I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1812: Simple as man-machine

Among the three teams that robbed the Huaxia team for the airport, one robbed them in Building C and the police station, the other two in the Satellite Building, and the other in Building K and Youtiao.

The team who robbed them of Building C found that there were three enemies in Building C, but there was only one enemy in the police station.

They soon had an idea. First, four people went to the police station to eat up the silly people who were alone, and then surrounded Building C in fours and threes!

Great idea, just do it!

This team is composed of four players from Israel.

These four players were just ordinary Internet addicts half a month ago.

Because of the good rankings in the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds West Asia server, he was recruited as a professional player to compete in the Olympics.

The four have been training for half a month, and the tacit understanding of the above cooperation feels good. They are also very confident in this game.

They think that they are not losing to the teams that often play games, but they don't have the money to go abroad to play games, otherwise they can get a good ranking.

Now in the battle for Building C, four of them pack one package, how can they win.

With blazing confidence, the four followed Jiang Siming's umbrella bag and flew into the police station.

One of them fell beside Jiang Siming.

At a glance, he noticed that Jiang Siming had S686 at his feet. Instead of panicking, he laughed loudly.

"This guy just used a double-barrel spray. I snatched his bullet. Slowly search for the gun and come over and kill him."

The other three teammates all smiled when they heard it, and they seemed stable.

The man who threatened to **** Jiang Siming's bullets stared at Jiang Siming's fall.

But when he opened the TAB to grab the bullet.

Only saw three swishes, the bullets and guns were gone.

"What is the speed of this guy?"

The man Mao didn't grab could only run away.

However, the sound of reloading sounded behind him, and the man was so scared that his soul was about to emerge.

"Save me, save me, I didn't get it!"

"It's okay, come to me, I have a gun, you attract it, I will fix him."

The teammates in the police station said calmly that the AKM in his hand gave him full confidence.

He still got stuck at the door very schemingly, let his teammates in, lead Jiang Siming into the house, and he could easily harvest by the side.

And Jiang Siming also cooperated in their trap, rushing into the door like a reckless man.

But after Jiang Siming entered, the double-pipe spray in his hand was not at the unarmed player at all, but... he looked at his head!


One shot was muffled, and there was no need to fire a second shot, and the man fell straight to the ground.

Jiang Siming did not rush to change the bomb, but turned his head to aim at the window position.

Sure enough, a figure sneaked up with a UZI submachine gun to attack him.


It's another shot, spray the lock, one shot is enough.

Easily fell two, and the other Israeli player who had picked up the weapon had already been killed.

Jiang Siming didn't panic at all, calmly reloading.

Seeing the opponent rushed over, he shot at him.

All Huaxia audiences felt tight.

But Jiang Siming didn't change his face, and moved around at random while loading the bullets, dodge all the bullets of this man with subtle metaphysics.

Jiang Siming was happy, and sure enough these rookies were too nervous.

He dodges the close shots so easily, if they change their smiles, they will surely fall.

That is to say, knowing that the audition is too simple, Jiang Siming played it like this, playing dim sum.

In the end, Jiang Siming used a handful of S686 to clear out this team of Israeli players very easily.

There is not a single piece of the thing that makes him painful.

Sure enough, after the fragmentation reform, it seems that it is difficult to find fragments in the Olympic audition.

But Jiang Siming didn't rush to make a conclusion. Maybe it was not very good luck. Maybe if you kill more enemies, there will be fragments.

Here, the team was easily destroyed, and Great God calmly continued to search for things in Building C.

He clearly saw Jiang Siming with four umbrellas behind him, but he didn't intend to help.

Because it is not needed at all.

However, Aju and XDD were anxious to pick up the equipment and rushed over, and found that they had finished the fight early, so they had to go back and continue searching.

At the same time, I sighed with emotion, the feeling of holding the thigh is so cool, hahaha!

In Bloom’s words: You can always trust Jiang Siming!

Jiang Siming had just killed a team and found that he had become a bright red dot on the map.

Killer King logo!

No matter where he goes, this red dot will follow him, and any opponent can see it.

Good guy, this really adds to the difficulty for him.

This change can not be said to be untargeted, and directly frustrated Jiang Siming's attention to killing people casually by driving.

However, Jiang Siming didn't panic, and the location was exposed. When he caught him, the map would slowly shrink. He didn't believe they could go to the ends of the world.

After searching the police station, Jiang Siming was well equipped.

"You guys holding the fried dough sticks, I will go to the satellite building to have a look."

Before they could finish searching, Jiang Siming ran in the direction of the satellite building.

XDD and Ah Shou looked at each other and smiled. This kind of teammate is too comfortable and they don't need to worry about them.

Although there is little game experience, a little game experience is nothing compared to victory.

When Jiang Siming hurried to the satellite building, the head of a man writhing on the third floor suddenly appeared.

The other party was clearly on the point, with a third-level helmet on his head.

This is also the change of the Olympic Games, the third level head can now be picked up everywhere.

Obviously, it was also directed at Jiang Siming's sniper rifle.

As long as Jiang Siming couldn't tell people in seconds, this sniper rifle would not be that threatening.

But at this time Jiang Siming didn't pick up the big sniper either. He just had an SKS in his hand.

Although it is not a second, it can still be easily done to retract him.

Two shots of SKS crippled the man who was in the position, and told him to retract to get blood, and Jiang Siming pressed to the satellite building.

For Jiang Siming, this audition is the same as the man-machine.

This team doesn't even know the most basic pikes, guns, and pull points, and they are swarming in the satellite building.

For such an opponent, Jiang Siming was dull.

A grenade and a Molotov cocktail can make it jump.

Jiang Siming rushed in again, and it was done.

On the other side, Great God and the three of them also fought with the Youtiao team.

Easily kill three people.

When the last one was left, this man picked up the three resurrection tokens of his teammates and drove away...

After he ran away, Great God and the others found that the original number of 54 in the upper right corner had changed back to 57.

Obviously, that guy resurrected all three teammates.

"This is very annoying." Great God smiled bitterly. They often encountered this situation during training games.

It was the first time Jiang Siming encountered him. He knew there was a resurrection mechanism.

But there is only one chance of resurrection. If you resurrect once, you will die again.

Although seeing him for the first time, Jiang Siming didn't feel annoying at all, but was very happy.

Because of this, he can kill more people.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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