Outside the Olympic Village, in the private room of a high-end Japanese restaurant.

Two blonde women sat inside, as if waiting for someone.

Both women are beautiful and make people reluctant to look away. One of them, a woman in her thirties, is very familiar, and she can be seen in many Hollywood movies.

Although he's getting older, he still has a special grace.

The young girl next to her is similar to her and is also her sister.

The younger sister's appearance is even more stunning than her, like a snow lotus in the beginning of the Tianshan Mountains.

Even her sister felt in her heart that her sister's genes were indeed better than her.

Such a face will definitely be better than her in the entertainment industry in the future.

It's just that two such high-qualified sisters, and countless goddesses of suitors, are now anxiously waiting for the appearance of the people they are waiting for.

"Sister, I'm a little nervous..."

"What are you nervous about, don't you know him?"

"I know him, but I'm still nervous. Every time I see him, my heart pounds."

"Jona, you don't... like him?"

"No no no, sister, don't talk nonsense, it would be no good if Mr. Jiang happened to come over and hear it."

The latter blushed like a peach, waving his hands in denial.

"Jona, you remember, my sister doesn't want you to like him, he is not suitable for you, you should also understand his identity and his story in more detail during this period. You should understand this truth, right?"

The older woman patiently exhorted:

"My sister admits that he is very, very good, so good that if I change to my sister when I am young, I will definitely fall in love with him and pursue him, but my sister has already married and gave birth to children and has experienced so much. What women need most is not a man like Jiang Siming. You need a man who truly loves you and is dedicated to you. There are many such men and sisters in the circle. Your sister can introduce you slowly."

Good words to persuade, but the other party didn't seem to listen, just an absent-minded hum.

My sister wanted to persuade her again. At this time, after the waiter knocked on the door of the room, she slowly opened it.

The waiter led a man in.

Seeing each other, she was used to seeing Anne Hathaway, who was accustomed to seeing all kinds of handsome men in the American entertainment circle, but she still couldn't help but stared at her for a few more times.

Annie sighed, not to blame her sister for taking the bait so easily, it is because the other party's conditions are so good.

Yan alone is already proud of the world.

Even her Western woman has nothing to say about the face of this Eastern man.

This reminded Annie of Xiao Lizi at his peak, the man who unified the global aesthetics.

Although I have gone to play with water guns, no one can deny his youthful appearance.

But the Eastern man in front of him was better than the little plum of his peak, even more than that.

The Japanese waitress who led him in couldn't do without Jiang Siming's eyes. Even when they closed the door when they left, they didn't forget to look at Jiang Siming more.

Skip the exclamation of appearance, and saw Jiang Siming come in, Annie stood up first, and Jonah followed with hindsight.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I have long admired the name, I am Jona's sister, Anne Hathaway."

Annie stretched out her hand with a very friendly and polite smile on her face.

In general, she is so polite to men, and basically no man can stand it. She will definitely talk to her and laugh, and even try to get close to countless people.

Some old pornographic critics even held her hand and refused to let it go.

"Hello, Jiang Siming."

Unfortunately, Jiang Siming simply shook hands with her and introduced himself.

Even the handshake was quickly received at the touch of a button, without any desire to take advantage.

This made Annie feel frustrated for the first time. Could it be that she is really old and unattractive?

Jonah behind her also stood up and said to Jiang Siming: "Mr. Jiang, thank you for coming. I have always worried that you won’t come if you don’t have time. Thank you! My sister encountered a problem with her movie, and a major issue occurred in the funding chain. We are almost bankrupt, and we really have no choice."

Jonah's words made Annie want to help her with a bitter smile. This stupid sister, who was so humble as soon as she came, she began to beg for help before she had a meal.

There is no such thing as talking about things, and she knows that the Chinese people are very etiquette, so she asks for help, even if Jiang Siming leaves now, she is not surprised.

Even if they did not leave, if Jiang Siming made a request at this time and waited for the price, they would have nothing to do.

It’s just that she didn’t remind Jonah about it just now, and it’s also because Jonah was too simple, not long after she came out of college.

Innocence is like a piece of white paper.

I remembered that I was so innocent when I was the same age as Jonah.

It was just that after much experience and too many lessons, Annie gradually transformed into a Hollywood strong woman.

Most people in the United States actually don't like her, or even hate her.

Because they think that Annie is too perfect, perfect and flawless, every time she looks at her in front of the camera, it is like a quietly planned show.

But who knows, no girl is willing to suppress her personality from beginning to end. Only after experiencing lessons can she become vigilant and sensitive.

Jona is just the one who just debuted now, and with her asylum, Jona can avoid a lot of detours and avoid a lot of deception and approaching men with ulterior motives.

But Annie found that she gradually seemed unable to protect herself.

Because this girl...now I mean to jump into the trap on my own initiative...

Jiang Siming didn't expect Jona to have a showdown.

In fact, he guessed it before he came, it must be money.

But he felt nothing, after all, he had promised to help Jonah keep the 100 million dollars.

Jiang Siming took out the one-hundred-million-dollar cheque that was originally for Jonah in the ring and handed it to Jonah.

"This was originally yours, you can take it away whenever you want, so don't thank me."

Annie looked at the one-hundred-million-dollar check in front of her, her eyes bursting with desire.

With this check, your financial crisis can be solved instantly! And there is still a large part of it, enough for her to make a comeback.

Even if she doesn't make a movie, keeping the money is enough to ensure that she doesn't need to make a movie, and she will live a wealthy life for several years without worry.

So this cheque, Annie was very excited, because she really needed it.

But Jona was too rude just now, and she felt too shameless to receive this check at this time.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry. My sister is ignorant and doesn't understand the etiquette. I will educate her well."

When Annie finished speaking, she did not pick up the check, but respectfully invited Jiang Siming to take her seat.

Jiang Siming laughed, feeling that he paid so easily, Annie thought she was angry, this is really a big misunderstanding.


Second more~~

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