I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1833: Was disturbed

The three were seated, and the two sisters sat opposite Jiang Siming.

Annie looked apologetic, but Jona didn't think so much.

It's not that Jonah has a big heart, but she knows Jiang Siming a little, knowing that this man will not care about it.

"Mr. Jiang, what do you want to eat, you can order." Jonah smiled and passed the menu to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming didn't refuse either, and picked up the menu and ordered two Japanese dishes that he liked.

During this period, Jonah may not be used to the habit of sitting cross-legged in Japanese restaurants. She was awkward and wanted to change to a comfortable posture.

However, Anne stared at her, she was not allowed to be rude, and Jonah had no choice but to stand still.

Jiang Siming finished ordering and looked at Jonah's uncomfortable look. He chuckled, "Actually, you don't need to cross-legged. I don't like cross-legged, look."

With that said, Jiang Siming raised his leg slightly, and he also sat directly on the cushion, not caring about Japanese etiquette at all.

What does Japanese manners matter to him?

Jonah wanted to look curiously, so she put her hands on the table, propped herself up, and looked at Jiang Siming's legs.

But the dress she wore today was a low-cut gown, so together, the clothes drooped down, revealing the beautiful scenery inside.

Jiang Siming was not blind, so he looked straight.

"Jona!" Annie noticed it naturally and yelled at Jona angrily.

Jonah also found herself gagged, her face suddenly embarrassed, and hurriedly sat back honestly.

"Sorry, Mr. Jiang, my sister is too rude." Annie apologized to Jiang Siming again with a headache.

Jiang Siming smiled and handed them the menu.

The three of them each ordered something and started chatting.

Jonah knew that she hadn't wanted to go out and was seen by Jiang Siming, she had no face to speak, she kept blushing and thinking about it.

Only Annie and Jiang Siming were talking.

But Annie is not well, because she talked with Jiang Siming about some high-class topics from the beginning.

After all, she feels that Jiang Siming's identity must be a high-end conversation with others.

Having been in the entertainment industry for many years, Annie had practiced the kung fu of meeting people, talking people, **** talking nonsense.

Who to meet, what clothes to wear, what topics to talk about, and even what tone of voice is most appropriate.

She is like a fish in water.

But now talking to Jiang Siming, Annie finds that the knowledge she has accumulated over the years is not enough here.

Jiang Siming is like an encyclopedia. No matter what you talk about, he can pick up the conversation and talk about something more advanced.

For example, some people think that they know mathematics well after they have studied mathematics in high school, and they talk about trigonometric functions and three-dimensional geometry with others.

Not only did they respond fluently, but they started to chat with you about high numbers.

This makes her dumbfounded.

Every time she chatted, Annie was almost speechless, and couldn't answer, so she blushed and embarrassed.

By the way, when she needed her sister to come out for cover most, this stupid sister didn't say a word at this time, she was still immersed in the small world of her blushing heartbeat.

Annie's heart was broken. If Jiang Siming were not here, she would have to swell Jonah's Pippi, and she would be **** off.

She was a little scared to chat with Jiang Siming, but at the same time, she admired Jiang Siming. Jiang Siming was the most profound person she had ever met.

Finally, after chatting for a while, the waiter served the food.

Annie breathed a sigh of relief, stopped talking, and the three of them began to eat.

Halfway through the meal, the grid door next to the private room was pushed open.

The private rooms of Japanese restaurants are all in this style, each room is actually a door, and the other one is opened.

But because the grid’s sound insulation was very good, only Jiang Siming, a cultivator, knew that there was someone in the room next to it.

Jona and Annie didn't even know that there was anyone in the room next to them.

Suddenly, the gate was pushed aside, which shocked them.

And as soon as the grid door was pushed open, the sound insulation disappeared, and the noisy sound came out.

There were about a dozen people dining inside, and they were all shirtless men.

Everyone has tattoos on their arms, and they are either dragons or tigers.

Colorful, it seems that these people are not good stubbles, they are also full of flesh and blood.

The reason for being pushed aside is that the person who pushed the door drank too much, accidentally walked in the wrong way, and opened the grid door.

It doesn't matter if you push it away, all the people inside looked at Yajian.

Looking at them, the appearance of Jonah and Annie instantly imprinted in their eyes, which was harder to wash than a tattoo.

Soon, these more than a dozen men glared lustfully, and Jiang Siming, who was opposite Jona Anne, was automatically ignored by them.

The person who pushed the door was the first to act, staring at Jona and Annie like a hungry wolf, and his eyes returned to the two women. The fire in his heart burned his last reason.

This person obviously disturbed the other people's meal, but ignored it, opened the door and walked over.

Jonah screamed in fright and immediately hid behind her sister.

Annie was also terrified.

The main reason is that these dozen tattooed men are too fierce, even if Annie is in her thirties, she is still a woman.

But Annie was still calm, she tried to say something.

But the mouth is a bit uncomfortable, I don't know what to say.

But Jiang Siming was eating calmly, his chopsticks still holding the food entrance.

After chewing, Jiang Siming said: "Go back if you don't want to die."

The door pusher almost walked up to Annie and Jonah. When Jiang Siming interrupted him, he stopped.

But soon, he became fierce.

"I'll give you a chance to apologize now, leave these two chicks to get out by themselves, and buy our order, even if I accept your apology, otherwise, I will bear the consequences."

At this time, the smell of perfume on Annie and Jonah filled the tip of his nose, and he had no time to see who Jiang Siming was.

In other words, even if Jiang Siming is a big man, he is not afraid.

Seeing Jiang Siming didn't speak, this person thought Jiang Siming had already been counseled.

Suddenly sneered twice, then turned around and smiled at Jona and Annie: "Two beauties, our elder brother is interested in you, and I want to invite you to drink with him. Don't worry, as long as you cooperate, we won't hurt you."

After that, regardless of whether Jonna and Annie agreed, the man was going to reach out and grab it.

This time even Annie screamed, shrinking back in fear.

Just as this hand reached mid-air, a silver chopstick was suddenly inserted into the palm of this person!

This pair of chopsticks directly penetrated this person's palm and penetrated his entire palm!

This person reacted, the pain struck, and screamed back, clutching his palm.

On the palm of his hand, blood was flowing like a fountain in an instant.


Seeing this, a dozen people in the next room immediately got up and rushed over.

Jiang Siming turned his head, aura flowing in his eyes.

Eye of Forgotten, launch!

This is what Jiang Siming has just learned, so he just used it to try.

The moment the dozen or so people saw Jiang Siming's eyes, they all seemed to have taken their minds away.

The picture looks very strange.


Third more~

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