I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1813: Resurrection mechanism? It smells so good!

All the people at the airport were dead. The four of them searched briefly and drove away.

The four-person equipment is luxurious.

Three of the four picked up the third-level helmets, all of them were third-level armors.

And all four of them are rifles and snipers, with high magnification.

Except for Jiang Siming's 98K, the others are SKS, Mini14 and SLR.

After the damage of the sniper rifle was cut, coupled with the proliferation of third-level helmets, the sniper basically had no professional players to play.

Unless you can't pick up the Lianzi, or the big one is not patronized at all, although it is everywhere.

That is, Jiang Siming, still holding 98K, treats those connected as nothing.

Low damage? 3. Level head? so what.

98K can bring him omnipotent fragments.

What is he missing most now? Isn't it a omnipotent fragment?

There are so many good things in the Fragment Mall, all of which require the struggle of universal fragments.

It's a pity that he currently has only 73 pieces of fragments, and it's not enough to spend once.

Even if the explosion rate of the audition fragments is very low, but at least, the universal fragments are still exploded, as long as he picks up the 98K or Mosinagan two guns.

The safe zone is not at the airport, but on the inland land.

The four chose to cross the bridge and rush.

Although there is a boat by the sea, the four of them did not want to give up their vehicles and walk across the bridge.

And everyone thinks that this is a professional game, the bridge is not a safe zone, and it is far from the drug circle, there should be nothing boring to block the bridge.

But there are people who are so boring. They ignore that this is an audition, and there are all kinds of monsters.

As soon as the car got on the bridge, the four of them saw some sneaky shadows on the opposite bridge.

"Is this still blocking the bridge? You are crazy." A beast who drove was speechless, and was about to slow down and turn around to find the boat.

But behind him came Jiang Siming's voice.

A Shou and Weishen team, Jiang Siming and XDD team, two cars by two.

"Don't run, drive over, Tinkerbell, you sit in position 3."

XDD immediately changed positions.

Jiang Siming asked: "I heard that your skills have been good, and cooperate with me once. A beast, you will attract a wave of vitality in front of you."

XDD agreed in one fell swoop, he was a genius young catfish, and he certainly had information about this kind of operation.

As long as it is not for him to show Jiang Siming, this is a real show.

When Ah Shou heard Jiang Siming's words, he naturally gave up turning around and drove straight ahead.

"Oops, our team didn't seem to see someone blocking the bridge head across."

"The team blocking the bridge is the Philippine team. It seems that our Chinese team is in danger."

The Chinese audience reminded them that it would be uncomfortable if this wave was blocked.

When he got close to the bridge, the other party decisively came out and swept towards Ah Shou's car.

Although Ah Shou tried his best to avoid the bullet, he had no choice but to aim four guns at him.

The bullet swept wildly, and Ah Shou rolled off the car.

Great God did not choose to back down at this time, but immediately switched to the driver's seat and continued to rush over.

And Jiang Siming, who followed closely behind, increased the speed to the fastest at this time, and then cut directly to the second position.

Lean out from the car window at the same time as XDD.

The two people, one left and the other, pointed at the four people at the bridge head.


Jiang Siming shot an unlucky guy who didn't have a third-level helmet, and then cut the macho gun M762 to fire.

The four Filipino players who were staring at the Great God and A Beast went all the way. Before seeing Jiang Siming and XDD, Jiang Siming had already killed them.

The XDD on the left did not disappoint, and the rifle finally swept down one person, but there was one on the left.

This person has already reacted, but the most annoying thing is that this guy is an iron slave.

Seeing that it was in danger, he didn't confront XDD at the first time, but to make up for the great **** who had fallen to the ground!

Although Jiang Siming got out of the car very quickly, and immediately knocked him off.

But Great God was still made up.

"I'm gonna! This guy is crazy! Does this make up for me?" Wei was so angry.

"It's not a big deal, we can eat chicken even if you die." Jiang Siming not only didn't comfort him, but also made a knife.

"Lao Jiang, you are shameless, I blocked the bullet for you, and I still said such ridicule." Great God laughed and scolded.

Of course Jiang Siming was just joking. Although the Great God was patched up, this game mechanism can now be resurrected.

In other words, he is the first time to resurrect his teammates.

Jiang Siming saw a resurrection token in the bag of the great **** in the past.

After picking it up, there is a resurrection point near the bridge head.

Jiang Siming went to the resurrection point and chose to use the resurrection token.

An umbrella bag appeared in the sky immediately, with the great **** on it.

"It turns out that the resurrection is like this." Jiang Siming said as if he had never seen the world.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Ah Shou was lifted up by XDD and asked in blood.

Jiang Siming shook his head and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I think if it is resurrected like this, wouldn't it be easy to fight birds."

The three of them were startled, as if they were really...

However, the premise is that marksmanship is good, and talents can play well in the sky.

After landing, the Great God re-searched the contents of his bag, and recovered from the white strips one by one, and he was able to continue fighting.

Great God's car was badly damaged, but the Philippine buddies gave them two new cars.

The four of them boarded the car again and left Qiaotou smoothly.

Of the three killed, Jiang Siming still didn't see a fragment, but there was a omnipotent fragment, which gave Jiang Siming a little comfort.

The Huaxia team after leaving the airport island is like a **** of murder.

Jiang Siming doesn't even engage you with the steady style of coaching, he just drives around and fights.

If you don’t rush to practice shooting in the preliminary round to find the feel, wouldn’t it be a big loss when you wait for the finals.

He doesn't know how to pull his hips, but the great gods have to look for feel and confidence.

Jiang Siming could see that it might be an Olympic event, so these three guys are still a little nervous.

Jiang Siming used this violent gameplay to make them forget all the pressure and let them go.

In the end, the bigger and more confident, everyone took a few heads.

As for the murderous demon Jiang Siming, he killed 34 in the end!

Refresh the game record.

However, this record is not true. After all, the Olympic model has a resurrection mechanism.

Otherwise Jiang Siming would not be able to kill so many.

Officially because of the resurrection mechanism, there are always many people.

Sometimes when walking around in circles, umbrella bags appeared in the nearby sky. Jiang Siming shot them one by one, shot them down from the sky, and then took care of the teammates at the resurrection point.

After the fight, Jiang Siming found that this resurrection mode was actually beneficial to him.

After all, if he doesn't use Jinying, he can always meet the resurrected enemies as long as he drives around to the resurrection points on the map.

The 34 kills are over, plus the total head count of the other players.

The head count is 49, plus the sum of the chicken-eating score +20 and the poison circle score +7.

First in the audition, the China team scored a terrifying 76 points!


First more~

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