I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1834: Nothing will happen

The Eye of Forgotten, not only has the ability to detect illusions and see through people's hearts.

What's more powerful is to control the mind and mind of people with weak willpower and control their thinking and actions.

Although Sun Wukong's natal skills are incomplete, they are by no means general.

The dozen people stayed in place.

With mind reading, the information in these people's brains can be seen in full view.

Jiang Siming said why he was so dragged. It turned out that these dozen people were all from Yamaguchi, a Japanese underworld organization.

Many of the dozen or so people had lives on their hands. Among them, the guy who opened the door and the boss of the other party was full of evil.

For this kind of person, Jiang Siming doesn't have any unnecessary nonsense.

It's most suitable for them to practice their new skills.

In addition to the Eye of Blindness, Jiang Siming also has a new skill, Gu Ling dispatches generals.

A powerful trick from the Eight Wonders.

Detain the soul!

With a thought in his heart, Jiang Siming used the Ku Ling to send generals to a dozen people without mercy.

This trick can only be used by masters one to one.

However, Jiang Siming is a powerful master of the transformation stage, and Gu Ling dispatched to his hands, and his power was N times stronger than the strongest user in "Under One Man".

More than a dozen black mysterious souls were gradually drawn out by Jiang Siming.

They gradually peeled off their bodies, and the pain during the period seemed to fall into a pan, and it seemed to roll on a mountain of knives.

This process was deliberately amplified and slowed down by Jiang Siming.

And the painful process, these dozen people can feel very clearly.

But they were controlled, unable to make a sound or move.

Only the eyes were full of horror, despair, and pain, and finally the light of the eyes gradually disappeared and lost their luster.

More than a dozen souls were drawn out by Jiang Siming, but no one could see him.

Jiang Siming controlled these more than a dozen souls, kneaded them into a ball with his thoughts, and finally the void was crushed and turned into nothingness, floating in the sky.

From beginning to end, Jona and Annie were completely ignorant.

They had hidden behind Jiang Siming, staring at everything in front of them with fear.

Jiang Siming didn't want to get involved in a lawsuit in Japan, so he continued to manipulate their bodies with the Eye of Deception and let them start fighting each other.

And he got up, pulled up Annie and Jonah, and calmly exited the room.

At this time, the restaurant staff all rushed over, and the people who heard the screams and screams in the private room were shocking, and no one paid attention to Jiang Siming and the others.

When the sound ceased, the restaurant owner opened the door of the room to see, good guys, a dozen people were all dead.

In the end, the police came to investigate and confirmed that it was an internal dispute in the Yamaguchi group and had nothing to do with Jiang Siming Mao.

Jiang Siming, the initiator, took the two women to a Chinese restaurant.

Because Annie and Jonah didn't see the scene of the dead, they quickly recovered from the panic and returned to normal.

Although both of them were still kept in the dark, the only thing they knew was that Jiang Siming made a decisive move and subdued the bad guys in order to relieve them.

So the two sisters are very grateful to Jiang Siming.

Jonah has already begun to love her.

"Mr. Jiang, if you hurt that person, will it cause you trouble?" Annie was still a little worried.

Jiang Siming was already buried in the food, without looking up, "Just eat at ease, nothing will happen."

Annie only stopped when she heard the words, recalling the chopsticks pierced into the other's palm in her head.

Annie was puzzled, how can a chopstick pierce the palm of her hand, how much strength it takes.

Jiang Siming deserves to be a man who knows Chinese kung fu, this kind of man must be very strong...

Annie was almost stunned by her own thoughts, and hurriedly pinched herself, bowed her head and went to eat.

Finally finished the meal.

Jiang Siming left the check and said, "I have a game tomorrow, so I won't stay here anymore. You can go back sooner if you take the check."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, you are our sister's great benefactor. We will never forget this kindness." Annie was so grateful that she almost cried with joy holding this check.

Without this check, her life would be over. Not only would she be taken back by the bank, she might even go to jail.

Now she is extremely grateful that the man in front of her is her benefactor to Anne Hathaway.

"I have said no thanks, this is what I promised Jonah, but now I just keep the promise."

Jiang Siming said, waved to the two sisters and turned to leave.

Jonah, who had been silent at this time, suddenly stopped Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming turned around and looked at her suspiciously.

Jonah blushed, looked at Jiang Siming and Annie, and finally said to Annie: "Sister, I want to stay in Japan for a few more days."

Annie was startled, how could she not guess what Jonah was thinking as someone who came by.

She understood her heart from the look in Jona's eyes, and this stupid sister must have fallen in.

No matter how she persuades her now, it will be of no avail, but it will easily be counterproductive.

If so, it's better to let the flow go.

"You want to treat me more, but I'm worried about your safety. Mr. Jiang is going to play the game. You live outside by yourself. I don't worry."

"Sister, stay with you too~" Jonah begged.

Annie wanted to stay too. If she had the opportunity to contact Jiang Simingdo, she would be happy, but she is now anxious to go back and deal with her mess.

"I can't. The bank has already given me an ultimatum. I must go back. Besides, it's not good for me to keep my children with my parents during this period. I need to go back to pick up the children."

Annie said helplessly, suddenly regretting having a child and getting married so early.

Now that I am divorced, I have to bring a child.

When Jonah heard this, she thought she would definitely not be able to stay in Japan. It was a time of loss.

"It's easy to stay in Japan. I have several villas and hotel properties in Japan. You can choose one to live in. As for safety, I will let my driver pick you up and accompany you. You can also visit the scenic spots in Japan. If you want to watch the Olympics, I will send you a ticket."

Jiang Siming said on the side, Jonah was overjoyed by this, and immediately nodded and agreed.

When Annie heard Jiang Siming's words, she didn't want to refuse any more, for fear that she would make her benevolent unhappy.

"You can stay for a few days, but don't play for too long. Give me back early. You still have a supermodel job." Annie exhorted.

Jonah fully agreed.

In the end, Annie had to leave Japan alone, but Jona was stayed.

Jiang Siming chose the villa closest to the Olympic Village for Jona to live in temporarily. These villas and hotels were all bought with hundreds of billions of money from stocks.

Anyway, it’s vacant, and it’s not bad to hide in the golden house.

Jiang Siming arranged a place for Jona to live, and gave her a ticket to the Olympics, so that she could come over whenever she wanted to.

Finally, leaving Li Chunlan as the driver for Jonah, Jiang Siming returned to the Olympic Village.


First more~

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