the airport, there should be a little more people, and get started."

Jiang Siming randomly marked a point and took the lead and jumped down.

The other three had no choice but to follow.

Before the game, the coach said that the first move should be steady and steady, but Lao Jiang was the first to take the lead and of course they followed.

Anyway, there is Jiang Siming's back, the coach dare not say.

Jiang Siming thought that there would be no people at the airport, because in the competition, there were not many people who jumped to the airport.

Unexpectedly, there are so many naive auditions.

When he stepped off the airport, Jiang Siming saw that in addition to them, three national teams followed them.

It is estimated that these three teams only heard that the airport is fat, so they all jumped here.

"Are there so many people?" A Shou looked hesitant to say something, in fact he wanted to say whether we should change it.

But he knew Jiang Siming would definitely not agree.

Although Ah Shou is the captain of the 17th team, he has no right to speak here as the captain.

"Building C, you alone, I'll go to the police station."

Jiang Siming assigned the task clearly and simply, and flew to the police station next to Building C.

In the eyes of Jiang Siming, any Olympic audition is a casual game.


Second more~

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