I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1819: Ji Sheng Jiang He Sheng Cao?

"Brother Siming, long time no see, brother misses you all the time!"

Boss Cao was so loud that he was already crying.

Jiang Siming heard the cold, and he didn't know that he thought this guy's wife was remarried and cried so fake.

"Meng De, if you really miss me, come down to reminisce about the past. What kind of friend is hiding in the city?"

Jiang Siming finished eating the oranges, clapped his hands and replied upstairs.

How could Boss Cao be fooled to open the city gate so easily, crying and crying:

"It's not because my brother didn't open the city gate, but because I couldn't communicate with these foreign subordinates, because my brother hasn't learned how to say "open the door" in the foreign language.


Zhao Yun scolded them secretly.

Boss Cao is still good at shameless.

Jiang Siming had been used to it a long time ago. Instead of being angry, he chuckled and said, "I didn't expect it. I haven't seen him for many years. Your old Cao has become the king of Rome in a foreign country."

"That's not as good as your Ming Dynasty, brother."

Boss Cao smiled Bo Liang, a kind of sadness in his heart.

He only recently learned that Jiang Siming had already overthrown the Han Dynasty, overthrowing the Han Dynasty and establishing the Ming Dynasty.

Under the leadership of Jiang Siming, the Ming Dynasty changed with each passing day, the country was rich and strong, and all the troubles of the alien races like Rongdi Wuwan Xianbei were solved.

All land and grasslands north of Yanmen were recovered.

More than that, even the Guishuang Empire and the Roman Empire were conquered by Daming, and the entire course of Daming's attachments.

Boss Cao, who knew all of this, lost all his pride in becoming the king of Rome.

He wanted to ask God why Jiang Siming was there and why he wanted Cao Mengde to be born in this world.

Ji Shengyu He Shengliang, the term used in Jisheng Jiang He Shengcao is more appropriate.

"Since you know it's better than that, don't resist. Kaicheng surrenders. I promise you Cao Cao as a general. After you dominate the world, it is not impossible to make you king."

Boss Cao smiled contemptuously, and raised his head: "Brother's kindness is appreciated by my heart, but I, Cao Cao, will never be willing to be under the fence in this life. If Brother Siming thinks of me, don't mention it again!"

Jiang Siming is not surprised. If Boss Cao is really willing to surrender, he will not be Boss Cao.

He was able to surrender generously when he was in the country, and what was he doing.

"Well, then we will see the real chapter under our hands, and forget about the last brotherhood."

Jiang Siming said.

Boss Cao smiled and nodded, and then suddenly shouted: "Let go!"

Upstairs, there was a rain of arrows.

Some unnoticed Ming soldiers were shot.

Jiang Siming's carriage was unharmed. Zhao Yun and Dianwei had been in front of the carriage long ago, using weapons to block all arrows.

"Retreat." Jiang Siming beckoned and scolded with a smile: "Boss Cao is still as despicable as ever."

"Hahahaha, whoever knows me, you are the only brother." Boss Cao laughed in the tower.

After retreating, the Ming army no longer hesitated, the military division alliance and the Mengjiang alliance began to act.

In the face of absolute strength, no amount of resistance, no amount of tactics, will help.

What's more, there is almost no helper around Boss Cao. Xu Chu has already known that Jia Xu has committed suicide.

Boss Cao now has only Cao Ren, a general who can still handle it.

Can it be Jiang Siming's opponents of a bunch of fierce advisers.

Within a few days, Gaohan City was breached.

Then, the Ming soldiers marched all the way to Huanglong.

Destroyed and laid down one city after another.

Boss Cao can only retreat and then retreat.

Until he retreated to the royal city, his palace.

At this time, the subordinates beside Boss Cao had already gone all out.

Boss Cao, sitting in the king's chair, looked very lonely and cool.

Outside the palace, it was Ming's army calling for killing. The artillery developed by Ming had turned the Roman Empire upside down and shaken the ground.

There is no hope of a comeback.

Boss Cao knows too.

"I think Cao has manipulated the Hengba Field for decades, wandering around, and being home from all corners of the world. I thought I was finally able to see the moon and the moon. Whoever thought it would still be nothing but nothing, a pity, sigh."

Boss Cao sighed for a long time, then drew his sword, revealing the last fierce light, took off his royal robe, and rushed out of the palace.

Fought together with the Ming Xuanjia Army.

The Ming soldiers didn't recognize Cao Cao for a while, and Cao Cao resisted desperately.

Finally died by the swords of Da Ming soldiers.

Before he died, Cao Cao took a deep look to the east and said, "My last wish, Cao Cao, is to bring the bodies of me and my brothers back to their homeland, fallen leaves, and roots."

After speaking, Cao Cao closed his eyes and died.

Boss Cao finally came to an end.

Although he captured Rome, Jiang Siming was not very happy.

To be honest, he really didn't want to kill Boss Cao.

This is a very charming hero, as well as one of Jiang Siming's few friends in the Three Kingdoms.

However, war is like this, and the dynasty is even more ruthless.

Boss Cao refused to surrender. If he wants to unify the world, Boss Cao must be killed.

"According to the order, collect the bones of Cao Cao and all the Han blood under his family, arrange the best coffins, send them back to the territory of Ming Dynasty, and be buried outside Yanmen Pass. A monument: the tomb of the late champion Hou Cao Cao, General Zhengxi."

Jiang Siming ordered.

He knew that Boss Cao had always had a dream, which was to learn from Huo Qubing to fight for the country and conquer the northern aliens.

Huo Qubing's title is the champion, and Jiang Siming also named Boss Cao the champion.

Boss Cao fought overseas to conquer the Roman Empire. This achievement is far better than Huo Qubing.

Jiang Siming also fulfilled his last dream.

At this point, the Ming army will have no strong enemy and unify the world, just around the corner.

After exiting the copy, Jiang Siming exhaled.

When Ming Dynasty unifies the world, it is estimated that the Three Kingdoms copy will also end.

Thinking about Jiang Siming, he was really reluctant.

Fortunately, the copy of Three Kingdoms is not a small copy, it will not disappear and can be archived, which is slightly acceptable to him.

At this time the day was just bright, Jiang Siming and Kite got up, cleaned up, and then went out for breakfast.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the first round of the finals of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds officially began.

Sixteen national teams are ready.

In the first game, it was not Allenger nor the desert, but the snow map that everyone was least familiar with.

In the six maps of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Allenger, Desert, Sano, East, Karajin, and Snow.

The snow map came out earlier than the Karajin and Eastern maps, but it was still the least pleasing map.

Not only do passers-by play less, but professional players also play less.

Moreover, this snow map is still the updated map. There is a snow map with trains, so everyone is even more unfamiliar.

But for Jiang Siming, there is no map that he is not familiar with, as long as it is a map of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, he can know it well.


The second update~~There is an update, on the way~

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