I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1818: I want to learn a foreign language

Diao Chan, Cai Yan, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Zhen Mi, Fu Shou, Dong Xuan, Sun Shangxiang, Bu Lianshi, Xin Xianying...etc.

There are also many seedlings selected by folk talents in recent years. Jiang Siming's Forbidden City has long been blooming.

Jiang Siming had been in the Forbidden City for three days before he came out of the palace reluctantly and took Guo Jia's tens of thousands of Xuanjia army all the way to the west.

Passing Liangzhou, crossing the territory of the old Han, and ran into the land of other countries.

This land is still the land of the Guishuang Empire, which is today's India and Afghanistan.

Only at this time, this land had already been occupied by the Da Ming cavalry and became the territory of the Ming.

As he marched all the way, Jiang Siming couldn't help but nodded his approval. These captured places were all occupied by the Ming army.

In the city, all Ming soldiers stood guard, and Xun Yu was very clever to encourage Ming merchants to come here for trade, business and settlement.

In addition, Daming culture has been continuously injected here, and many Daming teachers have been transferred to teach here for free.

Not only conquered here by force, but also cultural invasion.

Force can only conquer for a while, but cultural invasion is deeply ingrained.

The continuous cultural invasion will gradually reverse the thinking of the people in this territory, and they will completely become the people of Ming Dynasty.

It has only been a year since the Guishuang Empire was captured, and the people here have basically been fully integrated.

In addition to the Guishuang Empire, Jiang Siming also passed through the Anxi Empire, too.

The two overlords of this era all fell under Jiang Siming's iron fist.

The current Daming has not only nearly doubled its territory, but also seized the wealth of the two empires, and its strength has skyrocketed.

As long as the Roman Empire is destroyed, no one will be an opponent of Ming in this world. It is only a matter of time before the world is unified.

Traveling all the way, Jiang Siming finally rushed to the neighboring city of the Roman Empire, which was also the place where the Ming army was temporarily stationed.

Now Daming, the soldiers are brilliant and brave, a total of 400,000 Xuanjia Army, 700,000 Chijia Army is ready to capture Rome.

Zhao Yun is the coach and has countless generals under his command.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Wei Yan, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, Xu Chu...

Feng Chu Pang is a military commander, and his advisers are like rain.

Xun You, Xu Shu, Sima Yi, Fazheng...

This configuration can be called the top luxury VIP configuration of the Three Kingdoms.

The Guishuang Empire and the Anxi Empire disappeared in a few words of these counsellors, and in these fierce generals' seven ins and outs.

Jiang Siming's arrival gave the whole army a visible stimulant.

The fighting spirit of the whole army is unprecedented.

For nothing else, just for their king, their king, here comes!

As soon as Jiang Siming took the first seat, the people under him couldn't wait to bow down.

"Chen, join the emperor, long live my emperor!"

Jiang Siming waved his hand and said, "Aiqing, get up."

"Thank my emperor!"

Everyone just got up from the ground.

In fact, this was really not what he asked for. It was compiled by Xun Yu's official book of the Ministry of Etiquette, which belonged to the new regulations of the Ming Dynasty.

Jiang Siming didn't know how this guy made it up, he seriously suspected that he had watched a modern costume TV series (cover his face).

"It doesn't matter if you are in the palace. Now when you are out on the expedition, don't call me the emperor. Just like before, you are called the lord. If you call the wrong sentence, you will be punished for a meal." Jiang Siming said.

Zhao Yun Pang Tong and they all smiled, calling the lord hello, and when they called the lord, it seemed to be back in the past.

"Zilong, are you really sure that Cao Mengde is now in power in the Roman Empire?" Jiang Siming asked Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun stepped out and replied, "Going back to the lord, it’s true, and Cao Cao knew that we were coming. He mobilized a large centaur and stayed in Gaohan City. He himself was in Gaohan City. When our army went to fight a few days ago, he still I kept shouting how deep the friendship with you is, and said that I have not seen it for many years and I really miss something."


Jiang Siming laughed. Boss Cao is Boss Cao. It is clear that his army has not arrived yet. He is afraid that Zhao Yun will attack the city in advance, so he comes to play the emotional card.

"Since he said so, everyone will take a day off today and prepare to attack the city tomorrow."


Jiang Siming discussed with all his men for a long time the way to take Rome, and the meeting ended successfully after more than two hours.

After it was over, Jiang Siming announced that he would reward the three armies, called on all his confidants, and made a hot pot.

At night, Jiang Siming was about to live in the temporary residence Zhao Yun and the others had prepared for themselves.

It was discovered that Sima Yi, the kid, came over and said quietly to Jiang Siming: "Master, when our army captured a city of the Parthian Empire, we captured an alien beauty. I heard that this woman is the most beautiful of the Parthian Empire. Woman, countless descendants of princes and grandchildren wanted to kiss Fangze but failed, so the minister put her under house arrest and dedicated it to the lord."

When Jiang Siming was happy, this kid would really like it.

I didn't forget to pick a woman for myself when I was siege of the city.

Jiang Siming is speechless, is he such a person? Is he the kind of faint gentleman who is looking for a woman while going out?

"Then bring it over and take a look. I would like to see what this first beauty in the Parthian Empire looks like."

Jiang Siming spoke calmly, don't get me wrong, he was just curious about what the girl looked like.

"Here! The minister will go now."

Sima Yi was overjoyed and immediately asked people to bring that alien beauty.

Jiang Siming took a look, um, it was pretty good.

"Ahem, I remember that I haven't learned a foreign language for a long time, so I will let her in tonight, I want to learn a foreign language."

"The minister understands, the minister retire!" Sima Yi said confidently, and immediately left.

Jiang Siming nodded approvingly, this kid is now more and more able to do things.

Well, don't get me wrong, he is really just learning foreign languages ​​from other girls and walking away!


The next day, Gaohan City.

This is a very important frontier city of the Roman Empire.

Outside the city, there are endless soldiers and horses, neat and solemn, and full of murderous intent.

Zhang Fei immediately urged, shouting in a loud voice: "Cao Mengde! My lord has arrived! If you don't want to die, surrender to the city, otherwise my sergeant Ming will enter the city, you will definitely die!"

Not long after shouting, Boss Cao appeared in the city.

"Nestumi Rabbit Oil!"

Boss Cao spoke just a word of construction English.

Jiang Siming was sitting on the carriage eating oranges, and the orange juice almost squirted out when he heard it.

Zhang Fei didn't understand at all, and cursed: "What are you talking about there! Talking human!"

Boss Cao smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, I'm used to staying abroad. I haven't turned around. It's been a long time since I saw you, Yi De, Yi De, you are still so irritable."

"Who hasn't seen you for a long time? Didn't you see me when I was fighting a few days ago, Cao A concealed whether your brain is broken!" Zhang Fei said.

Boss Cao secretly scolded a fool that he loves to be true, but he is not annoyed, but is looking for Jiang Siming from the bottom.

Soon he saw Jiang Siming on the carriage, and boss Cao's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.


First more~

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