I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1820: The final begins!

This time it is no longer the audition competition, but the final.

Jiang Siming thought to himself, this time the fragmentation rate will always be higher.

"How do you say, Lao Jiang, let's have a square to clean the wild?"

As soon as he got on the plane, Great God asked Jiang Siming and marked a few jungle spots on the snow map by the way.

A animal complained: "Why do you learn from my teacher Ma, Da Sima teaching?"

The great **** smiled and said: "I have learned the same voice!"

Jiang Siming said: "Not only does your voice sound like Da Sima, you also like Da Sima."

puff! Hahahaha!

Ah Shou and Xiao Dingdong laughed, and the referees behind them almost couldn't hold back their joy.

Only the great **** said that he wanted to hit someone.

It's a joke, Jiang Siming still has to pay attention to this game.

Looking at the map, Jiang Siming chose to mark a castle: "That's it. If you come, you will hit, if you don't come, you will search, and then block people."

Without hesitation, the three parachuted decisively and flew towards the castle.

This point of the castle belongs to the position of the golden oil on the snow map. It is not only fat, but also has a wide view in all directions. It is the center point.

As soon as the snow came out, the castle quickly became a hot spot.

But this kind of professional competition, it is estimated that few people will go.

Sure enough, no one wants to come to the castle.

Just when Jiang Siming was a little disappointed, there were two umbrella bags flying outside the castle.

Jiang Siming had an insight into their minds at a glance, and wanted to steal the car!

There are two vehicles outside the castle, which are more tempting to professional players than high-level materials.

In professional competitions, even the current passerby competitive ranking mode, anyone who has played knows the importance of vehicles in ranking.

Without a vehicle, it's hard to move.

This team floated in front of the castle, and two of them stared at the castle's vehicle, so they wanted to steal the car.

How could Jiang Siming let them do what they wanted, and immediately chose to cut the beard and land in the tent outside the castle.

The tent can also brush equipment.

But Jiang Siming was very back. The tent only had a revolver and an iron pot.

No matter how bad it was, Jiang Siming picked up the revolver and took the pan.

At this time, one of them was in front of him, had landed, and quickly got into the Alto next to him, planning to run away.

Although Jiang Siming is very close to him, the revolving speed of the revolver is too slow. He knows that he is basically hopeless if he waits for the reload.

It would be better to take a gamble.

He stretched his hand to his waist and took out the pan.

The guy who drove laughed unscrupulously when he saw Jiang Siming taking out the pan.

"Is this a fool, he doesn't hold a pot with a pistol? It's probably too nervous to make a mistake."

Jiang Siming held the pot and didn't know what this person was thinking.

He approached slowly and stayed close when the car and his position were horizontal.

Jiang Siming no longer hesitated and threw the pan decisively!

In fact, he was also blind, gambled, and everyone was happy if he was hit, and he lost his head if he didn't hit him, so let him go temporarily.

The pan was spinning a few times in mid-air and it happened to hit the driver's seat!


There was a muffled sound.

The pan smashed the man's head, blood bursting.

The man rolled off the car.

I am grass! This is fine too!

A beast they could see clearly.

Nima, a pan, can hit a person in a mobile vehicle?


The Chinese audience was also stunned for a second, and then jumped for joy.

They just want to give 6666 to Myojin for this wave of operations!

"The player [CN_Ming] used a pan to knock down the player [GER_Rilye]"

He is a German player.

The German player is quite **** at this time.

But his desire to survive is still very strong, knowing that knocking down is nothing.

"Andri, you go first, wait until he enters the castle and then come and pick me tokens to revive me." Reel said.

Andri, who drove another car, felt reasonable after hearing this, and decisively gave up the rescue and drove away in another car.

The resurrection token does not always exist, it will only exist for two minutes, and after two minutes, if there is no teammate to take the token, it will completely disappear.

Seeing that the other person had gone, Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, took the car driven by Rui Le back, crushed him to death and drove into the castle.

Just as Jiang Siming smashed Rui Le, the Tu Huang bounty actually moved.

[Tu Huang Bounty Level 1]: +400000 yuan! Over 100,000 rewards for a universal fragment!


Although no fragments came out, the Tu Huang bounty was triggered, and Jiang Siming could get ten omnipotent fragments by killing ten people.

The omnipotent fragments are also very fragrant now, which represents whether you can'consumer' in the mall.

As soon as Jiang Siming drove into the castle, Andri sneaked out of a corner and walked quietly, but the car didn't dare to drive.

Just want to steal the token of teammate Rieler, and then go back and drive.

However, Jiang Siming didn't leave at all, he knew exactly what the other party was thinking.

After entering the castle, he asked the great gods and them to continue searching for guns as usual, while he slowly reloaded the revolver.

When the bullets were full, Jiang Siming walked out of the castle just in time to see Andri grabbing Riler's token and running away.

After discovering that Jiang Siming had fired a carbine, Andri bit his scalp and twisted left and right, trying to avoid Jiang Siming's bullet.

As long as he walks under the bridge, he can leave safely.

But will Jiang Siming give him this opportunity?


Regardless of Andri twisting his ass, Jiang Siming exploded his head with one shot, and he didn't hit him with one more shot.

Give him another shot, and it's done.

"The player [CN_Ming] used the R1895 pistol to knock down the player [GER_Andly]"

[Tu Huang Bounty Level 2]: +800,000 yuan! Over 100,000 rewards for a universal fragment!

More than that, a message popped up in the upper right corner.

"The player [CN_Ming] has become the killer and the position has been announced."

As soon as the game started, Jiang Siming became the killer, good fellow.

Jiang Siming is also used to it, and this has always been the case during auditions.

But now his position is exposed. If he keeps following his teammates, he will expose the great gods.

The audition does not matter, there is no pressure.

But this is the final, and you can't play around.

"Awei, take all your equipment off." Jiang Siming said into the castle, racing against time, he didn't want to search again.

The Great God was about to unload the equipment, but XDD interjected: "Take mine, I am equipped, and there is a Mosin Nagan sniper rifle."

Having said that, XDD has unloaded all the equipment, from guns to armor, medicines and throwing objects.

Just barely picking up clothes for Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was not hypocritical when he saw it: "Thank you, there should be a car in the place I marked outside the city. It was hidden by the German player. I will leave first. The province will expose everyone's position."

After speaking, Jiang Siming drove away.

This kind of game experience is really good~

No need to search for anything, go out and kill two people to come in, ask your teammate for all his equipment, take it and leave.

What kind of fairy treatment is this.

But no one said anything, even XDD fans took it for granted.

This is the Olympics, everything is about victory, and Myojin's strength definitely deserves this treatment.


Third more~

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